CHAPTER 278 - The Devil Falls in England (3)

Gareth Bale refused to accept the scene unfolding before his eyes.

That was definitely a good chance.

It was also a chance of the pattern I was most confident of.

It wasn't blocked by goalkeepers, but it wasn't blocked by defenders.


He had clearly identified that he was covering a wide range far away from the halfline.

'Yes, sure. Woo Ho-young was there. '

Gareth Bale is not just a player who plays football by instinct.

Although the playstyle is criticized for its simplicity and insistence on play, keen judgment and boldness make it very likely.

This time too.

I knew how excellent Woo Woo-young's field coverage was, so I checked it and tried to run.

Then he hit the penalty area and hit it.

But if Wooyoung had been nearby, he would have passed to another colleague after the run.

In other words, it was never an unreasonable play, but a normal judgment on a very reasonable basis.

But everything ruined because of an abnormal guy in the field.

Woo Young.


Veil laughed with his head down.

If it was normal, it should have led to scoring.

So if it weren't Woo Young, Tottenham would have been leading by 2-0 by now.

However, the score that appeared on the scoreboard was one-to-one.

Woo Ho-young scored a goal through a 90-meter dribble and ran to the expedition as if it weren't a big deal.


Gareth Bale burst out of second laugh.

That guy is too cool to see the same guy.

It wasn't, but I could see some of Man City's players following him.

In addition, the home crowd got up one by one and started to applaud Ho Young.

This was strange.

Ominous feelings began to change that the EPL would make a huge difference.

[I am Woo Ho-young who moved the ball from the goal to the opposite goal. It doesn't make sense to applaud as someone who saw it on the spot.]

[I wonder if it's the fastest delivery man in the world. This is beyond the range of footballers. It's like a runner coming and playing soccer.]

Gareth Bale's top speed is 36.9 km per hour.

And it was Woo Ho-young who had a higher record than that.

When Ho Young showed up last season, the maximum speed was 37.8 km / h, and the run just before was definitely beyond that.

[Once you see the exact figures, I'm sure it was more than that. I think the name will be added to the January candidate for this month's goal. It's actually a prize.]

[Yes, that's amazing. Who knew that Woo Young's running record would be updated in White Hart Lane? It was a whopping 90 meters.]

[The world's fastest man, Usain Bolt, can speed at a speed of 45km / h, but I don't know if Woo Ho-young can catch up with that record one day.]

[haha. I think it's too gone?]

[Did you just happen to something crazy ?!]

[Oh, yes.]

While the commentators were enlightened, Ho Young was still celebrating.

No, I was not alone

Suddenly, two players were following in sequence.

"spirit! It was a great goal! "

An African-American, nine years in Man City, Shaun Wright-Phillips was a small bullet.

He opened his white teeth and snuggled into the form of Ho-young.

The small figure, only 166 centimeters, looked smaller.

"Thank you, Shawn."

Next to it was a 173 centimeter-long Argentinean striker, Carlos Tevez, smiling with a sharp fang.

"Ha ha ha ha ha. Congratulations!"

There was a sincere expression hanging on his face.

Whether in training ground or today's race, he was helpless all the time because of homesickness, and he seemed to be refreshed for a while.

What should I say?

"I just saw something amazing. Dare to predict, this goal will definitely be EPL's goal of the year. Congratulations in advance. Hahaha."

Naive neighborhood stupid brother.


That was the best expression for Tevez.

He pretends to hold his thumb and laughs like a child, literally admiring him.

'But these two are the closest people to the team.'

The two were neutral players in Man City, with a lot of problems.

Anyway, I was very happy to share the joy of my debut goal with my new colleagues.

It didn't seem like a big deal, but I was very impressed with Ho Young who thought no one would follow.

By the way.


It was not only two who came to visit Hoyoung.

Hovenue, who was too far behind, was wandering around with his mouth closed.

Then he looked bewildered and turned back without saying anything.

Scratching the back of the head was just back to the field.


Hovenue was also ridiculous.

'Why did I come here?'

The goal scene is so cool

How admirable is that?

I do not know.

It seemed as if he was drawn to Devil.

At this moment, something magical is happening in Manchester City.

[The game continues in the middle. Tottenham kick off. Jermaine Defoe passes backwards.]

[Luka Modric, who gets the ball, safely flows the ball while spinning safely.]

The game went a bit different in the first half.

The game entered a new phase as Woo Ho Young scored a wonder goal, which was ridiculous for Man City fans.

Tottenham's momentum wasn't over half-line, only to pass three passes, and they didn't even try their sharp side.

The home fans wanted to play did not come out after 10 minutes.

Just pass, pass again.

That was it.

It was like a cat hidden as a rat died when the beast stalked the beasts trapped inside us.

[Does this mean you'll just take one victory point? I'm hiding in my house and I don't want to come out at all.]

[I do not know. Oh, it's been a while since Tottenham have played such a humiliating game this season.]

A meaningless pass lasted.

The stuffiness itself.

How boring the game was, the crowd was cheering.

Then about 30 minutes in the first half, something amazing happened.

"Hey! Isn't it frustrating to be in a chicken coop! "

Carlos Tevez.

Motivated by a hard forward pressure, he was provoked with strong forward pressure.

At the moment, Huddlestone tried to leave the line.

Tottenham's three-wire line seemed to shake.

But then it was.

"Location sticks! Don't go out! "

William Gallas.

Once responsible for defending France, Chelsea and Arsenal, he was a veteran who moved to Tottenham this season and was the center of defense.

He has been able to understand how dangerous this situation is now based on his 16 years of experience.

"Once you turn the ball!"

Now I needed to calm my mind and remove fear.

Fear makes you sick and crushes your body.

They needed time to get back on their defensive side.

Then the first 40 minutes.

Redknapp, who was seriously watching the game with wrinkles on his forehead, pulled the knife.

Unwillingly drooping in his eyes, his eyes were sharply bent, and the captain Michael Dawson was instructed to change his tactics by hand.

It was very surprising.

Redknapp has a unique philosophy of football, "Tactics are not important in football," and it is known that he doesn't do any boring tactical explanations to players.

Of course, there is a tactical board in the locker room, but it was a graffiti for Redknapp.

Normally, all he ordered from players was to do his best at his position and to do his best for his fans.

And that was the football field he had been holding for 35 years.

But sometimes the beliefs collapsed.

Now is the case.

[Tottenham, if you lose this game, you'll go back to fifth place. What's more, there are only big clubs like Arsenal, United and Chelsea left for the rest of the game.]

[That's right. Tottenham has no place to back anymore.]

Unlike Tottenham, Man City didn't use much health in the first half.

If Mancini raised his players in half-time, the second half would be for Man City.

In other words, it was Tottenham who became disadvantaged after the first half.

Therefore, special measures must be taken before that.

After thinking about it, Red Nap tried a drastic tactic change.

[Rednap is about to make a bold substitution before the end of the first half. Called Lennon and sent Pavlyuchenko instead.]

Roman Pavlyuchenko.

A leading player in Russia's semi-finals at Euro 2008, he is currently a mercenary in Tottenham.

Because of his lack of English, Redknapp often had trouble with him, but he played more than one person on the field.

[Tottenham changes tactics from 4-4-2 to 4-3-3. The Midfield formed a straight line with the Modrrich-Huddlestone-veil spread widely. On the front, Crouch, Jermaine Defoe, and Pavlyuchenko run a three-top.]

[A very aggressive formation. I will see the game before the first half is over.

The newly constructed Tottenham three-tops narrowed each other and maintained a breathtaking formation just by looking at them.

Pavlyuchenko succeeded in securing the penalty box with Crouch, with his physical condition and ability to position himself.

Meanwhile, Gareth Bale, moving to the right, aimed for a gap in the side.

The center of the gap was covered by the wide movement of Modritch and Huddlestone.

[In fact, there are four attackers, including Gareth Bale. It's an asymmetric tactic that will shake Man City.]

[Ironically, this is Redknapp's master of the game. I'm going to have to see if that will work.]

Redknapp's change led to Man City's defensive woes.

Gareth Bale, who was aiming for the right side of the line, penetrated into the center, attacking, and Jermaine Defoe went down to the second line for a long-range shot from Hostamtam.

Asymmetrical switching play was missing Man City's soul.

[The first half is approaching, but Tottenham's attack is only getting stronger.]

[Crisis. Tottenham has a lot of attacks. For Man City, we only have to endure this one hour.]

It was this moment right now.

"More forward!"


Jermaine Defoe picked up a long ball from the rear and straight through the ball to the rushing side.

From there the stream began to rush.

Percussion, Tak!

Bale dug deep into the back space, bypassing the cola rope with a quick and concise two-touch.

If you raise the cross as it was a perfect chance.

By the way.


The ball that raised the cross bounced in a ridiculous way.

Cross blocked.


No, it could not be.

Woo Ho-young was preparing for a counterattack, snooping between Modritch and Huddlestone on the other side.

Then who is this?

Looking back, there was an incredible player standing here who should not be here.

Vincent Company.

The central defender, who should be inside the box, is here to stay.


I didn't believe it.

His gestures were a bit unnatural, but his amazing defensive position completely blocked the veil's attack.

He was not a company that Bale knew.

It seemed to move like every moment according to someone's instructions.

'Manchini coach?'

Suspicious atmosphere flowed.

It was then that the veil's gaze turned to the center.


No, it wasn't Manchini.

Woo-young was sending a signal to the company with his head and hand gestures.

Veil was feeling frightened at the moment.

The place he is currently playing is on the palm of Woo-young, not White Hart Lane.


The game was now led by one person.