CHAPTER 334 - Expression (1)

[Yes, the game has started.]

[Manchester City and Arsenal came out with the same 4-3-3 formation. A tight back fight is expected.]

[That's right. And there are other things to watch. That's the Manchester City lineup. Finally, today, the squad that fans have been waiting for has come out.]

Manchester City's starting lineup was:

Manchester City 4-3-3

Goalkeeper: Joe Hart

Defenders: Gael Clichy, Vincent Company, Thiago Silva, Pablo Zabaleta

Midfielders: David Silva, Marouane Fellaini, Iniesta

Attackers: Eden Hazard, Woo Young, Gareth Bale

[Why did Guardiola choose this? I didn't know that I'd send these students out at once.]

[Well, don't you believe in Woo Young? In any situation, it has become the team's main axis and brought the team to the top.]

[It makes sense. Woo Young-young, the youngest Ballon d'Or, the youngest World Cup MVP, the youngest Champions League champion, and the youngest La Liga champion, will be able to achieve what a big record this season.]

There was a tense tension before the start of the game.

Manchester City and Arsenal.

Both teams were in a no-yielding bout.

Arsenal, in particular, leased Thierry Henry from Red Bulls in New York to re-launch this season and Park Joo Hyung from AS Monaco.

In addition, he added the Chamberlain, Arteta, etc. to reinforce the squad.

In addition, Arsenal captain and ace Robin van Persie scored five goals in his last two games.

So-called 'full beaded' mode.

He was doing a great job to win.

Although in three rounds he faced a huge mountain called Manchester City, it was a mountain that eventually had to be crossed.

'If so, it's over today.'

Van Persie took a bite to play.

At one point did not let go of the tension.

Because he knew well that he would suffer if he was not busy.

'Remember that Manchester United was defeated.'

You should not be alert for only 1 second.

I had to realize that every moment was dangerous.

"Get the spirits straight! Focus your mind on the game! "

Van Persie took care of the players and fulfilled his role as captain.

[Arsenal and Thierry Henry-Van Persie-Walcott line up 4-3-3 formation and are aggressively attacking.]

In the midfield, Jack Walscher, Alex Song, and Mikel Arteta Lines were run to open the attack lane in a short and simple pass.

In particular, Arteta, who came in for the first time this season, showed a good appearance as a defensive midfielder.

He didn't usually have a high rate of tackle success, but he was able to tackle sharp and accurate tackle at critical moments.

[Foot deep into! Arteta's tackle is hit!]

[Balls back to Arsenal.]

Around 12 minutes.

After the search, the match began in earnest.

Arsenal stripped Man City's pressure in a concise and quick pass, as the team did.

If the ball was stolen, Mikel Arteta and Alex Song were able to escape from the crisis by showing great defense.

[Arteta is a big success today. It's not easy for David Silva if he's holding up in the middle ground.]

Arteta focused on protecting the cloth defense.

At the same time, David Silva was intensively marked like a leech, and the effect was working.

In addition, compared to the height of the offer was excellent, so I could win the flying ball from time to time.

[A rising ball in the midfield, Arteta takes place.]

[David Silva also runs!]



The ball game was, of course, ended by Arteta's victory.

As such, Arsenal was slowly taking over the midfield.

[Arsenal is drawing a good picture. Iniesta and David Silva are struggling, but Arsenal don't allow it. Arsenal have been preparing firmly.]

Thorough preparations were revealed through the game.

And over time, the effect appeared slowly.

[Robin van Persie comes down. At the same time, Thierry Henry and Walcott are on both sides.]

[Smart play. By adjusting the intervals, they are constantly creating spaces that are favorable to them. Robin van Persie's off-the-ball movement is better today.]

Arsenal moved anomalously, shaking Man City's four-back defense.

Since then, Van Persie's performance began to stand out.

Man City's defenders have been confounded and managed to get a few chances.

The decisive opportunity came in the first 17 minutes.

Jack Walscher's kill pass was that.

[Robin van Persie receives a pass, digs into a narrow gap!]

[Left left shoutout!]

[Alas! Thiago Silva prevents! Perfect shooting block! The ball will still be touched out.]

[Just close. I almost allowed a run. Manchester City are more disappointing than they expected. The players themselves will be disappointed.]

No, never.

Anxiety was amplifying among the crowd and commentators, but the players were still relaxed.

"Nice, Thiago!"

Rather, they seemed to praise and encourage each other.


It was very sticky for the bonds that had been built in just a few days.

They believed in each other.

Although they may creak at first, they knew it was for a while.

Anyway, time is on their side.

I did not doubt that this situation could be reversed as long as I breathed in the training room.

All 11 thought so.

They have already experienced miracles in the last four days.

And 20 minutes in the first half.

"Fellaini, keep changing with David Silva. From now on you are dealing with Mikel Arteta. "

Leader Woo Ho-young's first instructions fell.

Fellaini was both convinced and questioned.

"Then Van Pessie's breakthrough?"

"The company will raise the line and press forward. Thiago Silva will take care of the line. You only have to follow Arteta. "

"Then would Arsenal be instructed to switch?"

"That's right. We are looking for that time. "

"Good. Believe me."

Athletes, including Marouane Fellaini, made the flow as they moved.

[The ball comes into the air, Mikel Arteta runs.]

[Fellaini catches up!]

No matter how good Arteta is, the Fellaini, who had long competitions in the air, could not win.


[Fellaini takes it with her head. The ball goes to Manchester City.]

As Arsenal's back was cut off, David Silva's movements came to life.

This allowed Man City to take over the midfield slowly.

It was then.

"Mike! Swap with Alex! Get out of Fellaini! "

Wenger immediately ordered Arteta and Alex Song to switch, but it was a handshake.

[Iniesta is moving to the center!]

The space between switching between Arteta and Alex Song.

Iniesta did not miss the space.

[David Silva passes to Iniesta]

[Iniesta, take advantage of the narrow space and open the passageway.]

Lost to go, Arteta and Alex Song were twisted.

It was the best place to connect to the friendship zone at once.


[Woo-young runs!]


Ho-young, who received the ball very smoothly, looked forward.


Hazard and veil penetrate in fantastical directions.

Their breathing began to pay off there.

Tak, Tak.


[Manchester City, shows fantastic Tiki Taka!]

It was not just a pass.

Hazard continued to exchange passes with Hazard to the center, Woo Young to the left, Bale to the center, and Hazard back to the right.

Infinite switching, the path was unexpected.

It was complicated to see, but it was a familiar task for the three.

There was no need to put too much pressure to use the body excessively.

Just do as you did at the training site.

If you run out of space did not have to worry.


There was Iniesta and David Silva from the rear.

[Iniesta receives!]

[Next, David Silva! Eden Hazard takes over!]

Incredible breathing is not believed to be the first practice.

Ten players were hands and feet of Ho-young, giving her the play she wanted.

Only the forward pass was used to move the ball to the forefront.

Just perfection.

Finally, Guardiola's philosophy of football was fully realized.

And the end was Woo Young.

[Woo Ho Young receives in front of the gate!]

The ball was delivered exactly in front of the goal as if it had been promised.

Hoyoung calmly slipped in.

[Go oh oh oh oh! I went in !!]

[I don't know how the goal went. When I wake up, I think it's a goal.]

A goal was scored in the first 25 minutes.

It was only one goal now, but it meant quite a lot.

In the end, perfection meant they could unleash their skills at any time.

The first one was difficult, after that there was nothing wrong.

It proved in just five minutes.


[Go oh oh oh oh! Manchester City lead two to zero!]


Arsenal suffered the same pattern.

No, it was a flow that could not but be known.

If Arsenal tried to stop it at all costs, Manchester City would continue to flow by twisting the pattern slightly.

Nothing changed.

Pass for advance, space for Woo-young, and move for goal.

The basics have always been the same, and Manchester City's players played faithfully there.

So, the goal went on and on.

Eventually Arsenal changed his strategy to crying and mustard to play extreme defense, and he used a different method.

[Song, Gibbs, Vermaline, Sagna, Arteta, Walcott, six people are watching Woo. I made it right.]

[Now I don't know. The beginning and the end are Woo-young anyway.]

That was not a good return.

With his unique fast movements and flexible movements, he gradually stepped out of his opponent's pressure and digging into the gaps of his opponent.

[La Young's La Pelopigna Turn, free from Arteta's pressure]

[Ear Swim Turn! Walcott puts aside!]

[Wow, flip flap! I'm moving with a ball!]

Ronald's coveted sense of ball exerts a great sense of synergy with the ball, making every moment that Hoyoung catches the ball.

And around 75 minutes later.

"He's God!"

"God! God! God! "

The score is already 6-0.

Woo Ho-young, who beat 4 goals, was impressed by the crowd as a god.

  # 336

335. Expression (2)

No one would say that first.

"Woo is God!"

"Of football!"

God of football.

The voice for Woo Ho Young was ringing.

Hoyoung felt strange.

Tens of thousands of fans who call themselves GOD.

Listening to that, I was really mistaken that I was a god.

'Since ······'

In any field, the title God is not easily attached.

Maradona was once so called in football, and then Lionel Messi was called the god of football.

At least in the last life it was.

But this is not the case.

Lionel Messi only had the title "The God of Dribble" or "The Football Genius of the World," but did not earn the nickname "The God of Football."

It was because it was hidden by Woo-young's shadow.

Only two years ago, Messi and Woo-young had many ratings of boiled talents, but few people now say that.

It was good to be misunderstood as a soccer ball not knowing the soccer player.

The same is true for Ronaldo.

The difference between the first factor and the bottom was severe.

Human and non-human worlds.

That's natural because it's a different area.

Calling him a god was not a mere analogy.

"If God is interested in football, this will surely happen. God blessed me. "

"Or isn't the real god playing soccer in human form?"

"haha. It's not very bullshit. "

The closest man to football among football players.

No, maybe the closest man of all mankind.

"Woo is God!"

"Of football!"

After a while, the call to Hoyeong did not show any signs of stopping.

As time passed, it was only getting stronger.

And then it was.

'I feel it.'

The sense that the mind and body are likely to be separated.

Ho-young began to flap his heart.

'It's a start again.'

But much worse than last time.

I knew how to avoid getting caught in a ride.

Ho Young shakes up his thoughts and walks again.

And ran.

So far, if Manchester City's team play was outstanding, the flow of the game would be completely reversed from now on.

What stood out was Woo Ho Young.

[Woo Woo Young's movement is not unusual. I'm pressing hard on Arsenal.]

Arsenal's attack in a long time.

They slowly build up builds as they pass back and forth deep.

All they needed was one goal.

But the ball could not easily move forward.

It was because of Manchester City's strong forward pressure.

Woo-young was moving slowly and showing impressive defensive power.

Do not waste a lot of stamina, but settled in an important position.

That alone meant Arsenal's players were under great psychological pressure.

Perfect flawless position selection.

Eventually, the players in the rear had to step back.

Rather than scoring the ball, you should allow more points.

Van Persie, who descended from the front line to midfield, voiced the voice.

"Open your left and right a little more! You have to use the stadium wider than you think! This is narrower than Emirates Stadium! "

Arsenal's home stadium, the Emirates Stadium, measures 105 × 68m, the largest in the Premier League.

In comparison, Etihad Stadium was smaller.

That's why Woo Young's forward pressure is more efficient.

As a result, Arsenal had better use the stadium wide to escape pressure.

Not surprisingly, things started to get better as Kiran Gibbs and Bacary Sagna spread wide.

But that was for a while.


Gareth Bale on the right.

As a defender, he tied the two feet of Kiran Gibbs with great side defense.

Hazard's lack of defense was covered by Woo Ho Young.


"Damn it."

Crazy performance.

Whatever weapon is pulled out of this way, Man City has blocked it in any way, but rather counterattack.

I couldn't see the gap.

Arsenal's players, who play directly, were frustrated.

Arsenal was playing around in the palm of Man City.

"You can't do this."

Will you lose more than 6-0?

Or will you lose even if you risk it?

Van Persie's choice was the latter.

In other words, I had to put a bunch.

'I can't help it. If you do this, your team's morale will plummet. We have no choice but to raise the line. '

Van Persie, who could never lose this, conveyed his thoughts to Wenger, who soon heard him respond.



Arsenal's play began at that time.

As the defenders climbed forward, they increased the overall line of formation.

Defending was almost a tactic to give up.

'There is only one chance.'

However, Man City's four hundred line of Clichy-Company-Thiago Silva-Savaletta was never easy.

It was best felt by Van Persie, commanding the attack from the front.

'Too thick.'

The wall of defense is too high.

"Oh shit."

There was no bad place.

"Oops. What the hell is this?

Despite the increased number of attacks, it was unbelievable that there would be no gap.

There is no such team at EPL.

No, it wasn't.

Arsenal's squad, which was undefeated seven years ago, wasn't perfect.

Attack, midfield, defense.

Everywhere in Manchester City was perfect.

I pierced Woo Woo-young hard, and there was Iniesta and David Silva.

This was the first time I felt so desperate.

[In attack and defense, Manchester City is leading the game. Detailed figures such as occupancy rate, pass success rate, number of passes, and activity amount prove it.]

[Well ... no more to say. Nothing to evaluate. I just think it's great. How about against Arsenal? I'm excited to see what Man City will do this season.]

That was right a hundred times.

It was Arsenal, who held up this much, but if he was a low-def team, he might have allowed more than two digits.

[I do not know. Arsenal are struggling, but Man City's goal is unlikely to open easily.]

[But van Persie constantly tries to move sharply.]

Full beaded mode.

Nevertheless, Van Persie was performing a miraculous move and threatening the extension.

Only one chance.

Around 74 minutes in the second half of the line.

[Flaming dribble! Two touches pierce the Fellaini in a second!]

His breakthrough did not stop there.

He passed a pass with Jack Walscher, who was deep in front of him, and succeeded in smashing the company.

But the problem was Thiago Silva.

'It's not good.'

Van Persie eventually had to turn around.

The pass to Thierry Henry on the left was his decision.

And that was the biggest problem.


[this! It's cut!]

[This time Woo-young Woo!]

Around it.

Ho Young, who was in the best defensive position, quickly cut off as soon as Thierry Henry received the pass.

It is an unbeatable personal mark.

Henry immediately tackled it.

[La Pelopigna Turn! Woo Ho-young is free from pressure!]

[At Manchester City's counterattack!]

Arsenal defenders sprinted back to Burinake.

Arteta and Walcott rushed to Hoyoung to buy that time.

But instead of buying time, he only gave space.

[Hoo-young's Marseille Turn!]

[Oh, once again Marseille turn! This time the opposite direction!]

[Run and run there!]

The 360-degree rotation to the right flipped Arteta and the subsequent 360-degree rotation to the left made Walcott a scarecrow.

[Kya! It's like Zidane's ball control combined with Iniesta's decompression!]

Play to be admired.

It was all a play of experience and sense.

In other words, Ho Young sublimated Iniesta's "Flawless Midfielder (T)" to his own.

Iniesta's ability to decompress was a mysterious sense.

Trapping, foot control, wide vision and instantaneous judgment were the reasons for Iniesta's unique ability to decompress.

And all of that was the product of hard work.

'Iniesta learned through training how to respond to a lot of pressure situations.'

What should I do when this happens, and what should I do again when that happens.

Predict and prepare for major events to happen.

That was the sense of Iniesta and now the talent of Ho Young.

[Woo Woo Young hits and runs!]

[The player who drives the ball is faster than the player who doesn't!]

Next to it was a veil infiltrating at terrible speed.

The key is right there.

Ro-young's roving pass turned over the key to Gibbs's location.



The eyes of the veil who received the pass glowed once.

Judgment was made quickly.

[Gareth Veil is folded in!]

[Run and run at the same time! I'm just beating Vermaline!]

Beating his run.

His organs, which had been criticized for simplicity, were now the best weapons.

He was not a member of Tottenham, but a member of Manchester City, an unknown team.

The voice of the veil rang out.



Aside from Vermaelin, Bale chose to pass instead of shooting.

The situation was greedy enough, but it was better to pass.

The reason for the decision was simple.



Woo-young was standing in a fantastic location.

I was sure he would score.

[Go oh oh oh! Exploding Woo Ho-young's left foot shot inside!]

[Also, Manchester City never misses an opportunity, with a breathtaking shot that instantly strikes an additional goal. 7 to 0!]

[It's really flawless. It shows the perfection as a football player. It's a very versatile player.]

Ho-young, who scored the fifth goal, jumped to the supporter's seat behind the goal with five fingers spread.

Then Gareth Bale was followed by the mother.



The good news didn't stop there.

[Tom The King (T). Learn some of Thierry Henry's experiences and senses. It takes 14 days to fully digest my experiences and senses.]

It was the result of achieving 'three or more goals by insight shooting'.

In the end, the game ended.

Around 79 minutes.

Thierry Henry, who did nothing throughout the game, walked out of the ground with his helpless steps.

[OUT 14. Thierry Henry]

[IN 9. 박주형]

Wenger instructed Park to take Van Persie's pass and sent him forward to the left.

[Park Joo-hyung has his debut. I think it's special in that I play with Woo Woo-young of the same nationality.]

Park Ju-hyung's EPL debut, once called the future of Korea.

But his debut was terrible.

7 to 0.

Moreover, the remaining time is only 15 minutes.


There was nothing he could change.

Nevertheless, he did not lose his mind until the end and played a positive game.

Can't you give up from the start?

It would be virtually impossible to reverse the game, but I wanted to be able to score one goal.

"Ho-young. I'm learning a lesson today. "

"It is an honour."

As such, Park shared his brief greetings with Woo Ho Young and dedicated himself to the game.

And he soon became a ghost.

Wherever I went, I was stuck in the rain of Lake Man City, and I had only lost important chances from Woo.

'You're fine for one goal. ······?'

Instead of one goal, all he could do was pray with his hands together.

That didn't change anything.

[Middle House, Arteta is looking ahead. Long pass to the front!]

[Park Joo-hyung is running!]

[Ah, Woo-young cuts off !! It was a fantastic sliding tackle!]

'A heartless child!

Park was frustrated.

On the other hand, the crowd screamed endlessly for Roh's play.

Not only were they at the stadium.

Millions of viewers around the world watching this game on TV.

Most of them shouted in unison.

"Woo is God!"

"Of football!"

And the whistle to announce the end of the game was the moment.

[You've grown beyond talent.]

[You are completely engraved in the minds of so many people.]

[Title (T) talent is manifested.]