Skill name; explanation
- Vampire's bite; by biting into the neck of the victim the user gains health and a part of the victim's power
- Ruler of the night; a passive skill which allows the user to move 200% faster in the night
- Bat swarm transformation; in the night the user can change into the trademark of the vampires, the bat, but not only one, but multiple for more threat against the enemy
- Vanish; similar to stealth, but is more effective because it gives immunity to any damage or crowd control effects for five seconds and it doesn't cancel when attacked, but only when user cancels it
- Lifeforce abstraction; the skill of mostly used by liches to withdraw their enemies lifeforce/ hitpoints by touching them
- Intimidating appearance; skill used by death knights, which liches use as bodyguards so that enemies think twice about attacking you
- Raise dead; when using recently slain enemies, the user has a higher chance of animating the dead, turning them into your servants
- Undead legion; a passive effect that helps you getting stronger the more allies are near you and also has the effect, that after dying, you will be revived in the Underworld and if having a high enough reputation in the living world, you will be sent back or have to do your work as an undead in the underworld
- Fire resistance, simply increases the resistance to fire to 100%
- Demon morph; giving the user the form of a demon and giving you certain bonuses when fighting enemies
- Demonize; by activating this skill, everything the user touches will have a demon's signature and becomes corrupt, when activating on players, they lose reputation with every known faction but don't win any with the demon faction
- Incubus genes; a passive effect, which increases the rate at which the user earns reputation with other races, and decreases the loss of it
- Resistances increased, increase the resistance of everything by 10% which isn't at 100% yet
- Grow bigger over time, a special skill of the dragons, which grow bigger, the longer they live, even becoming bigger than giants
- Void spray, a unique skill, not possible to find anywhere besides in your skill set, melts away everything in its way, until the user says it's enough
- Void travel; changing into a void creature, you fall into the grey nothingness behind the world's fabric
- Skin hardening; the skin of giants toughs up in every moment, that passes
- Overwhelming strength; through this trait, your strength stat will be multiplied by three
- Furious stomp; attacking someone isn't a nice thing to do and anyone will get furious, this stomp is just the rage, that is seeping out in a motion
- King of the mountain's war cry; the attack on a king is an outrage and demands punishment, this is an area of effect skill that will weaken the confronter the bigger the difference of level is
- Change of weather; a skill that only the creator of the world and the mightiest druids get after doing multiple class rank ups
- Create Equipment; normally that would be a handicraft skill like tailoring or smithing but as a god he should be able to show off a bit and can do everything
- Fasten time; a skill that speeds up the aging process of something or it creates a bubble over something and in it, everything will happen multiple times faster [not to be mistaken with the 'time fasten button' which will affect the entire world]
- Dimensional rift; creates a rift through space, so that one can travel to a place where they want to be or summon something through it