
[P.S: This story took place on a planet that was 2x bigger than Earth, and it was named also named Earth. The development of history basically the same as Earth with a little bit change. Most countries were the same with a little bit extra that would be revealed later in the story. ]


James Zhang experienced a weird dream. In the dream, he was an Emperor that commanded a vast empire that spanned across the planet. Power, Wealth, and Beauty, he had all of that.

The dream was so vivid that James could feel as he was the Emperor himself. Various court struggle, a military expedition, even the taste of beauty, he experienced all of that.

James never felt something like this before in his life. The addiction that the power as the Emperor brings made him drunk on it. He didn't know how long the time passed as he was too busy with the Empire affair.

One day, when James was relaxing with his Queen and concubine, a black vortex suddenly appeared on top of him. The vortex sucked everything in its path, including James and all of his women. Even if he tried to hold a stone pillar to resist the suction, it was a futile effort.

"Ahhh, I don't want to die yet..." James howled as he was sucked into the vortex.


James suddenly woke up and looked his surrounding in fear. His whole body was soaked in cold sweat as he could still feel the terror from earlier. Then after calmed himself, he realized that he was in a familiar room.

James confused as he struggled to remember where this is. After 10 minutes, he finally knew where is this, his bedroom. Immediately, he fell into confusion as he was clearly an Emperor that rule a vast empire that spanned across the planet!

But the reality hit James hard.

'Was all of that was a dream?!' James screamed inside his heart. He could clearly remember his time as the Emperor. He spent at least ten years, but now it was all a dream?!!

James couldn't accept all of this when he found he was still the ordinary people on Earth. The memories as the Emperor and the memories as the ordinary people clashed inside him. If nothing were going wrong, he would turn into an idiot after all of this complete.

But it was at this time a sound suddenly reverberated inside James mind.

[Ding! Super Emperor System successfully bound!]

Immediately, a stream of information suddenly poured into James mind. But instead worsen the situation, it helped stabilize the clash between two memories. After 30 minutes, the clash finally subsided with new memories and personalities formed inside James.

James got up from the bed. At this time, he already knew his time as the Emperor was nothing more than a long dream. His ordinary people memories and personalities still dominated with the Emperor supplemented it.

James hesitated for a moment as there was another foreign information inside his brain.

"System, are you there ?" James said silently.


"Is it you that caused the dream ?" James asked.

[Yes, and it was a part of a test that I implement to choose a host. You are the only one who passed my test, so congratulation!]

James immediately burst into excitement as he knew his life would soon ascend to the peak. All of the system owners from the novel was like that, why wouldn't him?

"What are your function? Your name is Super Emperor System, will you make me into an Emperor? If yes, then how will you make me into an Emperor? This is a modern society, not an ancient time where you can build an Empire casually." James asked doubtfully.

[You underestimate the power of me, doesn't you read all of those novels?] The system said pridefully.

James didn't reply as he immersed in excitement. Even though his experience as the Emperor was a dream, but all of that still vivid inside his mind. Since there was a chance to regain all of that, he would seize it at all chance!

"So how you gonna do it ?" James asked excitedly.

[Soon, wait for it] The System said mysteriously.

Even if his heart was itching from curiosity, but James was still patient. Since System told him to wait, then he would wait. He immediately rushed into the bathroom to clean himself.

James walked into the mirror and found his face somehow turned more handsome. A black with a tinge of brown nested on his head, a blue eyes that seemed like an ocean, and the facial feature that oriental have. His mother was Chinese while his father was a British.

A pity they already died ten years ago from a car accident and left him with his younger sister. They didn't leave any substantial inheritance for him. Only an old house on the outskirt of Beijing, a Volkswagen Lavida and a sum of 500,000 Yuan. The money was already long gone, though, so he could only go to work to support his sister education.

His sister named Madison Zhang with her Chinese name being Zhang Yue. Oh, James Chinese name was Zhang Hui, and he was 24 this year with his sister being 16 this year.

After a while, James came out of the bathroom. Since he already got the System, it means he must resign from his company. Well, even though he just got the System, but he believed it would soon bring him into the peak of life.

James pushed Madison door over and found that she was still asleep. Well, he didn't bother her as it was Saturday now. He walked to the garage and started his Lavida. The car was already pretty old, but it was still reliable. Soon, he immediately set his way into the company.