Lannister Wealth

After just 1 hour of warm conversation, the grandfather and his grandchildren already got to know each other better.

"Hahhh, the future of this Kingdom is in your hand, James. My time is up, and it's your turn to be the King. I'm glad I can find you before I go." Zhang Kui said as he sighed.

"I almost forget, this young lady here is your fiancee, Charlotte. She is the granddaughter of my sworn brother, Joseph." Zhang Kui said.

"What fiancee, grandpa? And why I don't know anything about this ?" Even before James could say anything, Charlotte quickly asked Zhang Kui.

"Your grandpa and I already discuss this the moment you were born. Even though at that time, I still not yet find James, but your grandpa and I already have an agreement. If you don't believe, you can ask your grandpa later." Zhang Kui explained slowly to Charlotte.

"But....but....." Charlotte wanted to say her own opinion, but then she saw Zhang Kui violent cough. So she immediately took a glass of water and medicine from the tableside and helped Zhang Kui to drank it.

"Do you have any opinion, James ?" Zhang Kui said weakly after he took a medicine fed up by Charlotte.

"No, of course, no." James quickly said. Refuse? He must be a retard to do that. With a beautiful fiancee like Charlotte, what else could he expect? Not mention he had 'fell in love' at first sight on her, at least that was what he thought.

"Good, good, good. Ah, I have something for you, James. Help me get up." Zhang Kui said. James and Charlotte quickly helped Zhang Kui got up from the bed. They led him toward the destination he wanted, a painting.

Followed Zhang Kui instruction, they brought down the painting and revealed a safe behind it. Zhang Kui input the electronic password, scanned his fingerprint and his iris. The safe slowly opened and revealed many papers inside it.

Zhang Kui took a weird-looking key and closed back the safe. He handed it directly to James's hand.

"This is the key to our family wealth. You will know what its use when you get there. Joseph will help you when the time has come." Zhang Kui said slowly.

James observed the key carefully and found there was a weird pattern painted on it. Then he put the key on his pocket and helped Zhang Kui get back to the bed.

"I have a very important thing to tell you. When the time has come, Zhou Huang and Joseph will help you to take care of everything. They are my trusted aide and will never betray us so that you can rest assured." Zhang Kui said.

James just nodded and imprinted all what his grandfather said into his mind.

"Now leave, I want to rest. You too, Charlotte." Zhang Kui said as he closed his eyes.

James and Charlotte stared into each other for a moment before they soundlessly leave the room.

"I don't want to know about what you think, but don't think that I agree to this fiancee bullshit." Just when they got out of the room, Charlotte immediately said with her cold tone. Then she quickly left behind the pair of brother and sister.

James stunned as Charlotte temperament suddenly change so much. If before in the room, she gave a vibe of a warm and kind woman, just now she gave a vibe that a cold queen had.

The guard that stood by the door and accidentally heard their conversation quickly said, "I don't hear anything, His Highness. I really don't hear anything." He was afraid as he knew what fate befall those who hear that shouldn't be heard.

James was confused, but he said, "What do you hear anyway? And yeah, don't worry about that, it's nothing."

The guard burst into a sigh of relief.

James and Madison quickly left the King Residence and conducted a tour on their own. Before, they couldn't carefully appreciate the luxurious palace.

The huge dining hall, the luxurious meeting room, many small rooms, and many more. The hallway decorated with various type of Chinese and Western art. James was shocked as just the piece of art that 'casually' displayed on the hallway would be a considerable worth.

Then they came into the Throne room. There were many guards stand by on the room. They immediately salute James when they saw his presence. James slowly approached the throne chair and looked at it carefully.

The chair was higher than James by at least 1 m, and its width was also quite large. The chair style was Baroque style with gold and red as the dominant color, a typical European throne chair.

James touched the chair armrest and found it was cold! He immediately shocked as he knew what it means.

'Gold ?!' James exclaimed as he couldn't believe it.

James knocked it a few time and confirmed it was solid, which mean it was pure gold! If the whole chair structure was made of gold, then he couldn't imagine how much was that.

James already made a quick judge, just from the wealth he previously saw, the Kingdom of Lannister was actually a wealthy country, or at least the Royal Family was. There was no comparison even if the Kingdom compared to many old European royalties.

James took out the key that Zhang Kui gave and stared at it. Zhang Kui already said the entire wealth of the Lannister Royal Family was on this key. Since even the wealth that revealed already this much, then how much that was still hidden?!