Two 'Unique' Diamond

James woke up as usual and did his morning routine. His sister Madison usually left earlier than him as she must go to school. Yes, she still went to school even if she was a princess now. Although the Kingdom was backward, all the people here could be considered as an intellectual. The Education System here was fairly completed, although many of the subjects had left behind the world.

Madison went to the only Aristocrat High School in the Kingdom, and all the Noble descendant studied there too. Even James heard, his fiancee Charlotte was teaching there and be a good friend for his sister too. Ah yes, speaking about Charlotte, in the last two month, his relationship with her didn't get any better.

Although both of them maintained a good relationship on the surface, but James knew better what was going on between them. He didn't even gethold her hand once, much less something more intimate. Even if he was trying to get closer, he couldn't! Well, he believed time would dilute everything, so he was not anxious.

James walked toward the dining room and welcomed by a petite girl who served the food right now. She looked like straight come out from Anime. Beautiful face, long black hair with pony style, maid dress, and the most important, she was big breasted! Every time he saw her, he couldn't help but think about something indecent...

"Ah, Your Majesty. Your food already ready." The petite girl said as her cheek slowly reddened.

"Are you eat already, Xiao Yan ?" James asked as he sat on the main seat.

"No..not yet, Your Majesty." Xiao Yan answered as her cheek completely red right now.

"Then what are you waiting for? I can't finish all of this food alone, come help me. This is an order." James said overbearingly. Xiao Yan could only helplessly sit as she already knew His Majesty character. All the maid looked at her enviously as they knew the King favored Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan full name was Zhao Feiyan. She was 16 years old this year, the same as Madison. She was James private maid and would take care much of his private stuff. In the Kingdom of Lannister, the legal age of marriage was 16 for women and 15 for men. It was already like this since the founding of the Kingdom. James wasn't a lolicon, but hey, no one would refuse especially since it was legal and he was the King...

"Xiao Yan, I will go out to the outside world today. Do you want to come along ?" James asked. He knew that Xiao Yan never went to the outside world.

Xiao Yan eyes immediately shined as she always longed for the mysterious outside world. So she quickly nodded with her face showed a smile.

"Then prepare your stuff, we will go this afternoon." James said as he got up.


"Your Majesty, this is the list you asked yesterday." Chen Bin handed a paper to James respectfully.

James scanned the paper for a moment and took a deep breath. Although he already saw all of those treasure yesterday, it was still shocking, especially with the complete list.

2687.32 Ton of gold, 78 painting, 213 porcelain, 864 pieces of gemstone of various size, and many more scattered artwork. To be noted, none of the artwork was ordinary, so this list held an extraordinary weight! James's hand trembled a bit before he forcefully calmed himself. This was all of this wealth!

"Where is Joseph ?" James asked.

"Sir Joseph now in the vault." Chen Bin answered.

James quickly went to the vault and immediately found Joseph there who appreciated all the artwork there.

"Good Morning, Your Majesty. Forgive me for being rude, but all of this artwork is just too beautiful!" Joseph said as he noticed James arrival.

"Nah, it's ok. Joseph, as you already know, I will go to the outside world this afternoon. Now I will tell you what the purpose. As you know, to change the Kingdom to a better future, it needs money. All the money we have doesn't enough to truly change something substantial.

So I think, maybe we can sell some of this artwork. So I need you to pick 10 of the most expensive artwork here. How does that sound ?" James slowly explained his purpose.

Even though Joseph was reluctant to agree, but he eventually agreed anyway as it was for the greater good and all of this artwork was not his stuff...

James went to the place where the gemstone stored and took a fist-size pink diamond and another fist-sized blue diamond. Diamond was the most 'common' gemstone in all of this collection, and he was also reluctant to pick another rare type gemstone. The two fist-sized diamond was in the rough shape, but it was very clear and mesmerizing.

'System, can you carve these two diamond into something more refined? We all know the value of rough gemstone was very low compared to the one already shaped.' James asked.

[There is two choice. One, you give the diamond to me, and I will process it to any shape you want. Two, you buy the corresponding machine. Option one cost 100,000 while option two cost 1 Million.]

'Why is it so expensive, it's only two diamond.' James complained.

[You can choose not to choose if you want.]

What could James do? So he picked option one and the two diamond instantly disappeared from his hand. Luckily no one noticed this phenomenon as Joseph already left to picked his people.

'Shape the pink one into heart shape while the blue one into the typical diamond shape.' After careful consideration, James already decided what shape the two diamond would turn to be. Although the two diamond size may shrink, but their value would only skyrocket.

After waited for five minutes, System returned the two diamond. James swore this was the most beautiful gemstone he ever saw. He also sure this was also the biggest diamond, beating the Cullinan 1 of the UK Royal Family. No wonder most women were fascinated by diamond, even he couldn't help it.

[After cutting and polishing, the pink diamond total weight is 1287.35 carat while the blue one is 1344.29 carat. Although I don't know why you human so fancied to this common stone made of carbon, it's your business anyway.]

"Ha..ha...hahaha." James couldn't help but laugh maniacally. Luckily no one saw this or else...

James sure this two 'unique' diamond would soon be shaking the world and rake much-needed money for the Kingdom. He didn't care about the System remark as he loved these stone made of carbon!