The Auction (Part Two)

"Before we get into my identity, I want to ask something to everyone. How many countries are there in the world ?" James asked as he looked toward the camera.

The audience below James didn't respond as they knew it wasn't directed toward them. After 10 seconds, James continued his speech.

"It's 195 according to both the United Nations and the United States acknowledgment. But!!! Do you know there is an unknown country in the middle of the pacific ocean? Well, not exactly unknown, but I trust the majority of people don't even hear the name of it." James said.

"Don't all of you curious what country it is, and how it can remain hidden in this modern world? I will not hang everyone's appetite anymore. Search the Kingdom of Lannister on your respective browser, and you will find about it yourself." James said as he smiled.

In this recent week, James didn't remain idle. He commanded his subordinate to add the introduction of the Kingdom to the Internet. Not just that, with the help of Queen Elizabeth, the UK also acknowledge the existence of the Kingdom of Lannister. Although there wasn't an official website yet, it already under construction now.

James was silent to give the TV and Internet audience time to digest this sudden revelation. At the moment, the Internet already exploded! As the only Internet live broadcast for the auction, YouTube already deployed many servers so it could accommodate 100,000 people in the same room.

"WTF! In this modern world, there is still an unknown country, and it's still the feudal type one!"

"It's a real country! I'm shocked as I realize there must be much stuff still hidden behind our ordinary people sight!"

"I just looked over the official introduction. It's said the King of the Kingdom of Lannister's name is James Zhang. Although from the information he doesn't officially become the King yet, it's a fact that already set in the stone."

"So you say this handsome dude is the King ?!"

"Hey guys, if the official information is true then this James Zhang guy is the typical protagonist in drama! Ordinary people for 26 years of his life before he suddenly learns that his grandfather is a King! Such dogshit luck!"

After silent for 3 minutes, James felt everyone already digested the information.

"It seems everyone can already guess who am I. Please let me introduce myself. I'm the third generation King of the Kingdom of Lannister, King James Zhang! Although I'm not officially crowned yet, but the ceremony will be conducted soon! At that time, we will meet again in my Kingdom!

That's all I want to convey for today, and I hope everyone here already impatient for the auction to be started." James said as he joked. Every audience beneath him rose from their seat and clapped their hand out of courtesy.

James just smiled as he waved his hand toward the audience as he descended the podium. He walked toward his VIP seat on the second floor. Beside his venue, there was a group of middle-eastern wore their signature clothes.

As a small pathway connected to each venue, every person could visit each other venue. At this time, from the middle-eastern people venue, women rose from her seat and walked alone to James's venue.

"Do you mind if I sit here, Your Highness ?" The women asked gracefully.

James looked toward the women and found she was very beautiful. She had exotic faces the typical middle-eastern women had, but she had white skin that was uncommon among the middle-eastern. During his study as the King with Joseph, he also learned many important people's faces, so he immediately recognized who this woman was.

"Of course, I don't mind. Please suit yourself, Princess Amira." James answered politely. This woman was Crown Princess of Qatar Royal Family, so she was quickly recognized by James, especially with her beautiful signature figure.

As there were only James and his private bodyguard Xiao Li and Xiao Lin in this venue, Amira then quickly sat beside James. At the same time, an old man wore white gloves approached the podium.

"Welcome to Christie special auction! I'm Robert, the auctioneer for today's auction. First of all, I represent Christie to thank you to Your Majesty King James for his generosity so that this auction can be held. As everyone knew, all of the items that will appear in this auction are stem from the Kingdom of Lannister Royal Family collection." Robert explained slowly. He spent another 5 minutes to introduce the background of this auction to the audience.

"Without further delay, let's begin the auction." Robert said. The wall behind him began to rotate and reveal an oil painting protected by bulletproof glass.

"The first lot of the auction. As we know, there was only 12 set of Sunflower by Vincent Van Gogh in existence. This painting here was the 13th one, and I can use Christie's reputation as the guarantee that this is the real deal! This is an unknown painting that was hidden in plain sight before it finally surfaces to the world.

At the same time, this sunflower is the peak work of Van Gogh and the biggest piece of all! The starting price is $50 Million, and each bid increase must not less than $1 Million!" Robert shouted. Just as Robert's voice fell, some people immediately placed a placard.

"No.21 $51 Million!"

"No.37 $52 Million!"


"No.64 $112 Million! This is the 13th sunflower of Van Gogh! I trust everyone knows its significance!" Robert shouted. After another three rounds of bidding, the painting was finally sold for $125 Million to a middle-aged American man.

Even the starter directly broke through $100 Million thresholds, which quickly heated the auction atmosphere. The auction continued fervently as everyone's enthusiasm already rose up to the peak. Due to many items assigned by James and all of it was priceless, the auction divided into two stages.

By the evening, all the 31 items of stage one already sold. Due to high-level participant and the fact all the item was priceless, the total income for today was $4.78 Billion. The highest finale of today, which was Da Vinci painting sold for $450 Million, directly broke the record for the most expensive auction item.

Although the auction was over, it was only stage one! The auction result directly shocked the Internet as it was very incredible! Moreover, there was still much more valuable item that not yet auctioned, like the two peerless diamond!

Every person's expectation already rose to the peak for what scene would tomorrow stage. After the auction was over, James was invited to a party organized by Christie. All the attendant was the upper-class people like a business giant, political giant, aristocrat people, and many more.

James, of course, agreed as this was an opportunity to expand his social circle. The only headache was he was required to bring a companion. Charlotte would not work as she was still mad at him, and he was also reluctant to invite her.

Thankfully, just 2 hours before the party started, someone called him and want to be his companion. James could only agree to her invitation as he had no other choice even if they just met today.