The Auction (Part Four)

"$600 Million, Robert! This painting is mine. No one wants to take it." The old man in No.3 VIP venues shouted. The old man bid directly caused the audience to know his determination as he directly increased by $100 Million.

"Hahaha, Habsburg, do you think only $600 Million can take down this painting? Robert, $700 Million." Another old man in No.6 VIP venues said.

All the people here already know this would be the battle between those amnesty in the VIP venues. So for the people that sat in the hall, they didn't even bother to bid. Even if they could, it would only offend those big guys in the VIP venues, not worth it.

"Damn! $1 Billion, you can get it if you want, Walter." Old man Habsburg shouted. Although he was instantly captivated or even went crazy for this painting, he knew the financial situation of his family. He couldn't afford more than this as his financial situation not allowed.

"Then I'm not polite, $1.05 Billion, Robert." Old man Walter said as he laughed. He knew how 'poor' old man Habsburg in recent years due to his lousy family management. After 10 seconds, no one gave another bid so Old man Walter began to smile.

In No.1 VIP venues where James located, he was frowning right now. Although he was a little 'blind' for Art, he already received advice from Joseph about the value of his items. Although $1.05 Billion sound a lot, but it was very little actually. This price not even close to his reserve price.

You must know Mona Lisa was insured for $100 Million in 1962, but it was just insurance, not the market value! Even if you counted inflation, it would be worth $850 Million in 2019. And you must also know that Art would never depreciate like money. Instead, it would only appreciate each year.

According to Joseph, if Mona Lisa appeared on the market right now, it would never worth less than $5 Billion. Although James painting the Last Supper was less well known than Mona Lisa, its art value was the same or even exceeded Mona Lisa.

Luckily, James's worry was redundant as Amira who sat beside him raised her placard.

"$2 Billion, Robert." Amira said as she looked over James. As Amira's voice fell, old man Walter dropped his smile.

"$2.1 Billion." Old man Walter said gloomily.

"$2.5 Billion, Robert." Amira said.

"$2.6 Billion." Old man Walter said. Everyone here could already hear the anger between his tone.

"$3 Billion, Robert." Amira said determinately.

"Excuse me, Princess Amira. Is your father agree with this ?" Old man Walter suddenly asked.

"Don't worry about it, Mr. Walter. I use my own pocket money, so I don't need my father approval." Amira said sweetly.

"$3.5 Billion, after this then I'm out!" Old man Walter shouted.

"$4 Billion, Robert." Amira said.

"$4 Billion from Princess Amira, anyone else wants to bid? This is the Last Supper! An Art of this caliber will never appear again in the market, and maybe we will never see this painting ever again!" Robert said frantically. He already knew this auction would be the peak of his whole career, so of course he wanted to do his best.

Everyone else silent as many of them already felt this was not worth it anymore. And, there were still seven more things behind, why waste their money and compete with the filthy rich Princess Amira?

"1,2,3, SOLD!!!" Robert shouted as he knocked his hammer madly. The wall behind Robert then began to rotate back to another item.

"Why ?" James asked as he directly looked into Amira's eyes.

"Well, you can say your painting has already captivated." Amira said casually as she boldly looked back and slowly kneaded James's hand.

James didn't believe that was only the reason, but as long it was beneficial to him, he didn't care a single bit. The auction continued, the next five items were less valuable than the Last Supper painting, but each of them still sold for more than $200 Million.

Why the price so high? It was because almost all the known art already bought by private collectors and museums. Each year, there was only a little that flow into the market, and all of it was not as good as the one in this auction. And all of the participants of this auction had a worth of at least $1 Billion to even eligible to attend.

"Finally, the finale of the auction. I trust everyone already impatient to see it, right ?" Robert asked teasingly.

At the same time Robert finished his sentence, the wall behind began to rotate and reveal two thick glass boxes guarded by two people armed with an automatic rifle each.

Everyone sucked a cold breath as they instantly captivated by the two big shining diamond! They also knew this was a historic moment, as no diamond ever found both in the past and present this big and so beautiful.

"Let me introduce you to this peerless beautiful thing. On the right side of me, a pink diamond named the Goddess Heart! It has a perfect heart shape, deep pink color, flawless interior,... Its size is 1287.35 carat which is the second single biggest diamond, only behind the blue diamond beside me.

On the left side of me, a blue diamond named the Supreme Ocean! It has a perfect triangle shape, deep blue ocean color, flawless interior,... Its size is 1344.29 carat. All these two diamond is a gift from God to mankind! Before we officially start the auction, we give 1 hour of the exhibition time for all of you." Robert said slowly.

At this time, all the audience both in the hall or the Internet already exploded. On one of the YouTube live broadcast rooms, a fierce comment barrage already started.

"Cao ni ma! I always thought this diamond maybe look bigger in the picture. I don't expect it look even bigger when I watch it!"

"I can't express my feeling right now as it's just too shocking!"

"I wonder what the final price of it will? I can't even imagine it!"

"$5 Billion maybe? We just see a painting sell for $4 Billion, what more can shock us?"

"Don't all of you guys notice something amiss in this auction? I only recognized Princess Amira among all the VIP guests. Who are the remaining 11?"

"You still a little too green, kid. All of those people must be the elite that controls this world! Don't you hear something about Habsburg earlier? Anyway, I don't care as long it doesn't disturb my life....."