The 'Crazy' Oath and the Kingdom Attribute

James overlooked the vast field beneath that filled with all of his subordinates. He was still dressing in the King robe and wore his crown.

"Long live for the King!!!" All the people in the field shouted. They repeated this three times while kowtowed.

James waved his hand toward the crowd for a few times. He gave a signal for the crowd to stopped cheering. He then tested the mic in front of him for a few times.

"Soon, very soon, I promise our kingdom will change. With the witness of Heaven, Earth, and People, I swear to build our kingdom and replaced the United States in ten years!!!" James said.

Suddenly, the whole world seemed to stop at this moment. Whether it was the people present or who watched it on TV, everyone shocked. There was no indication at all, and this sudden bomb-like news released.

"Crazy! Madness! The King has lost his mind" One of the male reporters couldn't help to swear even if it live broadcasted.

Not just him, everyone else felt James had lost his mind and became crazy. Surpassed the United States in ten years? It was simply impossible for even the 2nd power, China. Don't say the Kingdom of Lannister. Even though they were already widely known very wealthy, but to become a superpower, oh it was merely a joke, moreover in just ten years!

What was the kingdom situation was already widely known to all people. Even though the people here were very happy, but the infrastructure, education, and many aspects had even fallen behind many African countries. They quickly laughed as they thought maybe James was joking right now to ease the atmosphere.

Not just the outsiders, even Zhou Huang, Joseph, Charlotte, and many other kingdom people also felt maybe James had gone crazy. What was their kingdom situation was evident to them. They would instead be believed that James was joking right now!

Unfortunately, it's not April Fool day, and it was such an important occasion and witnessed by the whole world. They knew James character and knew he wasn't joking right now, but rather very serious!

"Oh, you think I'm joking right now? Unfortunately, I'm very serious and aware of what I say just now." James said seriously. He was very aware of what he was saying, and he had a reason to did it.

Everyone quickly stopped their laugh and looked at James with their deadpanned face. Seriously?

"Heh, I will not talk much about this as all of you will see the result in the future. People of my kingdom, mark my word today! If in ten years I can't achieve my oath, then may Heaven thundered me and turned me into ash!" James once again swore. After a few moments, he breathed a sigh of relief secretly as finally he finished the System task.

[Reveal the ambition of the King to the whole world!

Reward: 1 Novice Kingdom Building pack, 100 Million Reputation Point (Complete)]

Every reporter quickly recorded this moment with great enthusiasm. They would make sure by the tomorrow morning, the whole world would know about this crazy oath. Camera light lit up like crazy, and everyone made sure they took the best photo for the headline cover tomorrow!

James stayed at the podium for a few moments to let the reporters photographed himself. After all, this was another source of income for his RP. Even right now as he was thinking, his RP was rising like crazy!

After another round of 5-minute speech, James went back to the palace with all of his entourage. Since now he was officially the King, there was a lot lot of thing that required his attention. Just now, the System officially opened his kingdom attribute.

[Name: The Kingdom of Lannister

Grade: Kingdom

King: James Zhang

Queen: -

Concubine: -

Population: 1,377,433

Land Area: 14,190 km2

Comprehensive National Strength: 1,421,700

Global Ranking: 183/198

GDP / PPP: $20 Million / $14

Upgrade Condition:

Population: 1,377,433/50,000,000

Queen: 0/1 Concubine: 0/4

Comprehensive National Strength: 1,421,700/10,000,000,000

GDP/PPP: $20 Million/$10 Trillion , $14/$100,000]

James felt better when he looked that his kingdom wasn't in the most bottom ranking. With this attribute panel, he could better understand how to develop his kingdom.

Whenever James took a look at the upgrade condition, he would immediately felt the despair. Moreover, there was a kind of weird condition that required him to had at least four concubines... Anyway, he had ten years, and there wasn't punishment if he failed to achieve it. At most, it would be only the shame from today oath.

According to System, rank 1 was the United States with 4,3 Trillion Comprehensive National Strength(CNS). And when he compared it to his kingdom measly 1,4 Million CNS, he didn't even want to mourn. And the United States CNS wasn't static too, its rise up every day, and it would be only harder to catch up.

But James believed with the System help and various black technology, he still had hope after all! He couldn't wait to start the reform for his Kingdom immediately. After all, various system, nobles title, and various things already outdated.

Other upgrade condition like the population, Queen and Concubine, and GDP/PPP relatively easy compared to the CNS. After all, with so many black technologies in the System Mall, he could take one of it casually and sold it. Although there may be a problem with that way, he already had a plan inside his mind. He then opened his personal attribute panel to see how much the RP already.

[Host: James Zhang

Position: King of the Kingdom of Lannister

Authority: First-Level

Life Intensity: 6.98

Life Expectancy: 26/142

Reputation Value: 712,562,900]

James grinned as he could be counted as a rich man now! With this much RP, he could buy many things for his kingdom so he could strengthen it as soon as possible. He closed his attribute panel and continued to walk along with his entourage back to the throne room.