
Chapter 20 : Ferdinand Aspell

I turn my head around to see a handsome young adventurer with flowing long blonde hair looking at us with a displeased look on his face.

"Do you guys even know where you are? Causing a commotion in front of someone else's store, you will disturb not only the staff but also you will make them lose potential customer. Especially you, Chris. You have to be more careful about your surrounding." The blonde adventurer says in a calm voice and polite tone but nevertheless, I can see he's angry at us for causing such a ruckus.

"You're Ice Prince?! So you've come to participate in the quest too?!" Zhanna exclaims happily.

Zhanna-san looks so happy, perhaps it's because the blonde adventurer is really good looking.


Ice Prince.

Is he the one that Malik-san told me to meet?

And he also called Chris-san, does that mean they're acquaintances afterall?

"Eeeh~ I know, I know. Anyway, can you please let me go? I need to store my horse too." Chris-san says.

"Oh my? I'm terribly sorry for holding you up. Fufu~ Come back soon so we can continue our conversation, okay?" Zhanna-san suddenly makes 180 degrees turn to her attitude, it's like the prideful queen act that she displayed us before never happened.

She makes way for both Chris-san and Ice Prince to store both of their horse together.

Is she trying to curry favor with Ice Prince too? Zhanna-san.. You're so greedy..

"I can't believe it, to think that Ice Prince is taking this quest as well! If I can't have Chris, then I'm going to have Ice Prince for sure!" Zhanna says in low whisper but still audible enough for me to hear.

I knew it.

As long someone has handsome face, Zhanna-san will surely target him.

She's so shameless and manipulative.. Woman are a scary creature..

Anyway since that blonde adventurer has a nickname, I guess at least he should be an A-ranked adventurer then.

"Ren-chan, I've done all the paperworks~ Shall we get going and find an inn now?"

"Ah, but what about that Ice Prince? Malik-san told me to introduce myself to him.."

Chris-san seems like he wanted to quickly find an inn and rest, I guess it's been a while since we last sleep in proper bed afterall.

From the corner of my eyes, I see Zhanna-san is talking with her party member.

"I understand but you know, this village only has one inn and during subjugation quest season, the inn charge the rent at higher rate than usual ah but that's to be expected since the demand for a room increased. You saw that guy was alone, right? Like I said to you back in the forest, most solo adventurer will insist on renting an inn despite the high rate so we will definitely meet with him again eventually."

"I see..Eh wait?! That means the cost for an inn will be more expensive than expected?! Ah.. Even though I was looking forward to taking a bath when we reached an inn.."

Oh no..

I don't really know the normal rate for an inn but if it's too expensive, I will be troubled.

I still have the money that Malik-san gave me (I tried to return it to him but he refused) but it's an emergency fund so I don't want to use it except during emergency situation.

I can sleep in my own tent but.. A bath.. I miss a bath..

"What are you worrying about? Just leave everything to me~ We can get a bigger room for the two of us~"


"Ren-chan, this will be your debut subjugation quest, right? You have to keep your physical condition in prime condition!~ Come on, let's hurry up~"

Without waiting for my answer, Chris-san take my hand and start to lead me away.

"H-huh?! O-oi where are you going?! Ah whatever! Ice prince! Would you form a party with me??"

Zhanna-san realized that we're going to escape but luckily for us (unlucky for Ice Prince?), Ice Prince come out at the same time and in a blink of an eye, Zhanna-san decides that she's going to chase after Ice Prince instead of Chris-san.


After we arrive at the inn, Chris-san and I rent a room for the two of us. Inside the room, there's two bed and a window with the town scenery.

"…fuh… Zhanna-san really strong willed.."

We ran all the way from the stable to the inn. My stamina is not that good, so I'm desperately trying to catch my breath.

"I'm sorry Ren-chan, I didn't know her character well back then~", Chris-san apologizes to me with a dejected look on his face.

"If you're really sorry then next time you have to be more careful when choosing your partner."

"I've decided to not play around anymore so there won't be a 'next time', although I can't help it if my past come back to bite at me again.." Chris-san says whilst crouching down on the floor with both hands on his knees. I can see that he really regretted it.

"Well, still.. You have to be more careful nevertheless, okay? Anyway as Chris-san said before, that Ice Prince.. How do I say it.. He really stands out huh…"

That person, like Chris-san he has this sparkly aura too. He must be really popular as well.

"Fufufuahaha~ Ren-chan stop calling him Ice Prince, it's too funny! My stomach hurts from too much laughing..!"

"But I don't know his name.."

"Aah, that's right.. His name is Ferd- nevermind. I will introduce you two properly when the chance arises."

Fer-san huh.

At least I know his name now.

Chris-san and Fer-san is acquaintances after all so I will leave it to him to introduce us later.

"Chris-san, are you close with him?"

"Hmm~ I think he's a pretty decent fellow. I sometimes go for a drink with him together when we met by chance."

Ah I see..

Then they must be in pretty good term.

But.. Is it okay to leave your friend with Zhanna-san like that?

"Judging from his personality, I'm sure he will come to the inn soon."

"I see.. Then it's good, I will have enough time to greet him before the subjugation quest starts. It starts in two days, right?"

"Yup~ We need to apply as party real soon so we can coordinate better during subjugation quest~"

Having a party will help with teamwork and mobility huh..So convenient..

I can't help but feel anxious, I'm still afraid that I will be a hindrance to Chris-san..

"Chris-san, is it really alright forming a party with me? Compared to you, I'm just a newbie you know."

"Ren-chan, I truly want to form a party with you from the bottom of my heart. I don't think of you as useless at all. If you're worried about the monster, I will definitely protect you so everything's going to be alright, okay?~"

"I'm still feeling a little bit reluctant but.. I hope we can work well together. I've never faced a monster before but if it's with Chris-san, I feel like you will definitely protect me so I feel safe with you, Chris-san."

I will do my best so I won't hinder Chris-san!

"Yup~ Let's do our best~ Anyway let's head to the bath soon. I can't wait to clean my body properly after a long trip outside."

"Ah, is it ok if I go in first?"

"Sure, I will lay down for a bit then."

"Thank you Chris-san. "

The room that we rented has an inside bathroom so I won't have to share it with other patron.

I take out spare clothes from my magic bag and head to the bathroom. It's smaller than the one in Malik-san's house but the size is decent enough. Inside the bathtub, there's magic stone to heat the water. I pour a little bit of magic and the water quickly turns warm.

"Magic is so convenient."

I scoop out the water from the bathtub to wash myself from top to toe.

After I finish rinsing, I finally let myself soak inside the bathtub.

"Ice Prince.. Ah no, Fer-san.. How am I supposed to talk to him..? I don't know what to say.. Should I just bluntly said, 'Let's return home together!' like that? But what if he say no? I also haven't met with Silver Wolf too."

I immersed myself with the warm water as I ponder what should I do in the future.

Since Malik-san only told me to come home together with them, is it okay if we decide on a place to meet after the subjugation quest is over and walk home together?

"For the time being, I need to focus on finding them first."

After soaking myself for a while, I get out of the bath and wipe myself.

I put on a new clean clothes and I use [Clean] on the dirty clothes, fold them and put them inside the magic bag.

"Chris-san, the bath is ready now~" I call out to Chris-san.

"Ah Ren-chan look, I told you he will come, right? Here he is~"

Inside the room, there's the blonde adventurer that we met before, Ferd-san. He's sitting on the chair while Chris-san is sitting on the bed.

"Good afternoon, are you the child that Malik-san told me about? My name is Ferdinand, you can call me Fer if you'd like."

"Ah yes, I'm Malik-san's son, Ren. Did.. my father contact you as well?"

Chris-san beckons for me to sit beside him.

Ferdinand.. Ah, Ferd-san..

Unlike the sexy Chris-san, Ferd-san has this calm and regal aura about him.

Even the way he sits is really elegant looking.

With silky straight and long blonde hair paired with clear blue eyes, Fer-san is like a prince from fairy tale.

I think he's also taller than Chris-san? Even though not by much.

Just how did Malik-san know this kind of person?

"Yes, Malik-san said : 'My son is going to Calhea as well, why don't you meet up with him?' So here I am."

"Eh? Is that all?"

I can't believe it, Malik-san also only told Fer-san to meet up with me without any further explanation.

How should I proceed from here? I don't know what to do..

"Ah he also added : 'Your life might change too, you know?'"

"Eh? Why? I don't understand.."

"Fufu~ Malik-san said something like that?~" Chris-san adds with a clearly displeased face.

What's with that?

His life might change just by meeting me?

Why? How?

And why Chris-san seems to be irritated for some reason..?

"So your life might change by meeting me..? But how..?"

"Ah Ren-chan doesn't know huh. In Alsar, we call the fateful meeting with our spouse as 'life changing' moment.

"In other words Malik-san is saying that I'm going to be Fer-san's husband?"

Ah so it was something like that. I see.




"W-wait! Spouse?!"

"That's right~ I don't know about Fer but my life definitely has changed ever since I met you. I already told Malik-san that I'm going to pursue you with the intention of becoming your husband and Malik-san gave me his approval~"


Chris-san nonchalantly dropped a huge bomb on me.

When did Chris-san say something like that to Malik-san?!

More importantly, Chris-san wants to become my husband?!

Is that why he wants to form a party with me??

There's so many things swirling inside my head I feel lightheaded..

"Well right now, I don't feel anything yet. No matter how I see it, he looks like a young child to me. Having Malik-san telling me that I'm going to become a husband with such a young child like this is a little discontenting. For the time being, I've decided that I'm going to keep you company since we don't know what will happen in the future. I might change my mind later, right?"

"Fufu~ I don't really mind since Malik-san already told me that it'd be better if Ren-chan has multiple husbands so I already prepared myself beforehand but I don't want you to get in my way, okay?~"



My brain freezes.

I've stopped listening since I was in a panic.

I don't even know what they're talking about, it's like they're speaking in alien language.

"That's why Ren-chan, I want you to properly see me as a potential husband, okay?~"

"As for me, I want to form a party together with you two. Please don't leave me out."


Suddenly Chris-san and Fer-san turn their attention to me.

All of these is too sudden.. I don't know what else to say.


Character's Introduction!~

Name : Ferdinand Aspell

Age : 27

Height : 210 cm

Eye color : Blue

An A rank adventurer. He has affinity with water attribute and a one handed sword user. He's actually the fifth prince of Aspell. He has waist length long blonde hair.