
Chapter 22 : At The Inn

"Malik-san also told me that he contacted Sig as well, have you met him?" Fer-san started.

"Umm.. Nope, not yet~ Me and Ren-chan just arrived at Baunov today. If we meet him, do you want to form a party with Sig as well?"

The two of them were talking with each other.

I calmly sip on my tea as I watched them.

They get along so well together.

But when I see the two of them side by side, the sparkling aura also doubled.

So dazzling..

"Sig-san? Who is he?" I asked.

Based on their conversation I guess Sig-san must be Silver Wolf?

"Oh it's Silver Wolf. His name is Sigurd so we call him Sig for short~" Chris-san answered.

"Ah I see. Thank you Chris-san. Malik-san told me to greet Sig-san as well, will we be able to meet him too?"

I knew it.

I wonder what kind of person Sig-san is?

"I'm sure we will meet him soon since he's pretty conspicuous like Chris."

"Ehh?~ How can you say something like that?? So mean~"

"I think both of you also pretty conspicuous though.."

So there will be one more person like Fer-san and Chris-san?

I'm getting worried.. Both of them are already so sparkling…

I can't imagine what it feels like if there's one more sparkling guy like them..

"Umm, Chris-san.. About the spouse thing that you talked before.."

"Yes? You said you were fine with it, right? I will do my best to have you fall in love with me ~ I will shower you with lots of love~" Chris-san smiled.


Even though I wanted to reject his advances but when he told me something like that outright..

There's no way I will reject him now, right?

Especially when he smiled at me like that..

"Ugh.. I don't think I will fall for you but.. I understand.. Let's do this.."

"Fufufu~ I can't wait until you fall in love with me soon~"

I just told you that I won't fall for you!

"Haa..So about the party, do we need to go to the guild to register for a party?"

"Yup, there's a lot of solo player like me who found their party member here in Calhea so it's not an uncommon to build a party in here. After all, having a party will greatly affect the efficiency and safety of the group member but because there's a lot of people gathering here, there's also a lot of trouble happening~" Chris-san explained.

I see..

Trouble like.. Zhanna-san from before huh..

"Yes, trouble. That reminds me that we need to be careful with that female adventurer. I already refused her invitation but judging from her personality, I don't think she will back away quietly. We need to be careful."

Fer-san started to talk about Zhanna-san.

As I thought, Zhanna-san also asked Fer-san to join her party.

"Ehh? Fer-san too? Ah, the two of you have refused her party invitation and now we're going to party together.. I'm sure she will has a grudge against me.."

Since both of two handsome guys that refused her turned out partying with me, I'm sure I will become the object of her grudge.

"Just ignore that kind of girl, her personality is the worst. Who does she think she is? Forcing people to join her party like that." Chris-san scoffed.

"Well, I already planned to party with Ren-kun from the start so she didn't have a chance at all. Ren-kun also said it,right? She might be holding a grudge, we can't just ignore her completely."

"Yeah, yeah. I will be sure to keep an eye on her."

I'm sure even without me in their mind, they will also refused Zhanna-san's invitation.

I can't imagine they will party up with someone like her.

If I were in their shoes, I will also refused her.

"So, what should we do now? Should we wait until we meet up with Sig? Since it'd be a hassle if we have to register for party twice."

"Yes, the subjugation quest won't start until two days from now. I think we will have enough time to meet up with him and apply for party tomorrow."

So we won't be applying for party today huh.

I checked my pocket watch and saw that lunch time has passed but we haven't had lunch yet.

"Umm, Chris-san why don't we have a lunch now? Fer-san, would you like to have lunch with us too?"

"Ah, right. We haven't eat yet huh. Okay, let's have lunch now~" Chris-san said merrily.

"I've just arrived here not too long ago so I haven't eat too. Please allow me to join you guys."

Ah what a relief.

I was not the only one feeling hungry.

Fer-san also just arrived so he must be starving as well.

Now, what should I do?

I can just immediately take out the meal that I prepared beforehand but since we've come all the way here, wouldn't it be better to go to the restaurant in Baunov instead?

"Umm, then would you guys prefer to eat outside or do you guys want to eat my cooking instead?"

"Fer-chan never tried Ren-chan's cooking before, right? Ren-chan's cooking is super delicious, even better than the one in restaurant!"

"Malik-san also said that Ren-kun's cooking is delicious so I'm actually have been looking forward to try it."

Chris-san praised my cooking wholeheartedly but Fer-san is a noble, right?

Then he must be used to eat high quality dishes prepared by the professional.

I don't think my cooking is on par with professional chef..

"Fer-san is a noble right? There's no way my cooking can be compared with the one prepared by professional chef hired by noble!"

"Hm? Ren-chan didn't you know? Fer-chan is a genuine prince. He's the rightful son of the current king."

"EH?! A prince?!"

A prince?!

Why a prince is here?! Isn't dangerous?!

"I haven't introduced myself properly huh. My name is Ferdinand Asper, the fifth prince of Asper. Though, I've abdicated my succession right to the throne. A lot of people think of me as an eccentric one because of it."

"Ah! I remember! I met Ed-sama back in the Pedrell! So you're Ed-san's little brother! Ah, I've been overly-familiar with you then.. Should I call you Ferdinand-sama from now on?"

Ed-san did told me that one of his little brother decided to become an adventurer..

So that said person was Fer-san..

Ah, that's right.. I've been using formal speech in my everyday life but since Fer-san is a prince, I have to call him in more respectful manner.

"No no, you can call me whatever you want. After all I'm no longer running for the throne. Just treat me like an ordinary person if you may. Anyway Ren-kun you've met with Eduardo-aniue?" (T/N: aniue is like nii-san/onii-san. It means big brother.)

Is it really alright to treat him casually like that ?

Though since Fer-san said that he had already declined the throne, that means he doesn't want to be treated like royalty then?

"I understand. I will keep calling you Fer-san then. I met with Ed-sama when I was registering as Malik-san's adopted son. I had the opportunity to talk with him a bit."

"I see.. So, what were you talking with him about?" Fer-san inquired.

"Yes, well.. It was the second day of me arriving in Alsar when I met him. He only told me glimpse of the royal family situation in Asper."

A month has long passed since then.

Back then, if someone was to ask me, I would never thought of becoming an adventure but look at me now.

"Is that so.. Then, had he told you that one of my father's wife is an otherworlder as well?"

"Umm.. If I'm not wrong, he said that the current king has 3 spouse.. 8 nieces and nephews.. The youngest princess is still 17 years old and since the big age gap between the youngest princess and her siblings, they really pampered the youngest princess."

Honestly, I wanted to meet with another otherworlder and talk with them but since she's a king's wife that means she's a royal consort.

It'd be impossible for a commoner like me to meet with a royalty nonchalantly like that.

Instead, it'd be nice if I can meet with another otherworlder during my travel as adventurer..

"He also told you that kind of thing… Well it is true that Lily is spoiled rotten that she turned into a selfish princess…" Fer-san sighed.

Lily-san.. Is that the name of the youngest princess?

"I don't know about her personality but Ed-sama told me that because she's so cute that Ed-sama can't help but to spoil her."

"It's true that she's cute when she was younger but she's about to become an adult soon. Because she's a descendant of an otherworlder, her body is naturally small so everyone keeps on treating her like a little girl. But in just one year, legally she will become an adult! If things keeps going on like this, I don't think she will be able to perform her duty as royal princess responsibly.. Ah, I'm sorry I'm rambling about my personal trouble.. Please don't mind whatever I just said before.." Fer-san ended his rambling with a big sigh.

I guess Fer-san must be really concerned about Lili-san.

So Lili-san's body is so petite because she's half otherworlder.

That means.. My future children will also grow up as small as me?!


Let's not think that far in the future…

After all, marriage is still impossible for me.

"Well, since I'm an only child so.. I don't really understand the matter about relationship between siblings.."

"Is that so? Well as for me, I have several siblings. All of my little brother and sister are so very cute!~ I can't help but to spoil them as well~ Ah but I also have one brother that I don't know what to make of him. Since he's younger than me by only a few months, it doesn't feel like he's a little brother at all~" Chris-san said.

"So Chris-san also have siblings too.."

Ah how envious..

The two of them have siblings, while I'm an only child..

Since Chris-san younger brother is only a few months younger so that means they're half-siblings?

Maybe one from different mother?

"Yup!~ I have two younger brother and one younger sister. I'm the oldest son of a noble family but I don't want to inherit the title so I left the house and all the inheritance stuff to my younger brother~"


So that means Chris-san and Fer-san are genuine royalty?!

Well now that I think about it, they're different from other adventurer I often see on the street.

From the way they talk and move, they have this graceful aura to it.

"Well, it's not important. Anyway, can we have a lunch soon? I'm starving." Chris-san said.

Chris-san changed the topic.

I guess he didn't like to talk about his past.

"Hmm, we don't have any table to dine to and even if I take one out of my magic bag, there's no space to put it. What should we do?" I asked.

That's right.

Even though we rented a room with two bed and an inside bathroom, the room itself was not that spacious.

"We can have lunch on the first floor. They don't mind outside food and drinks but if it concerns you, we can order something light as addition to our meal." Fer-san suggested.

"That's right Ren-chan, let's go now~"


Chris-san grabbed my hand and the three of us left the room to have our lunch on the first floor of the inn.