Chapter 6- City of Myriad Heavens

(Will use miles and such, readers will get confused with ancient chinese measurements)

Looking at his system map, he altered it so it looked something more familiar to him, a sim city but with 100x better graphics and connection to the real world.

He scrolls to his soldiers training hard in the training grounds to see which ones had already graduated and mastered spy and intelligence skills. 

He used the system to voice transmission through a statue to ask 12 of his soldiers who reached Peak 4th golden gate. Thesee soldiers would be guarding the gates and permitting those who did not look suspicious.

Next he installed a large building in each gate. It would be the final destination for refugees or poor villagers wanting to migrate into the city for better jobs. 

The immigration building would check all, if any documents or plates anyone might have. This way, a census is created allowing Jiang Chen to better protect his city both domestically and foreignly. 

People would state their names, background, and skills. Some were carpenters, farmers, blacksmiths, or even shipbuilders. The Zhou prefecture southern border is the sea. 

There will be a list that checks if anyone lies about their occupation and a room for them to test their skills. In the end they will all receive a citizenship plate. They will all be required to stay in the city for the next 2 years. 

This way they will be more likely to stay and feel at home rather than be bribed by the Zhou Prefecture when they find the Myriad Heaven's City a threat. 

So far no one has come, but that is the job of recruiters to go to nearby farms and spread the news of a city needing of a massive workforce. Their will be easy jobs and high pay which would easily persuade the common people. 

Jiang Chen did not want the common people, however to leak any information regarding their sect, since it is still in its infancy. 

Since his city is well planned in the ways of architecture and infrastructure and city layout, thanks to the system. It can easily hold at least 30,000 people. 

Throughout the day, nearby farms were emptied and slaves were mysteriously bought out from Zhang City. Now Jiang Chen truly was a poor man again. 

The farms and mines the automatically produced, although was the best it produced very little. That's why he instituted schools so that future farmers can learn better ways of farming and increase production of resources. 

Soon, there were people gasping and conversing excitedly in front of the crowded city gates of the Myriad Heavens City. 

"Hmph, how bold, the city lord must be either crazy or crazy powerful to put up this domineering name."

"I know right, only capital cities or famous cities gets a name like this, but this city… it seemed to have appeared out of thin air in a single day."

"Dad, will we have enough to eat this winter?" said a young frail boy.

"Yes, those people have told so they even gave us some gold see boy?" replied a father as he shows his son the gold coin.

Jiang Chen checked each gate for a while to check how the gate soldiers are handling the matters. He also put up banners picturing a planet wrapped by a dragon. When people see them, they would only understand the dragon and believe that the planet to be the dragon ball. In this world, at least in this empire no one has truly circumnavigated the world. 

But Jiang Chen wanted the planet to remind him of his old home. 

"Sir, what is your name, occupation, and background," asked a guard in a neutral tone with a mask that only allows light to come in through two eye slits, "Your are warned not to lie or face the consequences. Also do not cross the border line unless permitted."

"Everyone, do not rush and take your time, we have all day to go through everyone," shouted another guard. There were three guards  at every gate. Two guards would accept people, while one was on the lookout and maintained order.

"Ah yes, this is my son An Guo and I'm An Qin," trembled the same father who showed his son the gold coin, "I am a rice and wheat farmer… I don't think I have any inheritance or background that I know."

Looking at the state of the father-son duo, the guard noticed the faint smell of dirt and wheat and animals. He also noticed the wheel barrow with only an ox and rice bags, "Okay you may pass, go to that building." The guard pointed at a tall building and attended the next person. 

This went on for just about all the gates in a similar fashion. Although some were suspected of lying, will be fact checked in the immigration building handled by the system. 

"Please state your name, occupation, background, cultivation, belongings and skills," stated a statue behind the counter in the immigration building in a monotone, "Also place your hand on this pedestal."

The father-son duo both answered with honesty while placing their hands on the strange pedestal they have never seen before. The pedestal showed no reaction which meant that they stated the truth and only the whole truth. 

They were not required to enter the back room for further testing and received their new identity plates while the old Zhang City ones were confiscated and destroyed. This occurred for most of the people.

Some futilely tried to attack the guards who did not let them enter but were quickly killed

Cultivators could only use their stored qi when they reach the 12th heavenly gate or the ascended realm. 

So no massive damage occurred, only small damages occured in the city walls as most of the invading cultivators practiced assassination techniques.

Throughout the 12 gates of the mortal body, the skin is cleansed, then the muscles, then the muscles, then the majors organs, then the heart, then the outer bone marrow, and finally the brain which most cultivators only refined a small percentage. 

Those that refined the brain 100 percent had an 80 percent chance of successfully entering the ascended realm. Otherwise, rich cultivators would use outside resources to aid their breakthrough.

The father-son duo were normal mortals, perhaps even weaker than normal since they had scarce food and lived in poor environments for most of their lives. They were your typical run to the mill exploited farmers.

However, their lives were about to be changed for the better. They reached their destination which was only a couple miles from the immigration center. They walked past countless other migrants and countless fields of lively crops and livestock. 

They also saw a couple soldiers carrying weapons but had a friendly aura. They assumed the soldiers were city patrols mentioned in the pamphlet they received. 

This only improved their outlook in the future and the city overall. Soon they reached their own farm. From afar, it was like a painting. And as they got closer, it was like a dream. 

From the information pamphlet which clearly stated all the laws, every citizen was entitled to rights based on the constitution of the United States on earth. Except most laws regarding technology, right to bear arms and others were either changed or excluded. 

The citizens were allowed to have weapons, store food, trade, have jobs, receive fair trials, and many other rights. 

The farm contained manuals for farming and prepared essential housing supplies. There were livestock and crops that only needed attention of nutrients and resources to grow. Things like the environment won't affect the crops.

They system stopped automatically producing the farms and let the people take control. This way an economy can actually function with work and trade. 

They father-son duo then went to the lower-middle city to go to the sub-city hall for more information. The son would go to school in the lower-middle city handled by the Ancient Sky sect. Meanwhile the father can also choose to work or go to school at the same time.

The economy worked like this for the farmers and miners. Their annual or daily products could only be sold in the sub-city hall, agriculture and mining section. Hoarding of resources was not allowed. 

They would have records of the amount they planted and the amount they produced. And they were not allowed to privately trade. 

They would receive pay equal to the amount and quality of food or resources they produce. All government related jobs to this sort of work will be controlled by puppets of city officials who are also graduate cultivators of the Ancient Sky sect.

They still train everyday, so trusted subordinates were needed, and puppets were the best option for now. 

The farmers houses would be on the farm, it was from the system, so plumbing, heating, lighting and others from earth were automatically produced. This was a godsend for all the farmers as they always suffered in the summers and winters.

Many also believed that they were living in a holy city from the gods, which is partly true since the system is somewhat of a god. 

Other occupations dealing with livestock were also located in the lower-city with the farms. 

Higher occupations naturally was not as abundantly filled as farmers or miners. Alchemists, blacksmiths, and inscription masters were not yet enticed to visit, so Jiang Chen decided to send a couple of high-level cultivators to convince them.

Some middle occupations such as carpenters or merchants or shipbuilders were allowed to have businesses in the lower-middle city where houses are taller, bigger and stronger. It also where soldiers live off-duty.

Those that did not have an occupation were sent to the sect for cultivating into reliable soldiers.