Chapter 9- A slave's story

Ping Chang and the nameless official knew what the blood contract stones are, but they were surprised that the city lord didn't even blink an eye when using it. 

Blood contract stones were expensive and rare. Even if someone had it, they wouldn't necessarily sell it. Only the generals of the prefectures would have the authority to request blood contract stones from the emperor. 

Blood contract stones naturally form in the harshest environments of the world. Underground, in the highest mountains, the deepest sea trenches, or found in dead ascended realm inheritances. 

The stone came in 4 different colors, black for grade 1, red for grade 2, orange for grade 3 and pale yellow for grade 4. There was a rumored pinnacle grade 5 but no one has ever found it. 

They hesitated before realizing that they had no other choice. After draining their blood essence onto the stone, the ritual was complete.

Jiang Chen now had complete control over the life and death of anyone below ascended realm since it was a medium grade blood contract stone. 

However he could not see their thoughts or read their subconscious thoughts. It was enough to have someone from the inside of the Zhou Prefecture. 

This way he can create an inside job instead of forcefully taking over the Zhou Prefecture. He wanted loyal citizens not people who were forced to move against their will.


- Tian Ming, Tian Empire

"Mother that bitch is finally dead now, she won't be an obstacle in your great plan anymore." Tian Ming, the one who colluded with Li Wei of the Gu sect to poison Jiang Chen was happily reporting to his mother, the 3rd concubine of Emperor Tian.

"That's a good filial son, always listening to your poor mother. Now how will you deal with Jiang Chen? He has the rights to the previous sect master's inheritance after all," replied Hua Ming without taking a single glance at her son know towing on the floor. 

She was the current sect master of Mount Hua sect's daughter. The Mount Hua sect master was also very close to the General of the Hua Prefecture.

"To answer that dear mother… you see Jiang Chen must've found an unknown inheritance in the Howling Forest so he's definitely above peak 4th golden gate right now," answered Tian Ming nervously, "So your son would like to request heavenly gate masters-"

"You know I can't do that," interrupted Hua Ming coldy, "Ask for something else."

"Then then, a refined high-grade 8th grade monster core. I can use it to increase my cultivation to low 1st heavenly gate master, and a high-level inscripted mythril sword from the west."

"Hmm, that can do, I have favors from those magic welders. I can definitely get some mythril, but you must be patient," replied Hua Ming as she stares at him, "This is no small matter, I must wait at least half a year to receive it, the barrier to the west only opens for an hour at certain points randomly every month."

"Ah of course, then thank you mother," replied Tian Ming submissively as he walks out.


- Myriad Heavens City

"Both of you go, report back. Say the truth of everything you saw and obviously we are not going to be under control of the Zhou Prefecture."

"May I ask why? They will certainly attack-" asked nameless official.

"Its fine, we have a strong formation and walls, let them come hehehe."

"Gulp… then I will do as you say."

"Oh and be sure to create an underground organization spreading propaganda against the Tian Empire to rile up the people."

"That would at least a year, I would need to find loyal rats willing to spill the dirty secrets of the prefecture."

"That's okay, send me the people you find and I will make sure they are loyal, also tell Advisor Xi that Ping Chang was held hostage so he couldn't return."

"Yes that's perfect, this way I can train in the Ancient Sky Sect!" Ping Chang only pursued the way of cultivation, although he won't switch sides with just anyone, his previous sect was not a group of moral people. The Ancient Sky Sect in Myriad Heavens City is certainly more powerful than the Flying Crane Sect.

"Then everything is settled," replied Jiang Chen with a wide smile as he clasps his hands together on the desk.

While the nameless official went on to his mission, Jiang Chen decided to start his journey as his city was consolidated enough.

"Sir, General Zhou wants to invite you to tea." A voice message from nameless official suddenly resounded in his head.


- Zhou Prefecture capital city

After listening to nameless official's report, Advisor Xi was angered to the point that he actually kicked him out of his office and fired him.

He was afraid that General Zhou would be irritated at him for being unable to subdue a simple city.

General Zhou was already growing grey hair from clashes of the princes in their fight for the throne. 

However, contrary to Advisor Xi's thoughts, General Zhou didn't sound angry over the voice transmission and actually wanted to invite Jiang Chen for a cup of tea!

Advisor Xi decided to rehire nameless official but he was nowhere to be found anymore.

He didn't think any further about him after all, he had hired over 20 officials in a year. Firing this one didn't mean anything to him.


Great just when I was free to adventure the world. Jiang was a bit annoyed but he accepted the invitation anyways as it was an important step to expanding his empire.

Maybe I can control… I mean work with the general to expand my empire! This way I can save money on resources and people.

Jiang Chen felt this option was much better than war since he wanted citizens who were happy and loyal.

He knew of the royal battle between the princes, they will definitely be a hindrance in his supreme plan so having competent loyal underlings within the Tian Empire would make his domination much easier.

However, he was disappointed that there wouldn't be a battle. He was actually looking forward to a nice little war.

He decided to have his General Mei to accompany his travel to the capital city. Having a heavenly gate body guard will save his life if General Zhou decides to ambush him. 

He bought a carriage from one of the hundreds of shops now springing up in his city and rode it with General Mei.

A puppet rode and reined the horse while Jiang Chen and General Mei sat inside the carriage.

It was close to midnight so Jiang Chen decided to take a quick nap before waking early in the morning. Once again, he rested his head on General Mei's lap and fell fast asleep. 

The carriage quickly reached Zhang City where it rolled quietly in the quiet winter night. The moonlight shone through the silk curtains and onto Mei's face.

She was tranquil and also resting quietly. Like her, all the slaves bought from the system were not magically created but rather transported from other worlds and planets.

They were instilled with a close feeling and loyalty to Jiang Chen. Although she was forced to like Jiang Chen, she genuinely felt happy around him.

Her previous world was filled with disasters and famine. She was slowly dying the wasteland feeding her baby. But the world was unfair and the baby died of hunger as well.

She had fed him everything she found. She sold her body for food, and worked in the harshest conditions to earn meager wages in wasteland cities to feed her baby.

After hearing from a radio about a safe haven for those with kids, she decided to join a group to travel the wasteland to find it. 

In the end the monster came and took the lives of her new friends. She was left alone as she was too malnourished to be even bothered with.

She became an atheist after the war and after the constant prayers to the gods that led to nothing. 

But after her tears for her dead baby and before her eventual painful death or worms gnawing on her.

She prayed for the last time to a god to any god. And god answered. She was reborn into a new world of strange things. 

She found herself in front of a handsome youth who was vibrant and close to her. The only sadness she felt was her baby who did not come with her. Maybe one day she will find him again.

After a few hours, Jiang Chen woke up. They were about to enter Sky Port City.