Why Is Life Like A Tomato? - How To Make Life Simpler

If one wishes to find the gold of life, they must be willing to dig and sift through the dirt. When thinking about life, it becomes very easy to drown in its immense complexity and uncertainty.

It becomes appealing to just claim ignorance and pretend like such complexity does not exist.

But pretending that life is simple does not make it so.

Regardless of how much one may try, no one can be completely numb to the effects of life. The only real way to simplify life is by following it down its path of complexity.

We must not run from its intricate and elusive nature. We must, instead, accept and embrace it. Only then can we break life down into small enough pieces to understand.

Consider the basic food ingredient, a tomato. Think about how many edible applications there are for a tomato.

You can eat it whole.

You can cut it up into big chunks and put it on a salad.

You can slice it into small slivers and put it on a burger.

You can dice it and put it in soup or on top of a chicken meal.

You can smash it up and make it into a sauce for a pasta meal, or pizza.

You can blend it with the addition of other ingredients and make it into ketchup or a soup broth.

The recipes and applications for a tomato are endless, but one can only uncover them if they break the tomato down. The more one breaks it down into smaller and smaller pieces, the more usages the tomato has and the easier it is to manipulate into different meals.

Life works the same way. Individuals who are willing to cut up, break down, and analyze complicated thoughts and ideas are able to turn them into delicious meals in the form of solutions, art, or understanding.

All things in life do not require over-complication, but it is the fear of facing the things that do that prevents legitimate simplification and well-being. It is this fear that leaves us hopelessly lost from who can be and what we can experience in life.

It is this fear that we must overcome.

It is the tomato that we must cut through.