The Conflict Between Love & Sex - Understand The Human Mind

Sex is the foundation of life.

It is at the root of our nature and our lives are in constant motion towards it.

Every component of life works to ensure the survival and advancement of life itself.

Sex is arguably the most powerful component as it is the means in which life perpetuates and fights for the collective state of existence.

But what implications does the force of sex have on our conscious and human experience of life?

As humans, we seek and acquire more than just physical, sexual relationships.

We want depth and connection.

We want love.

But while we are all aware of this and hope to fulfill our conscious goals of connection and love, the biological survival force of sex works to deprive us of these goals.

This force controls our unconscious minds and pushes us towards sex with lots of strangers, and away from genuine connection and intimacy.

The urge and curiosity for sexual adventure and variety is constantly lingering inside of us, prodding for attention.

So how should we deal with it?

If we break our sexuality down, we can separate its goals into two categories.

Love and lust.

Love being our conscious goal.

And lust being our unconscious biological one.

We want to satisfy both... And we can.

But only when a particular order and process is followed.

Otherwise, we will constantly run back and forth between the two and never truly achieve either.

Lust comes easier than love, but that does not make it more important.

Lust is hollow when it is not filled by love.

Lust is needy and greedy. It wants all of our attention and cares for nothing other than itself.

When we chase lust, we are forced to neglect love.

When we succumb to lust, we become attracted to everyone and as a result, not REALLY anyone.

We will never find love through lust.

We may pretend that we have, but we would be lying to our self.

Lust almost always alludes to feelings of love, but does not always ensure it.

The yearning of survival and reproduction that drives us to want to have sex with as many people as possible relies on the circularity of sex; anticipation-action-pleasure-emptiness-repeat.

And somewhere within this cycle, we are expecting to find love.

But it is not there.

Lust does not care about love or the various aspirations of humankind.

Confusing lust with love is why there is often so much conflict and failure in relationships and marriages.

As humans, we are an overpopulated species.

So maintaining existence is no longer the issue at hand.

Therefore, our sexual nature warrants partially useless results.

As willful beings, we have the power to examine and understand this and determine how we wish to re-calibrate our actions to better fit a balanced and fulfilling life.

The real problem humanity is facing is not population or survival.

It is lack of love.

Lack of connection.

Lack of happiness.

The only way to love is through love itself.

Love comes first.

You must open yourself up to the love that you possess.

It is something within us all that is beyond objectification.

By embracing the unity between yourself and the wrest of the world, love blossoms within you.

Love in a lustful and romantic sense may fleet, but love in the sense of connection does not.

As chemicals fluctuate in the brain and factors of the world push and pull you out of romance, you can still remain constantly with love.

When you maintain this, your love will manifest into relationships that are strong and meaningful.

By seeking love through lust, you miss out on love.

But by seeking lust through love, you become able to profoundly enjoy both.