Making Real Friends And Strong Relationships - The Power Of Authenticity

Like everything, humans are made up of atoms. But what's interesting, is how we behave so very similar to them.

Atoms share electron pairs with other atoms in order to become stable and form covalent bonds.

Human relationships are just like that of covalent bonds and reflect the same process of give-and-take.

Relationships develop out of some divine-like push and pull. When we allow it, we are magnetized towards other people that are compatible with our polarity. Two people become into one mutual life when a stable bond is formed.

These bonds are formed all through life, attempting to balance out all of our unstable forces in the process.

In theory, this is a beautiful system that guarantees balanced and receptive relationships throughout life.

But then why does it seem like there are so many challenges associated with human social-life?

Why is true friendship and partnership so hard to find?

This challenge rises out of our insecurities and fears.

Our fear of being our self and having others dislike it.

But when we submit to this fear and hide behind its wall, we inadvertently prevent our electron pairs from being fully revealed to the world.

Our whole self hides behind the wall and the polarized system of push and pull becomes broken.

It is like someone holding their hand in front of a camera lens.

No one can see the subject.

No one can enjoy the subject.

For successful social relationships to occur, your whole image must be visible.

By removing your hand from the lens, you reveal your true self to the world and allow others to do the same.

If you want people to truly care for you and allow you to care for them, you must be willing to present your full self without fear.

If, instead, you hide behind fear's wall, you will never find the stability and connection we all so desire in life.

Instead of forming balance like atoms, you will only form temporariness and insecurity.

Like a cigarette, your life will be smoked away by those you encounter in life.

Your ashes will be flicked into the wind until nothing remains.

You will treat others the same way and feel slight and temporary pleasure from your relationships, but the sensations will soon dissipate and you will soon be left with nothing.

Not everyone is going to match with your polarity in life.

Accept this and do not bother trying to force relationships with those who do not.

You must, instead, search only for those who DO match with your truest self.

Like when you are scanning the radio and come across a station with poor reception, you must not stay and listen to the static of meaningless social relationships.

You must keep scanning until you find value and clarity.