How To Come Up With Good Ideas - The Art Of Critical Thinking

The groundwork of innovation and achievement is ideas.

The ability to imagine something that does not yet exist.

To create synergy between our thoughts and the world.

Unfortunately though, our ideas are not always good.

In general, it is more likely that the majority of our ideas are bad.

But if hypothetically, let's say one in ten ideas are good, then the goal is to come up with as many ideas as possible.

All it takes is one good idea, coupled with proper execution, to ignite an explosion of innovation and achievement.

In order to capture and execute the rare good ideas swimming around inside your head, you must go through a process of idea collection.

This involves collecting every idea that floats to the surface of your consciousness.

There is a sea of thought flowing beneath your conscious perception filled with the potential for powerful life-changing ideas.

Ideas float to the surface when they are facilitated and inspired by new experiences, new understandings, and new perspectives.

To capitalize on this, you must grab every idea that surfaces and bring it into shore.

By simply writing your ideas down, you capture them.

But if not written down promptly after consciously perceiving them, they will sink back into the subconscious and there is no guarantee that they will re-surface.

Once you begin to gather your ideas on the shoreline, the next and very important step evaluation.

After letting your ideas dry off for a bit, you must evaluate the validity and potential of them.

You should trust in the potential of your ideas but also thoroughly examine them with objectivity and reason.

If your ideas make it past this process, go one further and test them out with carefully selected friends, family members, and colleagues.

Observe their reactions and open yourself up to their feedback.

Work to subtract your pride and ego from the equation in order to absorb their feedback fully and without resistance.

Any stake of vanity that you hold within your idea prevents clear and rational consideration of its true potential.

Once you have genuinely considered both your own and other people's evaluations and you know in your heart of hearts that you have synthesized and idea of great value, you will become synchronized with its energy.

You will struggle to think of anything other than the pursuit of its realization.

At which point, you must execute the idea.

You must work to bring it into reality using any infrastructure you have or can assemble.

Once you have made this decision to pursue an idea into fruition, you must follow it through without wavering, for the greatest demise of a good idea is indecision and uncertainty.

Employ the power of definitive effort towards a good idea, and allow it to take its course.

If the idea is in fact a good one, it will in time bring great abundance to that which it is designed to serve.