How To Feel High Without Drugs - A Perspective Shift

In many ways, life is like one big party.

It is a gathering of energy and a celebration of existence.

The point of a party is to experience connection, opportunity, and excitement.

And the point of life itself is to fulfill these same qualities.

Like a party, life should stimulate an appreciation of existence and collectivity.

It should make us nervous and excited at the same time.

It should open us up to new people and new experiences.

Needless to say, everything we do in life may not be as fun as a party, but if we approach everything with the mindset that life is a continuous effort to celebrate and connect with life itself, our perspectives and experiences will begin to change.

Things that would otherwise seem simple or dull will start to elicit significance and wonder.

One of our strongest desires is to feel perpetually intoxicated by the substance of wonder.

To look out of our bedroom and see the same trees, the same street, and the same grass that we have seen a million times, yet still feel amazed and inspired as if it was the first time seeing it.

We want to constantly feel the sensation of what our infant self felt like when stepping into consciousness for the first time, experiencing the thrilling mystery of the relationship between human and nature.

This desire is the reason why people do drugs, drink alcohol, and party in the first place.

To escape normal life and feel excitement and stimulation.

But if we view life as a party in itself, we will constantly feel intoxicated by life's wonder, and no longer feel the need to escape it.

We will no longer have to worry about the feeling of waking up in the morning after a party, upset that it has ended.