We are all insecure.
Some a little more than others.
Some a little less.
And perhaps some are just better at working around it, while others wear it on their sleeves.
Nonetheless, we are all insecure.
We're all insecure about who we are, because none of us truly know who or what that is.
We're all insecure about our achievements or lack there of, because we're wired to never feel like enough is never enough.
And we're all insecure about life itself, because it looms over us with its apathetic bravado, mocking our ignorance to its mystery.
Arguably, insecurity is in us all, fully included with the human condition.
From an evolutionary standpoint, the state of insecurity is likely to be essential.
It is what has kept us on our toes throughout history, forcing us to remain on high alert, safe from our environmental conditions and those who seek to defeat us.
And it is also, to some degree, at the root of the motivation to progress and achieve success in life.
To attempt to impact the world and acquire a sense of importance.
But then how can we reduce our sense of insecurity if it is so essentially a part of us?
On one hand, you are a part of the collective humanity, and the quality if your life experience is partially based on your ability to contribute to its forward movement.
To feel like you have a sense of contribution outside of yourself.
But simultaneously, you are a uniquely complex being with a meaningful, individual experience of life that you should enjoy and appreciate, without it it getting reduced by a constant need to influence, impress, or prove something.
And this is what we must understand and gain agency over.
That as humans, we have a conflict in our nature.
Our experience of life is both individual and collective.
But we can and should reduce the affects of this conflict by becoming aware of it and setting limitations for how much we let it impose a sense of insecurity into our life.
Use insecurity to your advantage.
Use it to light the flame within you.
To facilitate self-discipline and proficiency, so you can do cool things and impact the world in positive ways.
So you can feel involved, fulfilled, and plugged in to the collective.
Use insecurity as this fuel, but know and remind yourself that that's all it is.
That as an individual, your obligation in life is not solely to contribute to the evolution of the collective.
But that as a self-aware, conscious individual, it is also to appreciate your own existence.
To appreciate that against all odds, you get to experience the phenomenon of life as your unique self.
And you need nothing beyond that to revel in the beauty of it all.
To extend beyond the foolishness of draining insecurity and self-doubt.
Contribute and find fulfillment in helping humanity push the massive boulder of evolution forward.
But don't forget that we don't even know where we are pushing it or why we are pushing it in the first place.
And that we are all a little insecure about that.
But perhaps by simply realizing this, you might just feel a little less insecure.