Powerful Gratitude Affirmation

In this reality there are objects without life.

There are plants that have life but no ability to actively participate in it.

There are animals with life that they can actively participate in but no awareness of the fact that they are doing so.

In this reality I have life, I am able to actively participate in it and I am aware that I am doing so.

Unlike anything else ever known in the history of life on this planet, I have the ability to understand that I have life on this planet.

As a human I can know and appreciate that I am the profound result of millions if years of life's evolutionary effort to perceive itself.

With every breath I can know that I am fueled by an abundant resource of a gas we call oxygen, which somehow has the perfect molecular structure to meet the needs of my body and to keep me alive.

I can know that I can understand complex language and enjoy music out of the vibrations that rattle the instrument that is my eardrum.

I can know that I can see light bounce off of random collections of dense matter and recognize beauty.

I can know that through the thousands of little stimuli on my tongue, I can distinguish and savor the different flavors are the things that are used to nourish my body.

And I can know that I can reach out and touch the world, fully aware that I am touching a piece of a giant rock floating through an infinite universe.

Far more than just being able to do any of these things, what is most amazing is that I can know that I can do these things.

I can understand the brilliantly complex relationship between myself and the life I inhabit.

I can understand that I was given the rare and surreal opportunity to experience this life as a human, and for that I can be thankful.