
Standing on a raised Platform in a wooded area of the Training section of the Zenkai Academy, Alexeyevna continued her explanation of the Battle Power examination to the Students as the first group arrived on the Platform.

"The Numerous Species within the Alliance each have their strengths and weaknesses as each evolved in different ways. For Example the Kianko, This is a Warrior race created by Zero-sama for the sole purpose of having the battle prowess and intelligence to assist him with his goals. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have the Shamoians. These Nature-loving peaceful individuals are born with a Battle power of 1 and this only grows to 5 as an Adult. So on the surface, the Class division may seem unfair to those not born members of Warrior races each and every one of you were sent the preparation package."

Alexeyevna's eyes scanned the crowd of students with a scrutinizing gaze.

"The Tuffle's worked extremely hard to create that serum each of you were given. Along with the serum, you each were given the training plan so that you could use the time period prior to the completion of Zenkai's construction to pass the admission exam and eventually this Battle Power exam.

This School was created to assist each and every one of you! However! Zero-sama cannot help you if you don't help yourself!"

Her words resounded like thunder shaking the hearts of the naive students below who are nothing more than the product of a greenhouse environment. Many of them this is their first time leaving their home planets, yet they were already tossed into the realm of independence forced upon them by the structure of this academy.

100 Students stood on the examination platform, some excited, some nervous, but all of them looked determined. 9 Years remained until the First tournament that will decide their Planet's rank within the Alliance. For the members of the Minor powers, this Academy was their opportunity to catapult themselves into the upper echelons from the abyss.

"This exam is pretty simple, each of you will arrive on this platform in your designated group and display your most powerful form and elevate your ki to the max possible output. The A.I. will scan your battle power and your results will be sent to your Zen Watch along with your designated Class and Section. If your power level in your Base form is above 560,000 you will stand over to my left, your Right in that clearing between the trees."

From that point on the Exam passed smoothly, out of the 63 Million students, 56 Million fell into Class D, 6 Million in Class C, 836,912 fell into Class B, 161,671 Fell into Class A, and 1,417 Fell into a Special Group.

The Special Group was sent to an Undisclosed Location under the watchful eye of The Butcher. When they arrived in this Location the only thing in sight was A large training room. The room was bare with the exception of random indentations in the shape of a humanoid figure.

The shuffling of small feet was followed by silence as they waited quietly in this room. An unknown amount of time passed as they waited growing increasingly nervous.

"These are the Students I asked for?"

A voice broke the silence, this voice was neither masculine nor feminine but it carried an indescribable amount of weight when it passed through the eardrums. The bodies of the children stiffened as they felt a chill run throughout their body as if they walked into a Wolves Den being nothing more than succulent rabbits.

Even their escort the infamous Alexeyeva swallowed her gum in a panic when she heard this voice, her body reacted instinctively as she gave a formal greeting to the new arrival.

"Ye-- Yes Zero-sama, These are the Children who have battle power over the upper limit for Class A in their base forms."

Alexeyeva grew nervous as she responded causing her to stumble over her words. Prior to his training Zero was easily approachable however after such an action just felt wrong. He was an existence High above all within the Alliance far outclassing the rest.

Zero stood there with his hands behind his back as his tail swayed lazily just slightly above the ground. His sharp Phoenix like eyes which were formerly Red Pupils took on a Royal Blue color matching his bio-gems.

"Very good, you may leave."

Alexeyeva bowed her head and left the way she came as Zero walked in front of the Students causing them to shrink back.

"Now you all may be wondering why you are here but the reason is simple, Your potential."

Zero spoke in a far less commanding tone than before yet it was still irrefutable.

"You all are the Future of the alliance and I have hopes that you will surpass the current Cherub Elites that boast the highest Military strength. In order to facilitate that growth an environment more volatile than the Zenkai Academy is necessary."

Zero looked around the room at the Students at least 60% were Kianko or Kianko Hybrids followed by Heraian Children, Jikan Children, Kawa, Glass People, Makyans, Beenz, A Zarbonian and even a Tuffle.

"Therefore Practical application is more appropriate in my opinion so you will be my crew as we travel to the North Galaxy in the Northern Area."

Exclamations rang out in the crowd of students as they stood before The most powerful individual in the Alliance.

"While this may seem exciting, it will be the most dangerous thing you have ever done in your lives. While for me there aren't any beings in the Northern Galaxy that can threaten me, for you there will be a fine line between life and death as we are headed to planets with Dominion and maybe even Cherub Class inhabitants.

Along with me Marshall Koji and General Taro will be going to teach you all you need to know to be an effective crew and a future defender of the South Galaxy."