Chapter 2: Angel From Somewhere

The small shadow trembled slightly as a small foot appeared. 

Ji Weitian was stunned. 

Why was a child here? Not to mention, it was a cute little boy who was only three or four years old. 

He was dressed in a small black suit and wearing a cute little bow tie. Meanwhile, his facial features were so fine it looked almost unreal. 

The boy slowly walked toward Ji Weitian before raising his little head. 

His big dark eyes looked up at her innocently and helplessly as he blinked a few times. It was obvious from his tightly pursed lips that he was very nervous. "I… I… I'm not a bad person." 

Ji Weitian slapped her forehead. 

 It was all her fault for being so fierce earlier that this boy was so frightened now! 

He looked like such an angel and was even earnestly telling her that he was not a bad person. Ji Weitian's heart melted at the sight of him as she instantly felt sorry for him. She felt like she was the evil witch in bedtime fairy tales. 

Ji Weitian put down her luggage and squatted in front of the innocent little boy. "Little child, why are you here alone? Where are your parents?" 

The little boy pouted as his eyes instantly began tearing up. "I… I can't find my Dad..." 

Ji Weitian quickly comforted the boy as she said, "Don't be scared. I'll find your father for you, okay?" 

The little boy stopped crying and asked cautiously, "Really?"

"Uh, Auntie was only so fierce earlier because I misunderstood you! So, don't be scared. Oh yeah, what's your name?" Ji Weitian rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly. 

 "Qin Morui."

"Where did you lose your Dad?" Ji Weitian asked. 

"..." The little boy looked like he was thinking very hard, but then he shook his head helplessly as he looked up at Ji Weitian. 

Ji Weitian's heart really could not take his pitiful look. Without even considering the fact that she could still be being chased down, she patted her chest and said, "I'll find him for you! I'll make sure to return you to your Dad safely!" 

The little boy's eyes lit up. He began fidgeting awkwardly from side to side as he slowly held Ji Weitian's hand whilst looking slightly embarrassed. 

Ji Weitian was overflowing with confidence from the feeling of being trusted by someone. 

She took the little boy's hands and said, "Let's go! I'll bring you to find him!"

As she was about to backtrack with the boy, he suddenly clutched his stomach. "Auntie, I'm hungry…"

Ji Weitian stopped in her tracks and looked at the fast food restaurant not far ahead, then back in the direction they came from. 

Although it was unhealthy for a child to eat fast food, there was not really any other choice in a place like this! 

Moreover, if the boy's family broadcasted a message to look for him, she would be able to hear it better from the fast food restaurant and be able to bring him over quickly. 

After thinking about this, Ji Weitian brought the little boy into the fast food restaurant. 

"What do you want to eat? Auntie will treat you," Ji Weitian pointed to the many burgers and chicken wings displayed on the menu board as she patted her wallet generously. 

The little boy's eyes sparkled at all of the "junk food" (as a certain someone had called it), and almost began drooling on the spot. 

He swallowed his saliva and pointed excitedly at everything, "That, that… and that!"

Ji Weitian saw what he was selecting and was taken aback at his huge appetite. 

However, she had already said she would treat him, so it would be unreasonable not to. 

Yet, after ordering the food to their hearts' content, she suddenly realised that… her wallet was empty. 

Under the impatient gaze of the fast food cashier, Ji Weitian and the little boy looked at each other in dismay.