Chapter 10: Life Is Like a Play, It All Depends on Acting!

Qin Nanyu, "..."

"You're so mean. How can you not call me when you're out for lunch? Oh, this person is…?"

Ji Weitian whined as she dragged out the last syllable before quickly glancing at the woman

sitting in front of Qin Nanyu.

She had delicate facial features and fair skin. Although her features were not outstanding,

she was still considered pretty and looked like she would be a family-oriented person.

After briefly judging her, Ji Weitian became confident as she turned her head and flirtatiously

batted her eyelashes at Qin Nanyu.

The woman sitting opposite Qin Nanyu widened her eyes in shock as she watched the two

of them hug in disbelief. Her words were stuck in her throat as she spoke, "Mr Y-Yu, you're

already married?"

Qin Nanyu was the number one wealthy bachelor in T City as well as the media's darling.

Everyone knew that he was a single parent with a son, but no one knew that he was already

secretly married!


Qin Nanyu was momentarily stunned at having someone running into his arms so suddenly.

He raised his head to get a good look at this cheap wife who had appeared out of nowhere

and saw Ji Weitian flirtatiously making eye contact with him. She wrapped her arms around

his neck and continued to act coquettishly. "Hubby, there are people around. If you look at

me like that, I'll get shy!"

Once Ji Weitian finished talking, she coyly buried her face into Qin Nanyu's chest.

Qin Nanyu's eyes darkened as he stared coolly at Ji Weitian, who was still sticking onto him.

He really wanted to find out when exactly he had gotten married, and to such a dramatic

person at that!

Qin Nanyu never liked having close contact with women, so when he snapped back to his

senses, he tried to push Ji Weitian off him.

However, Ji Weitian was already prepared for this. She quickly grabbed his hands and

wrapped them around her own waist before leaning even closer to Qin Nanyu's chest. She

made it look like Qin Nanyu was the one who had deliberately pulled her closer. She even

pretended to reject him, "Hubby, control yourself. This is a restaurant, there are so many

people here. If you're too eager, others will laugh at you."

Qin Nanyu's head begin throbbing.

He had a strong premonition that if he did not get rid of this woman called Ji Weitan soon, he

would soon commit murder.

The woman on the blind date with Qin Nanyu had obviously not encountered such a

situation before as she clutched onto her bag tightly and asked in confusion, "Mr Yu, you

guys… Is what she said true? Then what was the point of us meeting today?"

She was the daughter of an eminent family. If her blind date partner had been any other man

and she had found out that the other party was already taken, she would likely have left

without looking back.

However, Qin Nanyu was really too outstanding of a person. She fell in love with him the first

time she read about him in a finance magazine and had never imagined that one day she

would get the chance to go on a blind date with him. After all this, how could she give up just

like that?

Her eyes turned red like that of a rabbit as she stared at Qin Nanyu with a hurt expression.

When a woman saw another woman, her instincts were almost always right.

Ji Weitian squirmed out of Qin Nanyu's embrace before he could speak and changed

personalities from her coquettish self earlier. She made a pitiful face as she asked, "So, you

must be the blind date that the Qin family had arranged for Nanyu, right? I see that you're

decked out in branded goods, so your family must be very successful. You certainly wouldn't

know how difficult it is for a girl like me who came from a poor background. Nanyu loves me,

but his family doesn't approve of me, so it's not too convenient for us to reveal our

relationship to the public. He also has no choice but to deal with situations like this whenever

they arise. Do you know how bad I feel for him?"