Chapter 14: Dear Heavenly Father, Please Have Mercy on Me!

Fatty, the cat, lay on little golden bun's belly, napping like its owner, in the same sprawled pose.

Fatty's quite heavy... Ji Weitian was worried, so she took Fatty off of her daughter and put the cat aside. She kissed her daughter's cheek, then grabbed her purse and left the house.

Jiangcheng University is a top school for electronic information engineering in the country. There are many well-known professors who worked here.

People have joked that if a rock fell from the sky and hit someone at Jiangcheng University, the victim would probably be a powerful figure in the IT industry.

At this prestigious school, Ji Weitian works at the office of academic affairs as an... ordinary contractor.

   She did work similar to an administrative assistant. Sometimes she had to help her boss host the VIP guests who visited Jiangcheng University.

Like today.

   As soon as Ji Weitian got to work, she got the word that preparations for the university's 70th-anniversary gala were underway. An important part of the anniversary celebrations was inviting the various renowned scientists and business titans in the electronic information engineering field to share their knowledge with the students.

   Today, Ji Weitian's mission was to greet the VIP guests, take them to the hall at the library, and set-up them up in the lounge.

  "Weitian, your job is very important today. This man is not only the most successful businessman in the IT industry in T City; he's also got a history with our Jiangcheng University. He's the most accomplished graduate of our school. It took a lot of effort to invite him to our anniversary gala. Don't mess up!"

   The administrative director lectured her while handing over a stack of materials about the VIP guests. 

  "Don't worry. I will make sure everyone is taken care of."

   Weitian took a look at the time and realized it was almost time. Without further questions, she grabbed the materials from the administrative director and headed out.

  The sizable campus felt cool in the morning.

   Ji Weitian walked briskly on the road. The cold air made her sniff. She ended up running.

   She ran all the way to the campus gate, made sure she wasn't late, and finally breathed a sigh of relief. She looked over the materials to familiarize herself. When she saw the name, she stopped and froze for 10 seconds before slamming close the packet of materials.

   Closing her hands, she raised them over her head and chanted, "Dear Heavenly Father, please have mercy on me. My eyes must be lying to me, let me try again..."

Open file. 

 "Qin Nanyu." The name, embossed in gold, was like a brand she can't wipe off.

Do you believe in fate?

   She didn't before, now, she did.

   Qin Nanyu was her curse. Nothing good happened when she saw him.

   Before Ji Weitian left this morning, she got a call from Ji Mofeng, who scolded her about the failed blind date.

   He told her to go apologize in person to the Chen family.

   She didn't realize Chen Xu was devious enough to tell on her. He was quite thick-skinned. Although to be fair, she wouldn't be caught and brought back to the Ji family if it wasn't for Qin Nanyu. 

   And she wouldn't have had any blind dates.

   She had every right to mess with Qin Nanyu yesterday. She assumed they'd never have anything to do with each other again.

   Ji Weitian didn't forget the way Qin Nanyu looked when she ran out of the restaurant yesterday. His face was as dark as the bottom of a wok. If she ran into him today... She took off instantly.