Chapter 25: As Far Away as in Front of My Eyes

Qin Technology Group could also use Jiangcheng University's rich talent to incubate new technology.

This win-win partnership had no reason to be turned down.

The only reason would have to be--

"Boss, I'm not the best person for this. I know nothing about the Qin Technology Group. I wouldn't be able to work as the point person for this program. Maybe you could find someone else..."

Before Ji Weitian could finish, the director motioned for her to stop. He said with seriousness, "Young people shouldn't give up so easily when there's an obstacle. It wouldn't be Jiangcheng University's style. Plus, you got along really well with Chairman Qin earlier, I believe you can do well on this project."


Ji Weitian's face looked stunned. She blinked in bewilderment.

She got along with Qin Nanyu?

Did her boss not know what "got along" meant?

"Sir, please listen to me. I'm worried about-- "

"It's alright, no need to explain. Listen to me." The director's voice got low. He also looked more serious now.

"Qin Technology Group giving us all of this high-end equipment depends on this partnership. If the partnership failed, we wouldn't even be able to keep the manual for the equipment. You managed to make Chairman Qin stay at the forum when the delay happened. It shows you have the ability to handle the rest of the work."

The director didn't have the heart to tell Ji Weitian that Qin Nanyu's cold temper and scary vibe made most of the people around him back down. Only Ji Weitian, a newcomer, was fearless enough to deal with him.

Ji Weitian had to accept the mission. She returned to the lab building.

The brand-new equipment was all turned on. After professional adjustment, their screens showed rows of moving data.

The familiar image brought familiar feelings. Ji Weitian's aversion to Qin Nanyu was diverted by the equipment in front of her. She couldn't help herself, she walked closer to the machines. 

Before she could touch a monitor, a strong arm gripped her wrist. "Don't touch!"

Ji Weitian saw Qin Nanyu next to her.

He was not in a suit anymore. Instead, he wore a lab coat. The white color merged with his cool demeanor; combined with a professional attitude, he looked like a different person.

The man didn't look happy. He seemed irritated at her entering the lab and almost touching the equipment. His eyebrows knitted together.

"The lab is not a playground. Anyone who's not working here needs to leave!"

Ji Weitian was shocked by the warning. She explained, "Sorry, I didn't mean to. I just saw the numbers looked a little odd, so I wanted to take a closer look..."

"You understand these numbers?" Qin Nanyu asked with a raised brow.

His tone was even; it wasn't emotional nor mocking.

Instantly, he looked as if chagrined by the question. Why would a point person understand anything this sophisticated? He smiled in self-deprecation. After asking his assistant to send out Ji Weitian from the lab, and after she was gone, his voice got low.

"Is there still no word from Professor CC?"