Chapter 29: Is Qin Nanyu Actually Human Today?

Qian Min is the only woman in this program.

There are not many female students in the Computer Science Department, and even fewer are able to be at the top of their class. Qian Min is one of them. 

Excellent grades, scholarships, early admission to Jiangcheng University, patent to a national-level robotics program, plus a pretty face... Qian Min could be considered a winner in all areas.

Supposedly, a while back, she had the best test score in the department. The previous record-holder was Ji Weitian.

Ji Weitian definitely remembers this younger student. Talent always attracts people's attention, it's just...

...she doesn't have good judgment if she likes a person like Qin Nanyu.

Today is a formal dinner for all participants in the program. There was no wine or liquor, only juice, since it's for a team of researchers. Qian Min's words of replacing wine with juice to toast were rather meaningful.

After she spoke, before Qin Nanyu could answer, Qian Min blushed.

Everyone present could tell what was going on.

Ji Weitian felt nervous for the young woman, knowing Qin Nanyu's vicious temper. She thought he might say things like, "Who are you?" or "I don't drink with strangers."

But the only thing she learned was that Qin Nanyu was nice to everyone except her.

As soon as Qian Min raised her hand, Qin Nanyu picked up his glass and toasted with her, then finished the drink in one gulp.

He was polite and spoke not one rude word.

Ji Weitian: "???"

Is Qin Nanyu actually human today?

The dinner was very amicable, with everyone enjoying themselves. People in attendance are all talented in their field and had much to talk about. Not long after the meal began, groups of two or three formed as people discussed their latest project.

Ji Weitian finished the meal and snuck out of the dining room when no one noticed.

Standing in front of the dining room, making sure no one saw her, she left the restaurant. After getting a taxi, she rushed back to the lab building at Jiangcheng University.

She used her entry card to enter the first floor.

It was late and no one was around. It was the perfect time to try the new equipment.

When she entered the first lab and turned on the light, she saw a row of brand-new equipment. She could almost scream with excitement.

She touched the equipment slowly as if afraid they had collected any dust. She also took out a pack of tissues and wiped them down before happily sitting in front of the last machine.

Now, this is what she called a lab!

Ji Weitian was here during non-working hours, so she didn't want to be too noticeable. She turned off half of the lights, then closed the curtain, then walked to another machine at the corner.

The monitor showed a message for verification.

She needed a password for using the machine?

Ji Weitian's pupils contracted in surprise. Qin Technology Group was really careful, they even added passwords to machines they gave to the school.

This wasn't a problem for her.

After sitting down, she tapped on the keyboard. Soon, she cracked the password and turned on the multi-function machine.

She plugged in her USB drive into the computer, reading the data from her experimental program.

The flickering lights caressed her delicate face, which looked very focused.

Her sparkling eyes reflected rows of numbers; the intelligence within was a sharp contrast to her sometimes clueless demeanor.