Chapter 40: Such a Perfect Lady

The girl and the cat were crushing her.

Ji Weitian didn't want to part from her precious daughter, so she grabbed the cat and moved it away. "You're too chubby to sleep on me."

"Meow--" The chubby feline made a noise and looked at Little Bun, who was still on her mom's chest, as if it was mad at the different treatment.

Ji Weitian wasn't guilty at all. "She's my everything and the head of the household. You have to please her too."

The cat couldn't be offended.

The cat gave up on the confrontation and stepped away for a new place to sleep.

Ji Weitian looked toward the window. The sky was just getting light. She could still linger a bit in bed.

She moved her daughter, who was afraid of her mom being scared, to her side, and prepared to snuggle more with her. The phone rang.

Who could it be?

Why did they want to disturb her precious time off?

It was her father, Ji Mofeng.

Ji Weitian's sleepy gaze turned sharp. Her eyes flickered as she got off the bed with her phone and answered it on the balcony.


"I talked to Jiangcheng University already, I know you're not at work today. I don't care what you're doing now, get home today!" Ji Mofeng ordered in his tone as a family elder.

Ji Weitian was used to his tone and didn't really care.

She uttered, "I know."

She put down the phone. As if she never got the call, she crawled back into bed and slept with her daughter by her side.

She slept until the sun was high in the sky. Her stomach grumbled. Ji Weitian finally got up.

Ji Xingyao, her Little Bun, has left. Her foster parents probably picked her up.

Breakfast and a note were left on the table.

Ji Weitian looked it over, brushed her teeth, washed her face, then had breakfast. After getting ready, she grabbed her bag and headed toward the Ji family house.

As soon as she got off the car, she didn't see Ji Mofeng but Ji Kaisui, who had just come back too.

Dressed in designer clothes, Ji Kaisui was examining her makeup in a small mirror, making sure she was perfect. When she caught Ji Weitian out of the corner of her eye, her steps slowed, a devious smile creeping on her face.

"Ah, sister is back."

The title "sister" was said in a mocking tone.

To Ji Kaisui, Ji Weitian, who was raised by ordinary people, didn't deserve to be her older sister, much less to be at the same level as her.

Just look at what she was wearing.

Not a single designer brand.

Ji Kaisui looked Ji Weitian over, then arrogantly withdrew her gaze. Before any reply could form, she started to walk inside the house.

Ji Weitian followed. She watched her sister's proud demeanor as if she was observing a clown. For some reason, spending her parents' money gave her sister a sense of pride. It was fascinating.

Ji Weitian didn't want anything to do with the Ji family, nor Ji Kaisui. 

As she walked into the living room, she could see Ji Kaisui acting coy next to Ji Mofeng. "Dad, you asked me to get home ASAP. What's going on? I came back as soon as I got your call."

By this point, she finally looked toward Ji Weitian. "Sister must be so busy these days. Dad has wanted her to come back for days now, and she's finally here."