Chapter 45: Speak of the Devil

Ji Weitian had never worried about the Ji family.

If the Ji family didn't find her, and then tried to judge her foster parents for not raising her well, causing reporters to hassle her foster parents, Ji Weitian would have never wanted to return to the Ji family.

Her foster parents were good people. They spent their whole lives keeping their food shop, using all of their savings on her education. Ji Weitian didn't want to see them leave their hometown in their old age because of some gossip.

So she got a random dad. Spending some time to deal with the issue was not a big problem.

Now, what she cared the most about was her experiment and the sudden disappearance of Qin Nanyu.

"Why do you care about him now? Don't you hate him?" Leng Jian asked in surprise.

Ji Weitian was still at the lab. It was after work, and no one else was here. She used the excuse of maintaining the equipment to use the equipment for her own purposes. Hearing Leng Jian's words, Ji Weitian put down the robot models and looked at the lab, which has been made brand-new because of the Qin Technology Group's investment.

Her eyes sparkled.

"I don't care about Qin Nanyu, I just worry about him coming back suddenly and affecting my experiment… Argh!" Ji Weitian suddenly yelled.

Before Leng Jian questioned, Ji Weitian stomped her feet in anger, "I shouldn't have said anything about him behind his back. When I was asking you about him, he called me, but I was so freaked out I hung up."

When she hung up on Qin Nanyu, knowing his picky nature, he'd think she did it on purpose and would tell her boss.

"Leng Jian, I have to go. I need to find out what this jerk wants."

Ji Weitian hung up quickly, leaving a stunned Leng Jian. She stared at the black cell phone screen, feeling a strong sense of crisis.

Before Ji Weitian could call Qin Nanyu back, her phone received a new text message.

Qin Nanyu is asking her to notify all team members for an 8'o clock meeting at the lab.

She was good at actual tasks. After making sure Qin Nanyu wouldn't take revenge on her, she hurried to deliver the message.

When all the messages were delivered and she sat back down in the lab, the cell phone rang again.

This time, the caller was Su Sumei.

She was informing Ji Weitian about the welcome party at the Ji family house tomorrow night.

Tomorrow must be a great day. It involved two people she disliked the most.

Ji Weitian lost her motivation to continue her experiment. After organizing her desk a bit, she went home early to be with her daughter.


The Qin house.

Qin Nanyu was working in the study. After signing the contract, he got Ji Weitian's text message confirming details for the experiment. Before he could call his assistant to cancel all meetings for tomorrow, his housekeeper ran inside the room.

The man looked scared, he also held a note with squiggly words and some drawing.

"Sir, sir, something has happened, the young master left a note. He ran away!"

Qin Nanyu's phone-holding hand paused, he looked at the housekeeper, "What are you talking about?"

"This is a letter from the young master. The writing is not pretty, and there are spelling errors, but you can get the message."