Chapter 52: Time to Settle the Debt!

Ji Xingyao mumbled and got out of Qin Morui's arms. She patted the big yellow dog.

She looked up at Qin Morui, "this is the dog from next door to my grandparents' store. He doesn't bite."

Ji Xingyao said as she patted the dog's head.

She had grown up around here, and she was so adorable that everyone on the block loved her.

All the cats and dogs nearby liked playing with her too.

She tilted her head, thinking of where she had the collision. It was close to her grandparents' store. Big Yellow must have smelt her and run out.

It was a false alarm. Qin Morui squatted down next to the dog near her feet.

"He looks so gentle. Can I touch the dog?"

Before Ji Xingyao answered, the mild-mannered Big Yellow turned its head and licked his hand.

Qin Morui stroked the dog happily, then he thought of something as he asked, "wait, you didn't tell me your name yet."

"Ji Xingyao." The cute Little Bun looked up and replied.

Then she stood up and was about to leave with Big Yellow. As soon as she started to walk, her feet hurt, reminding her of something important!

"My shoes -- "

Her favorite yellow ducky slippers were thrown away earlier!

Ji Xingyao rushed to find her shoes. As she tried to walk inspite of the pain, someone pulled on her collar.

She looked back. The person pulling her collar was also the one who tossed her shoes.

Their eyes met. Qin Morui pursed his lips and walked in front of her. He bent down. "Your feet look scraped. Get on, I'll carry you to find your shoes."

Then, before she answered, he acted like a hero, picking her up and walking ahead.

Ji Xingyao leaned on his back, looking around frantically for her slippers.

When they finally got back to where they started running, she hopped off his back to get her shoes.

She only found one. As she looked for the other slipper, Big Yellow, who had followed them, barked at a nearby drain.

Ji Xingyao's heart squeezed. She hopped over and looked toward where Big Yellow had signaled.

When she saw her other yellow ducky slipper inside a drain, she covered her eyes desperately.

Her precious shoes were gone...

Her heart hurt and she sniffled. She turned to look at Qin Morui, her mouth turned up.

"Pay me for my shoes!"

"I didn't mean it. Don't be mad, I'll pay you back!" Qin Morui went through his pockets, looking allover, before finally looking up with embarrassment.

"Um, I ran away from home, so I didn't bring any money..."

"Wah -- " Ji Xingyao started to cry for real.

She has never met anyone who would be so stupid to run away from home without money.

Her shoes were sacrificed for nothing.

"Don't cry, don't cry... Let me think of something..." Qin Morui didn't realize a girl who was so fierce before could start bawling so quickly. He rushed to wipe her tears.

But her tears kept flowing. It's as if the floodgates had opened; there was no end to the waterworks.

Qin Morui panicked. He took off a jade pendant from around his neck. "How about this? I'll give you this pendant for now. I'll get it back when I have money to pay you."