You Don’t Have a Dad, I Don’t Have a Mom

"So good!" Qin Morui marveled and licked his fingers.

The little miser sitting nearby didn't respond. She was busy taking out a ledger and writing on it, while mumbling, "I love money, money loves me, being a miser is no big deal to me..."

"You're not eating this?" Qin Morui stared at the last chicken wing and tried to control his longing.

The girl hasn't eaten anything yet. He has to save some for her.

"You can have the fried chicken. I'll have the noodles with egg." Ji Xingyao finished writing and put back her ledger. She generously announced when she saw he was still hungry.

Qin Morui was stunned.

He was incredulous. "You don't like fried chicken?"

There's people who don't like fried chicken? And the delicious scallion and egg crepe?

Little Bun chewed up a strand of noodle. Her delicate face looked up as she answered casually, "I like it. But I can eat it every day, so it doesn't matter today."

Qin Morui: "...!"

Eating fried chicken every day? What kind of heavenly life is this?

His life was so pathetic!

Qin Morui picked up the last chicken wing and bit into it. He was getting more and more sad as he ate. How come other four-year-olds could eat whatever they wanted, while he had to run away from home to eat some junk food.

"You dad is so good to you." Qin Morui finished the last piece of chicken. He has no idea when he would get to eat this food again. As he licked the oil off his fingers, he commented.

"My dad is the devil. He's mean too. He doesn't love me. I don't love him either. But I can't fight him, so... I'm a pathetic kid who can't eat fried chicken."

Little Bun was startled. Her large black eyes blinked, "I don't have a dad."


"My mom doesn't like me eating fried chicken either. I could only have it once in a while. But she often forgets when I last had it. Plus, I have my own money, so I can buy it for myself. " Little Bun patted her wallet, looking like a millionaire.

Qin Morui was really envious now. "I want a mommy too. When I ask my dad, he'd say I came from a rock, and I didn't have a mom."

Even worse, he was followed by servants everywhere. He never needs to spend money, so he has no money to spend...

Some people's lives looked glamorous, in fact, they were so poor they couldn't even afford fried chicken.

"Wow, so sad!" Little Bun looked sympathetic about his plight.

She would still keep the ledger though. After they were done eating, she reminded Qin Morui how much he owed her, and how he needed to pay her back.

Qin Morui: "..."

"Can I stay with you for a few days? I can pay rent, but... I'd need to owe you for a while." Qin Morui remembers that she has a fried-chicken-friendly mom, so he really wants to go home with her.

"But your dad would worry if you're missing. My mom often tells me not to walk around by myself." Ji Xingyao lectured him like an adult, with her brows furrowed.

"I'm not lost. I ran away from home... also, he won't worry about me."

Lin Ci, who came out of the kitchen to clean up, instantly looked worried. "Ruirui, you ran away from home? You parents would be so worried about you! We have to take you back!"