If He had a Daughter...

"Qin Morui, get over here." Qin Nanyu tried to control his temper.

The boy finished his last bite of hamburger, wiped his mouth, then grudgingly slid off the chair, moving toward him like a turtle.

He seemed to think of something as he looked at Little Bun in Lin Ci's arms and pursed his lips.

He didn't want to leave this little girl.

Qin Nanyu interpreted his reaction as guilt about leaving after a free meal.

He hinted to his assistant with his eyes.

The assistant stepped forward right away. "Thank you both so much. If it wasn't for you, we'd still be out looking for him. We heard that our young master ate quite a lot at your store, and wasted your time, it's so embarrassing. How about this? We'll pay you back at three times the cost." 

As soon as the assistant started to talk, Shen Yixian, who was already nervous for being inside the police station, stood up and shook his hands.

"That's no problem! How much would a kid eat? We were just worried his family would be worried, that's why we called the police, it's not for money."

"Exactly, we can't take any money. If the kid is fine, we will head back." Lin Ci also stood up while holding Little Bun.

"Please wait -- "

Before the assistant continued, Qin Nanyu interrupted him and walked toward the Shens, handing them a business card.

"Here's my contact information. Please call me if there's anything you need."

As Qin Nanyu talked, Little Bun, nestled on Lin Ci's shoulders, seemed to sense something. Her head moved around, "little money, little brother..."

A sound came as something fell from her pocket.

Qin Nanyu looked down and saw a notebook, which he picked up.

He was surprised to see it was a ledger filled with numbers. How could a young kid know how to keep a ledger?

Qin Nanyu couldn't help raising his brows. He wiped off the ledger and put it back in her pocket.

As the older couple walked away with the little girl, Qin Nanyu felt forlorn.

It was like he missed a part of his heart, it was an indescribable feeling...

He looked back at his son standing nearby and his eyes grew cold. He pulled him up and left with the boy.

As they left the police station, he reminded his assistant.

"Take him back. Starting today, don't let him leave the house. Not until he knows his mistake!"

"I didn't do anything wrong -- !"

The assistant covered the boy's protests and ran out holding the boy.

Qin Nanyu returned to his car and drove back to the lab.

When he passed the file room, he was reminded of Ji Weitian, who snuck off. His eyes flickered as he called her.

The phone rang for a long time. No answer.

Qin Nanyu's face grew grim.

On the first day of work, coming in late and leaving early... This woman is out of control!


At the Ji mansion.

"A-choo!" When Ji Weitian got in her room, she didn't even close the door before she felt a draft and sneezed.

She felt as if someone was cursing her.

As Ji Weitian charged her dead phone, the housekeeper appeared. "M'am, Chairman Ji asked for you in the study. He wants to see you."