Too Sudden!

Like a flash, Nick immediately went to her and grabbed Luna's arm, which makes her flinch a bit. Looking at the man, she was a bit startled and tried to keep her face calm.

"Luna??" He asked, and he sounded like he is so relieved.

Luna gulp and Raymond grab Nick's hand, "Handoff of her." He said with a stern face. Obviously, he doesn't like how this man touches his wife.

Again, Nick was surprised. "You! You were the one who was with her, right? What did you do to Luna??"

Luna pale a bit. This situation is kind of messed up from their original plan. She had to take the initiative, or this guy will expose her true identity. Furthermore, why is he here??

"Wait, wait…who are you?" Luna asked and yanked her hand from both of them.

Nick scrunched his eyebrow to her. "Luna, it's me. Nick..your-"