Chapter 002 [Our World’s about to Break...]

Chapter 002 [Our World's about to Break...]

"Yeah, I'm assuming you're the tourists."

She blinked, "We're the transfer students you dumb sh-"

The red head with the clean honour student demeanor and look, baggy pants excluded, interpreted what she said, "What she means to say is that our names are, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Kurt Wagner, Robert Drake and-"

"-You can call me Bobby." Said the guy in the happy-go-lucky smile. He had brown hair and was dressed a little lighter than most, khaki shorts, t-shirts and sandals. Like summer would never end which wasn't surprising considering he was usually in Ice-Form, which could create and manipulate ice.

The brown haired southerner in her came out stronger when she got mad, "-I kan introduce myself," she scowled, "R-."

"Anna Marie, yes!" At the panicked eyes of the redhead, she continued.

"Rogue." She herself wore a smug smile, a green hoodie that almost looked like a suit, a studded choker and ripped pants.

The two behind her facepalmed and the one known as Kurt hung his head.

For some reason Rogue really didn't like Jean, and for some reason they were hiding their identities. Not that I could see why, just in every iteration they had never bothered to.

"Okay, then. Nice to meet you guys."

Pleasantries out of the way, I went about showing them around, from our lovely cafeteria, the growing fungi and mold were very exciting inciting their looks of disgust, and Jean's wonderment at how this place was still going, to our fabulous classrooms. One of which they cornered me in.

"So have you noticed anything weird?" asked Scott. For some reason I got the impression he was a lot smarter than I thought he'd be, he was also a lot shorter than I thought he'd be.

"Like what?"

"Oh, I don't know random bones growing out of your arms?"

They were really bad at this, "That...sounds incredibly painful and weird. And something of a problem."

[Random "Fun" Fact: In Real Life in Bangladesh somebody had fungi tree hands. Obviously not normal, he had to go into surgery. And there are some rare cases of random body parts growing where they shouldn't like teeth on skin. Mutation in real life were about as weird, unfortunately no uncontrollable superpowers.]

"So do you?"

"Do I what?"

"Do you have some kind of...weird birth defect." Scott asked, as Jean facepalmed.

"Birth defect. Really?"

"Yeah." Good lord this man had the social graces of a rock. Not that I was any better, but I wasn't this bad. Right?

" to climb things?"

"Do you make sentient machines from inanimate objects?" Kurt asked excitedly in heavily accented german.

"No." This was becoming a little painful, "Look is there a point to these questions?" If I didn't have to worry about Aunt May, I might've just told them to keep this from becoming any more painful.

They exchanged glances, Rogue took a breath and...


I couldn't swing home, so I made my over to the USPTO and figured out what I needed to do and what forms I needed to fill out for new inventions. There was a lot less than I figured I had to do, and of course a small fee of about $40 dollars. Which I didn't have. Ugh, of course not. I decided it would be prudent to sell some of my old things on Ebay and maybe also make a small site for paid writing. That would garner me some easy money soon enough, for now I had to settle for standing outside in the rain.

Booking it down the street holding my sweater above me like a makeshift umbrella. I really needed to fill up on spider-man's webs, as well as buying my own merchandising rights. Screw Kingpin. He ain't doing jack to the merch.

[Now you know/Spoilers: In the Ultimate Comics Kingpin bought Spidey's merchandising rights. It was legit and an amazingly realistic, villain-like win on his end. Spidey retaliated in the best way a superhero could without punching him out of the window. With fat jokes. Clearly the best professional superhero.]

There was a heavy thump and another heavy thump. It sounded like something large walking down the road, when I heard screaming and cars colliding.

That was...I looked at my empty web shooters. That's... my que.

Once today was done, I was going to make a Batman utility belt specifically for web cartridges.


Soaring through the air, I landed on the edge of a building overlooking the massive forest park (?) in the middle of the city. Funny enough Spider-Man was actually faster running than he was swinging, with the exception of the slingshot move he had.

[Now you know/Spoilers: The wikia lies, Spidey can run at 90mph+. Though since its comics he's done ridiculous stunts that surpass that with ease, comic book writers aren't scientists after all, nor do they care for power scaled consistency.)

Just entering it now was the Hulk. He seemed to be just walking but I decided to see what was up.

Landing beside him, "So uh, nice night for a walk huh?"

"Leave me alone." His voice growled heavy grinding gravel tones.

"Alright alright, " He seemed to be fine on his own and it's not like the Hulk was evil, "You sure you don't want to talk about it? Sometimes it makes people feel better."

The Hulk continued to walk, almost seeming to debate with himself but didn't say anything. Since he wasn't talking and just walking I decided to leave him alone. Before I left I realized his head gave a small yellow sheen.

Must've been a trick of the light pollution, or he was using too much yellow hair gel. There was definitely something weird about today. I had felt a strange tingling at the base of my feet all day, it was quiet at first so I hadn't noticed, but now it had grown. Maybe having spider powers had something against having to walk vertically all the time.

As I walked out of the park it had gone down significantly, even though it was still there.

Hmm. Maybe something to get to the bottom of-


The ground shook beneath my feet. That didn't sound right. I quickly ran back, scaling the trees like a cyborg tarzan.

Landing on a branch at the edge of the clearing in the middle of the park, I saw the Hulk ram a fist into Thor's face, I could feel the shockwave, as he flew back crashing into the statue in the middle of the park. I knew he was strong, but that was like artillery fire locked in his fist. There was a sudden fear I would likely die if he hit me anywhere near as hard.

Still, this could escalate...and maybe I shouldn't it's not like I was in their weight class-

A smile, a gun, as one door closes, and another man's life ends.


Time to channel my inner Muhammed Ali.


"Yo ho! Avast me there landlubber!" I didn't quite remember which whacky ancient english accent Thor spoke.

"Grrr! Graaaah!" Hulk roared in rage, causing the ground to termor a little before he threw a massive piece of broken rubble from the statue. I dodged with the grace of a fly, (they were very good at dodging), having felt it coming. As I skimmed the surface of the boulder seeing it up close I realized it was going to leave the park so I gripped the giant boulder flying with it outside city limits nearly crashing into an apartment building, but managed to maneuver it enough to avoid hitting one. Landing in the streets destroyed someone's car.

I checked to see if the driver wasn't hurt, expecting it to be empty, but it seemed it just wasn't my day. Not only was it occupied but the man's arm and legs were crushed and he was unconscious. Noting that I needed to get back to the fight I quickly put down the boulder onto the street, and booked it to the nearest hospital, and burst through the doors.

"I need a doctor, now!"

People rushed forward in medical garbs and a trolley once they say the broken man. I set him gently on the gurney and rushed back outside without waiting another word.

I picked up the boulder on the way back ready to throw it at somebody but when got to the clearing huffing and puffing I saw the Enchantress and Skurge there.

[Now you know/Spoilers: Skurge and Amora are Asgardians, she has magic powers and is incredibly powerful, stronger than most superhumans at 25 tons simply by being Asgardian. Which about 12 cars at once. Skurge is levels stronger his strength somewhere around 65 tons, holding up an airplane if it had its wings and tail ripped off.

Amora loves Thor and keeps trying to marry the guy, Thor continues to be a Thot repellent and says as much,

"Yeet thy Thot!" - (Probably) Thor.

Skurge likes Amora and she uses him to her advantage. As if she wasn't enough of a Thot. Seriously the guy needs to find someone else. ]

Now being the gentleman that I was, I couldn't hit a woman.

So I threw the boulder, "Think faster!" at her. But she was a thot, therefore acceptable.

"What the-" Right before the boulder rammed into her face. And she was down.

I blinked. Asgardians were supposed to be one of the strongest species. I...didn't expect that.

I heard a roar, and turned with my spidey sense blaring, jumping backwards a massive axe sheared through a large swath of the forest behind me.



"I'm going to kill you!"

"Wait, let me see if I'm covered by insurance-Whoa!" Dodging a lung, I grabbed a tree and sent him flying out of sight like a batter hitting a homerun, "Touchdown, and the crowd goes wild!"

"I don't think that's how it works," said a tiny female voice.

I didn't have any time to pay attention as Skurge surged out of the trees like an Olympic sprinter who had gotten his NASCAR's license and was taking his ride for a spin. He held his hand out, where my spider sense blared from behind and I jumped. Just in time for his axe to come flying back into his hand with a loud WHUMP.

Giving me an idea of how ridiculously heavy it was from the sound. I could see Hulk in peripheral as he beat on Thor and Iron Man. He really was a one man army. The thunder, lightning and repulsor lightshow made it a lot easier to see his glowing yellow eyes.

Uh, wait, yellow?

Skurge disappeared, I blinked and my spidey sense foghorned-

I moved.

Where my head had been the axe sliced thin air. I leapt to the side to get some distance when he disappeared again, and I bent at angles most gymnasts wished they could.

How was he teleporting!?

He then swung his weapon a few times before throwing it, but unlike the other times, it was on fire. I decided I had enough of it, and grabbed it out of the air. Twirling it to keep the momentum going-






I need to let go-


The axe dropped, a loud thunk, its weight and momentum from the spin slicing through the ground like butter. He was in front of me, but I couldn't move, still recovering from whatever that was.

A large yellow blast of energy, combined with blue nailed him in the face, sending him flying back.

I sat down not being able to move. Taking a breath, I watched him get him without doing anything, a vague sense of a plan formed in my mind as I looked back to see Hulk toss Iron Man into the upper atmosphere. The Wasp wasn't having much better fortune.

Spider-Sense exploded, and I moved. One thing to note about Skurge. He was stronger than me, by several magnitudes. He could probably bench press a few skyscrapers compared to the cars I could throw. He had seen and fought in many more battles than I had. But something I had he didn't was my speed. Just as he went for my head once more, I pulled at his arm, moving into a quick Judo stance and threw him at Hulk.

The Hulk enraged by the constant attacks had punched him accidentally and utterly destroyed him. The dude was strong but clearly not Hulk.

Spidey Sense blared and I moved to see the Enchantress swiping at my head and everything going dark…