Never Learn

Simon arrived at a busy hub after 20 or so minutes of walking. The setting was like an outdoor marketplace with a blue colour theme, with a large platform in the middle of it all. This platform was of course for the purpose of duels.

'There should be a few weights happening around this time of the week, with a ton of coverage too. If I end up beating the life out of a few people, I shouldn't have to explain myself from here on out. I just don't need to do anything too unnecessary.' Simon thought as he checked to make sure his rank was suppressed.

'Ahh... yes. The feeling of being rank 4, just fine. A bit weak and tiring, but just fine. Compared to the coordination my body has at master rank, this feels like a rust door hinge... ehh, that didn't sound that good.'

Simon walked towards one of the vendors, checking to see that he was at the food store.

"Hello customer, are you here for our famous popcorn?" The vendor asked cheerfully as he smiled.

"Yes, I would like 3 servings please." Simon spoke as he exchanged some money.

"Coming right up... if you don't mind me asking, why are you buying so much? You don't seem to o be with anyone else at the moment. The servings are quite generous as it is sir."

"Ah! I got them because watching fights make me hungry. Popcorn is just great for watching some drama, right?"

"O, I get it now. Here is your popcorn, and have a nice day!" The vendor said as he handed Simon his popcorn.


'Smells good, real good-'



A loud explosion detonated from the platform, sending chunks of concrete and metal everywhere in the hub. Smoke covered the hub as people attempted to run to the main entrance, screaming for their lives.

"Not so fast, none of you are going anywhere." A deep and ominous voice announced.

'SHIT! What is going on?!'

A black-robed figure emerged from the main entrance, with an 20 other similarly robed figures.

"I hope you will all cooperate with us, we have no qualms with killing the lot of you. The Otherworldly Devils Cult does as it pleases, it does not matter if you have security, we will breach through just like today." The figure spoke.

"DIE!" A female student leapt into the air with a greatsword, charging it with all of her VP in an attempt to kill the figure in a single strike.


The figure stood there, with his right hand holding on to the blade of the greatsword.

"Haven has really regressed. They don't even teach their students about differences in power. So let me show you all the difference between an Expert rank and a puny rank 3 visionary."


Red mist appeared from where the student had just been, replacing a body with nothing but vapours of her former mass. A truly terrifying sight to behold.

Or that was at least what everyone expected.

The girl emerged alive, but the figure was gone.

'Phew. I might not have mastered it to complete perfection, but this is more than enough to deal with my problems.'


"Did you see that?! The expert rank just exploded into mist! No one under Master rank can do that! We are saved!"

'I believe the rest are just elite ranks, I will begin my rise to fame here. No one needs to know about the true source of the explosion.'

"What are you waiting for? Let's take them down!" Simon shouted as he gathered 2 daggers and lunges at the robed figures.

"Dammit! Garz is dead! KILL THEM ALL!"

Simon rushed into their formation and jumped above the group.

'This will be the first time I face off against properly trained opponents, so I should probably not kill them instantly so I can gain some valuable practical experience.'

Simon plunged into the group at high velocity, crashing into one of their members, severing all of his appendages from his body in 5 motions.


Simon blocked a blow aimed for his spine, turning around with a VP infused dagger, plunging it into the opponent's forehead. Simon then moved on to another cultist who wielded a battle axe, glaring at the cultist with a sharp gaze.



Simon had already increased his body count by one, ending the cultist with a stab to his neck.

'Now I need to gain some insight in a proper fight of endurance.'

Picking out a strong figure, Simon lunged at it, launching a flurry of weaker stabs and slashes. In doing this, he hoped to drag out the fight so he could learn how to better block and counter enemies.


Simon fought with the figure for a little over 10 seconds, at which point the other cultists had surrounded him.

'I just have to break through their formation.


Simon used his last dagger and plunged it into his opponent's heart, then proceeded to jump over the now corpse, towards safety.

'Dammit! Shouldn't these idiots be helping?'

Suddenly the female student from before jumped into the fray and entered combat with one of the other cultists. This valiant push had stirred other students too, making them join in on the fight, although not amazingly.

'We just need to wait-'


A large crater appeared from within the enemy formation, blowing everyone back. A sudden blast had just come from the sky, like a suppressed cannon. It even took out all of the cultists, which everyone saw as they got back up.

'Geez, that was just great.'

And suddenly a voice resounded, "the Cult will never learn."