Head Spinning Day


Simon left the room feeling much better than when he came in. His body felt extremely comfortable and relaxed, lacking any aches and pain he may have felt from anything in general. He even though that he could run for ever without stopping to rest.

'I want to sleep, it's not even 4' yet. Sure I have the energy, but I just want to lie down right now on a soft and comfy bed. It just feels like what I should do.'

An incredibly loud voice came booming from every speaker in the building.


'Eh, I knew something like this might happen eventually, it's kinda cliche, but I wrote about this kind of thing happening a lot in my novel. Shame I don't have an extra body, would've been amazing.'

'Maybe if I had invisibility, I could leave this room without being spotted.'

'Tsk. Which one do I come as? Simon or Peter? I know! I'll flip a coin!'

Simon took out an ornate coin from his pocket, he didn't know where it came from, but it was a coin.

'Damn, I am lucky today!'



[Gift used: Masterclass]

'Wait, what?'

Simon felt an extremely peculiar feeling throughout his entire being, as if a he was falling through the air. But there was no resistance in the plane he witnessed, only emptiness; a void. The same feeling he had in death.

"Creator~" A whispering voice echoed.

Simon felt chills going down his spine, but quickly recovered.

"Who are you?" Simon asked.

"I am one of no meaning compared to Creator~"

"I am but a servant that is referred to as Allfather~"

"I sensed the Creator's divine presence in this world and used my power to request the world an audience with thee."

"What? Really?" Simon asked in a dazed expression.

"HELL NO! I am just a coach, bro. The Systos Assigned me to help you out with your poor foundations. I mean serious, your skill is f**king wack! You can't even parry properly." The voice explained.

"Ehh? Why did you go in such a roundabout way? And I know my combat skills suck."

"You are the equivalent of a toddler with superhuman stats. You can attack, but not efficiently. You can block, but not counter. You need to learn these techniques if you want to thrive."

"Those sword skills aren't the only ones you're lacking, pfft!"



"So do you want to improve? I mean, even a toddler can pull the trigger, but can it use the safety and aim?"

"Sure, sure..." Simon murmured.

"ALRIGHT! Let's get straight into it!."


Gravity turned back to normal as a flat surface appeared from beneath Simon's feet. A thin figured Metallic humanoid was standing at the other end of the platform, in a frozen position. It held what seemed to be two matching daggers and a single longsword strapped to its waist. A red gleam emanating from its head, inspiring fear in any normal man if one was around. Simon held still, silently summoning his non-physical daggers.

"Test 1: The art of the assault"

"You will learn in a practical manner, how to launch an unending blade storm on your opponent."

The figure rushed forward as Simon dashed forward with his blades in his grasp.


Simon blocked the blades of the metal figure, strafing his blades across the figure's sides as he initiated his own assault. His blades gleamed in the void, growing brighter with each strike, but the figure did not relent in its own attacks. A sudden strike from above would send Simon back a few metres, just as a simple strike from a kick would prompt Simon to dash to the side. This metal man was a machine built to battle, containing more ingenuity than the average human.

"Heh, you seem to not understand... don't let the opponent strike back! Here's a tip: Infuse your VP into your body, like what you do with those normal knives on 'that place'"

"What do you mean infuse VP into my body?" Simon was confused, such a thing was unheard of in his novel.

"JUST DO IT, B***H!"


Simon charged his body with an undeniably large quantity of his VP, sending his senses and being into overdrive. This feeling couldn't be compared with anything he had felt before, even his physique provided not as much comfort.

"Simple eh? Now I will transfer my knowledge into your being."

"What about prac-"




A longsword swooped down from the sky as the figure leapt at Simon. But nothing but a broken blade was left, giving Simon the chance to finally launch his assault. Two blades against two blades, Simon felt that he was clearly at an advantage. His strength was now much higher, and his combat intuition had grown significantly from the transfer.

"You could have at least let me practice some more..."

"I don't have the time for this, just take the free skills!"

"Now parry and counterattack"


Simon blocked a single blade strike and directed his own blade straight into his opponent's chest.


"You are doing well enough. You can now leave."


'What just happened?' Simon was now inside an auditorium, standing behind a podium.

"Professor Peter White, please greet your new students." A voice announced.

"Wait...what? Isn't Simon supposed to be here?" Michelle asked.

"Ah, about that, Simon won't be here for today or any other day's lessons. I teach him privately." Simon said as he regained his composure and hid his dazed demeanour.

"Lucky bastard...I don't even know who he is. How did he manage to get the professor's attention?" A handsome boy complained as he leaned back on his chair.

"Didn't you hear about what happened earlier today? He is an elite rank, 6th vision! You shouldn't talk s**t about him... he killed 5 elite rank cultists at the hub! I was there." Samantha yelled.

"Pffft! Lies."

"I wouldn't doubt Simon being in training for the last month just to surprise us... I don't know him that well, but he definitely wasn't some normal guy." James spoke up.

"Mark, I will cut off your balls." Michelle coldly spoke.


"Mich, be a bit more decent." Sienna scolded.

Simon's Head was still spinning, everything happened so fast. If it was a normal person, they might have fainted from the amount of stress. So much had happened in only a few hours.

"Quiet down for a moment..." Simon spoke.

"Introduce yourselves to me."

'This much plot advancement is unhealthy for any reader or person participating in it.'