A Good Master

Simon left his dorm room yet again, sipping on what was left of his coffee. With a discreet motion, he threw the empty cup perfectly next to his door and left it standing there.

'Hmmm... I wonder what Feng has to say? Knowing his personality, he would probably discuss me becoming his apprentice. He's a pretty good teacher in the novel, but because of his busy schedule, he wasn't an effective teacher in the sense that he basically only handed out pointers to his student maybe once a week. So I will have to reject his offer. I mean, I like having a strong background and all, but I got 'me' for that. The powerful and mysterious Professor White.'

Simon continued his walk towards vice-principal Feng's office, contemplating his situation carefully with each step.

'Maybe I can get some support from Feng to get Winston fired. That would make my whole life much easier, and this plot a whole lot safer. I honestly don't even remember much about Winston, besides the fact that I wrote him as a scheming head teacher that once tried to have James assassinated because of my protagonist's power. The plot failed of course, I would never have my protagonist killed by some meaningless non-recurring character.'

'But boy, this time it's much more interesting. If this guy really is a demon, or more accurately, 'Devil', then I really will have my work cut out for me. Devils aren't just any demonic being, they are ones that possess almost humanoid appearances and can also practice Visionary arts. This makes them so much harder to deal with since demonic being are much more volatile in power according to my writings. Fun fact: Devils die if you cut off their horns. I wrote that one in because a devil isn't the same without the horns.'

'The readers actually enjoyed that feature. All of them at least agreed that devils don't feel right without them horns. It was very satisfying knowing that my point came across well, and was accepted by my readers.'


Simon felt his left shoulder nudge something. He quickly turned his eyes towards his left to see a sleepy faced Tyrone slightly off-balanced.

"Sorry about that, Tyrone." Simon apologised as he offered Tyrone a hand.

"Ah thanks... how did you know my name?"

'Sh*t! I wasn't focusing, I forgot that I've never met Tyrone as Simon before.'

Simon quickly came up with a suitable excuse and worded it out to the confused Tyrone.

"Ah, master White has told me about you. You are an extremely brilliant guy that deserves to be master's disciple. Naturally I know a few details about you." Simon carefully explained with a fake smile.

"Seems right, it's only correct for a master to inform his disciple that he will have a junior brother." Tyrone responded.

'Junior brother, disciple, master... this feels too familiar. It just can't put my finger on it.'

"Anyways, greetings senior brother. I will now be off." Tyrone said cheerfully as he continued on his way.

'Well at least I know for a fact that I chose the right person to be my first real disciple. I just need to teach him properly now... actually... how about I teach him a simpler version of my of the black book's battle art. If it's Tyrone, he can probably handle a dumbed down version at least. You'd need superhuman mental abilities to be able to understand even a quarter of the stuff and apply it, and Tyrone is pretty much as close as I can get to that standard. I should probably rename the art first.'

'How does 'The Wraith's Talons' sound? And the simple version can be called 'The Specter's nails'.'

'I like those names, so that's what I'll call them. But before I hand over the simple version, I still need to create it. At most, the efficiency of the technique will only allow Tyrone to summon a single blade if I change it to be suitable for his level, but I want him to be able to summon two.'

The more and more he thought about it, the more he realised that this was a topic for after the meeting. He wasn't running late or anything, but he didn't have much time either. He needed to speed up his pace; fast.

5 minutes later:

Simon was greeted by a varnished grand oak door, that just so happened to be vice principal Feng's. Simon admires at the beautiful carpentry for moment before entering the office. He pushed the door to find a metropolitan styled office with glass furniture everywhere, complimented by white colours and sleazy wooden chairs. The scene itself could be called 'style'. And within this office, in the middle of it all, were two figures. One, Simon recognised, and the other, he could only assume.

"Greetings Simon Grey. I trust that you have met my dear niece, Michelle before?" An older figure spoke.

It was of course vice-principal Feng. Dressed in a sleek coat and equipped with a bowler cap, the man who was surely in his early 30s greeted Simon.

"Well hello Vice-principal. Yes I do know Michelle very well. I am glad to see her here today." Simon respectfully greeted.

"Ah, so respectful. I am indeed surprised that a student your age feels so fresh. It must be your master, 'Lord White'."

"Huh? Pardon me?"

"O, you don't know? Your master was given the title by Haven's council in light of his innovative teaching methods. Although Haven has agreed not to share his methods or implement it ourselves, we do intend to keep a very close relationship with this professor. So you are now in fact, a lord's disciple, or a second generation lord candidate."

Simon inwardly shuddered upon hearing those words.

'A lord? That title is too much! There are only around 4 lords at a given time! And now I am a lord and a second generation lord candidate? This is moving along way to fast! Slow down a bit please, my brain can't take this much bulls**t.'

"Nevertheless, let's get straight to the point. I wish for you to..."