Reapers (1)

The house of Reaper, an ancient house much like Crypts. However, Reaper did not degrade to the point where their patriarch was only a Maquess tier devil. Their leader, Hadrius Reaper, a Diva of the 7th rank, has shared an amiable relationship with Karlus for decades, and has even suggested a linking of the houses many times. This request has of course resulted in the scenario seen today, the sudden proposal for Jazukal to get to know the eldest daughter of Hadrius.

While the Crypts family generally viewed this as a great occasion worthy of a spectacular celebration, Simon thought otherwise. For starters, he already knew what would happen as a result of this relationship.

'After Hadrian sets up his daughter with my brother, my brother will be severely bullied to the point of madness. As to how he will become mad? That's just how much of a crazy bitch Hecate is.'

'After all, I intended for Hecate to be a main antagonist later down the track, so of course I had to flesh out the backstory a little.'

This madness would turn into a small scale war as Jazukal would later confront Hecate and brutally wound her with his flames, causing her to live with a perpetual burn scar on the left half of her once beautiful face. Of course Jazukal would be found a minute later and executed by the elite guards of Reaper, but the other house didn't stop at just that. The former friend to Crypts was so infuriated that he wiped out the house of Crypts altogether, earning him the moniker; Purger.

'Well I guess things won't go the same as in my novel, I exist after all. I already know that the butterfly effect does in fact change history by a long shot.'

"Jazukal, my son, be prepared to leave for the Reaper household within the next 2 hours. You will be back by midnight, so do not worry about your studies." Karlus explained.

'Welp, nothin I can do for this naive brother of mine.' Simon shrugged.

[System Goal: protect Jazukal until 00:00]

[Accept or Reject]

'Huh? I haven't gotten a system notification or let alone a goal in ages.'

'Seems like I can reject the mission though-'

Suddenly a gust of wind and a shadow appeared in front of Simon, greeting him warmly.

"Twin brother... Simfir... Thank you for your guidance back then, I will focus on furthering myself like you suggested. I hope you don't miss me too much while I'm gone..." Jazukal nervously spoke.

Simon took a step back, before stating "Jazukal, Just do not do anything you will regret when staying at the Reaper household.



'This brother of mind is just too cute to be left to die.' Simon smiled.

'I'd better leave on foot, I'd prefer to get there before That brother of mine. It'd be a shame if he died at such a f***ing young age.'

Simon walked over to his father an lightly tapped the latter on the shoulder.

"Father, I wish to go on an excursion today, staying at home has left me complacent of the outside world." Simon respectfully declared.

"Excellent! You are finally leaving the mansion, I thought you wanted to coop yourself in this house until the Adulthood Ceremony!" Karlus joyfully laughed.

"Okay, take this bag of blood crystals and make sure to come home by midnight." Karlus continued laughing as he took out a bag and shoved it into Simon's hands.

"By the way... Do not worry, son. You are blessed, the Adulthood Ceremony will definitely gift you with a worthy reward." Karlus winked.

It could be said that Karlus was always a loving father towards Simon, but he expressed it inwardly and only outwardly expressed his desire for his near mediocre son to work harder. When he found Simon with grey horns, he of course felt extreme pride. If he didn't push that son of his when the latter was younger, then he may have not been able to receive such a wonderful blessing.

"Say... father, what is the Adulthood Ceremony?" Simon asked with a straight face.

"It is when a devil comes of age and gains profound power through a sacred-"

"I know that, father. But what does this ceremony entail?" Simon pushed.

'Pfft... father is stalling...'

"Well... you are my most mature son still under my care, I guess I can tell you since you have already gained a noble title and reached second tier... the devil laws do not punish for discussing between nobles."

"It entails the 'Mantiwings and the Beezuls'."

'Butterflies and the bees.'

"What does that mean, father?" Simon said as he inwardly laughed.

"It is when to devils... a female and a male... go into the same chamber and have sexual intercourse."

"I have never heard of such a term, can you please explain."


'I feel a tad bit too cruel right now. Father is a traditionalist, he might not have been pure as me, but he certainly didn't take well to explaining things like this to children.'

"It is when a male devil inserts his genital organ into his chosen female partner's genital organ, therefore initiating the breeding ritual known as sexual intercourse." Karlus Emotionlessly explained.

"O, thank you father. I will make sure to have a lot of sexual intercourse wherever I go from now on. Perhaps I can gain more-"

"NOOOO! You can only do it with your chosen partner, son! Do not make me remind you!"

"Yes father." Simon inwardly chuckled.

'Well then, it's only a 20 kilometre trip. So that should be... maybe 2 hours on foot?'

'Ehhh... I'll make it with plenty of time to spare.'

'Let's see how this Hecate tries to bully this brother of mine while I'm watching.'

As you can see, not all devils are coldhearted. They care about their families at the very least! Don't support Haven's attempts at demoing devildom and slaughtering them!