Silent Night (1)

'F***ING HELL!' Simon internally raged in absolute anger and annoyance. After being taken advantage of and insulted, this was obviously the last thing he wanted to hear. He had invested effort into giving his brother a good amount of time to enter the mansion and curry favour with the Diva to avoid bullying, but he somehow manages to get kidnapped in the mansion! If this couldn't make Simon mad, then nothing would.

'DAMMIIIIIIT!' Simon felt his body light on fire as a coat of pure devilish power radiated from his very being, emanating a pure blood red aura. Without a single word, he clicked his fingers as to summon his new servant guards to follow him, to which they all responded with a bow and followed.

"Follow me to the gate crystal! I do not accept any sloppiness from you lot!" Simon bursted with urgency.

"YES HONOURED MASTER!" The troop of guards followed him outside of the mansion towards a peculiar looking crystal statue. The statue had a golden ring orbiting it with the inscriptions of a language that was long forgotten to time. Obviously such an artefact could only be procured by someone with the prestige of a Blood Monarch, seeing as it is an ancient device. But it's true purpose is to transport entities to different locations through the power of magic, which sound rather common in many fantasy settings; although only restricted to this one location in the Demon World.

Of course Simon knew about this object since he did create this world, so a trivial thing such as this, was merely the crust of his knowledge.

"I do not appreciate any unprofessional behaviour, especially in this operation. Let it be known that you all have been summoned to duty, in response to a hostile invasion from the Dark Weaver Gang. You are all my subordinates now, so I will be the one giving the orders!" Simon shouted with the steel resolution of an hacking blade. Without murmuring amongst themselves, the guards quickly affirmed their loyalty and bowed.

"The target of this hostile invasion is the Reaper Mansion! It is quite possible that the Diva is being suppressed by the existence known as 'Ripper'. As most of should know, Ripper was once a Diva himself, until he betrayed his comrades in a previous war and fled from Devil society. He is known to be on par with Hadrius Reaper, so be on alert."

"But this is not the most important detail of this event! The Reaper House May be under attack, but a much more important entity is being threatened! The Blood Consort's younger twin brother! Let it be known, if this young man dies, the reputation of the Blood Monarch will fall in due time." Simon continued speaking with eyes filled with fury. All the guards understood exactly what Simon desired of them. They knew that if the young man is not saved, only ridicule of the current Blood Monarch would be awarded. If they understood one thing well enough, it would be that their Mistress is not someone that can be looked down upon.

"The young man's name is Jazukal Crypts. You will know who he is when you find him. But make it clear in your hearts, all of the gang members are to be killed." With a tap of the orbiting ring, the gate opened, revealing a blue ocean-like texture from within. Simon only spent a brief moment admiring the inherent complexities of it all before proceeding through with his subordinates.

Appearing within a large dining room stained in countless different colours of noble blood, the group drew their respective weapons and scouted their surroundings. Having entered into a room that should be littered with corpses, everyone was suspicious of why there were no bodies to match the blood spilt. Such a gang wouldn't have time to clean up the mess when challenging the might of a Diva, so why did it seem like they had already started?

"I count four different colours of devil blood. It seems that servants and nobles were killed indiscriminately during this attack." The senior guard from earlier announced to the group as he examined the blood stains.

"I smell live ones... but they seem to be moving further away from us." Simon whispered. Summoning two daggers, Simon moved closer to what seemed to be the sole door to the outside of the dining room. As he slowly opened the door, he took a peek at both sides of the hallway, spotting a couple of devils in green outfits in the left side. Looking closer, these devils only had white horns and seemed to be barely at the 3rd rank. As it seemed, these devils were the grunts. In front of him was another door, which he knew is the kitchen.

"Two on the left, both 3rd rank. Two of you will silently deal with them by luring them to this room and silently executing them. Afterwards, smear a small quantity of their own blood in the hallway, trailing towards the door just opposite of this room. We will simply hide in waiting for the next half hour, until the gang sends a larger detachment of their force towards us, then we will silently escape and look for the target.

'These guards are much better than those two idiots that I killed earlier. At least these guys don't f***ing blame the victim! These ones can follow orders and understand their place, which is rather nice. I might keep them for myself.' Simon chuckled.

'Now then, that idiot brother of mine... how will I punish him?'

'He somehow managed to get captured in one of the most safest places in the Demon World, and creates such an issue for me! This was a simple goal, and now I have to find a way to deal with a high level Diva! And I am pretty damn sure that the Diva is an early 7th rank...'


Hearing the faint sound of blades being inserted through bodies, Simon knew that the action had just started.