
Simon entered his new room and took his luggage from the floor, placing it on a nearby sofa. Opening the luggage, Simon was greeted by two sets of clothing and a bundle of metal daggers and white paint. Seeing that he had all of the essentials, Simon smiled and closed the luggage in satisfaction.

Knowing that he would probably have to start his tenure as Blood Consort today, Simon briefly took some time to clean up his clothing before leaving the room and proceeding downstairs towards the throne room again.

This time, only Malece occupied the room. Seeing that he had some privacy, Simon decided to speak up confidently and say what was on his mind.

"Dear wife, On the subject of training the guards, I have no clue on what I must do. I have never trained people before, I am only 16 years of age. May you please reconsider this duty and assign a proper drill master for them? I assure you that I can do all of my other duties just fine, but this one will not be suitable task for me." Simon respectfully declared as he pointed his concerns. Hearing Simon say these things, Malece could not help but agree. Although she seemed to not care about Simon's opinions in the past, she is indeed not a close-minded person. She knew when to hold back, albeit not when she felt a threat to her goals.

"I will grant you this courtesy of assigning a drill master to oversee the training. You will have to work extra hard to make up for this...perhaps you will have to make it up to me personally, don't you think?"

"No. I already told you that I will not engage in sexual activities with you until I actually come of age. Please do not speak about this any further."

"Fine then, you will have to train them on your own then. If you do not wish to compromise, then I will not either." Malece sighed as she looked at Simon in disappointment. Also sighing, Simon understood her meaning, if he did not want to budge, then she would not budge either. Such tactics are used in business, so why not here?

"I will let you assume your duties now, enjoy."

Simon left the throne room with a tired expression, heading towards where he assumed to be the guard barracks. Without even taking a minute, Simon arrived at an indoor arena. The arena had as many as 12 doors in an even distance to each other, and contained a ring of seats for spectators to watch from above. Inside, the floor was made of a dark metallic material, probably strong enough to survive a strike from Ripper. Entering, Simon saw a set of 30 different guards, only two of them he recognised. The two were of course part of the set of guards that pledged to be his subordinates.

Seeing Simon enter, the guards halted whatever they were doing and stood in formation to greet their master.

"Exalted master! We respectfully greet you and hope to improve ourselves under you!"

Simon grinned and inspected the quality of his guards with his eyes. All of them were on equal visualisation rank as him, but he could still beat them into submission if he wanted. Seeing that they didn't seem to contain any auras of lethality or particularly anything powerful, Simon felt slightly disappointed. He wanted guards that could actually be dependable, but seeing these guards only at a barely acceptable level, Simon could only sigh.

"Have any of you ever fought anyone of the 6th rank?" Simon asked as he twirled around one of his metal daggers. Looking uninterested, he preferred to exercise his fingers and technique. Even now, he felt like play would be a better alternative to teaching. The guards just seemed too mundane for him. The only guards he cared about are the two guards that he fought alongside with.

"Exalted master, none of us has fought-"

"Exalted master, Kreel and I, Maxis, have both fought against one of the 7th rank." One of the two subordinate guards interupted. Hearing this, the other guards were shocked and could not believe what came out of his mouth, thinking that it was just shameless bragging.

"Very good... now whom of you are the strongest?" Simon asked as balanced the dagger on his fingertip, slowly moving it around and flipping it to entertain himself.


"I, Coliart Exrum, am the strongest one here. I can defeat any guard here in a duel, not even a devil of the later visions of 5th rank can stand easy against me. If you desire, I can prove to-"


The metal dagger zoomed at a terrifying speed only a mere micrometer to the right of Coliart's left ear, not even invoking the whistle of the air. Simon smiled and looked at Coliart straight in the eyes, showing that he did not feel even the least bit threatened.

"You may be the strongest guard here, but I am not a guard. In just a split-second, I could have thrown a second dagger and separated your head from your torso. Sit down, be humble." Simon smirked with a devilish expression. Witnessing the frighteningly lethal technique of Simon, Coliart instantly knelt down and vowed in his heart to follow Simon to the ends of Hell.

"You have showed me perhaps the greatest technique that I have ever seen, and shown me that I am not as strong as I believe myself to be. If I am to hold this against you, I would be an idiot that doesn't understand what is good for me. Please except my vow of submission." Coliart said with a genuinely solemn expression.

"Good, now you understand that you cannot prove yourself to me right now. You train in mediocre techniques, your mindset as a whole makes me feel rather disappointed. But I have a solution."