

Simon proceeded towards a changing room and quickly put on an academy training suit and packed his original clothes in a small bag. Afterwards, Simon left the changing room and enter the sparring hall. Upon entering, Simon saw a huge circular area where other students were sparring and conversing in. Nothing seemed odd or interesting in the entire hall, it just felt like a place where people were training.

'Their training is inadequate, they train but nothin is special. None of them are geniuses and none of them try to surpass geniuses, they are just normal. A normal devil is strong nonetheless, but these ones will never become well known.'

Simon observed as the other students clashed their weapons against each other and practiced their techniques. But nothing seemed noteworthy, it just felt like watching anyone sparring.

"I wonder...why is this academy so well respected? I haven't even fought anyone that could make me genuinely strike against. Every single devil here are mediocre and do not deserve to be in a place of such reputation!" A loud feminine voice shouted from the sidelines. Standing next to a boy of noble demeanour, the owner of the voice glared at the students training on the circular platform. With a beautiful face and red skin as perfect diamonds, she held on to her fierce expression.

"Talise, I do not believe it is an amazing idea to taunt every single student in the sparring hall. You may be the young lady of the Crimsia Organisation, but there are limits to being rude." The boy next to her said with an expression of worry.

"O please, do you think anyone in this hall can win against me? I only see weaklings at the 2nd and 3rd ranks. The weak should just follow the strong and heed their commands. This bunch are not even qualified to lick my boots! Just seeing them fight makes me want to sleep from the boredom. Why do I even need to attend sparring practice?" Tali's continued on without caring for the now infuriated crowd's opinion. Without a care in the world, she continued insulting the people on stage.

"That guy can't even execute a simple technique like the Black Viper Bite! That one over there can't even parry without his hands shaking! Oh my, that one..." she continued and continued, vilifying the crowd with every word she spoke. Simon did not care one bit because she had not mentioned him.

"Talise! You are going to get yourself killed! I swear, if you don't stop insulting people left and right, you will not live past the Adulthood Ceremony!" The boy shouted as he began to get even more worried.

"Relax, none of them can hurt-"

"B**ch! I'm going to tear you limb from limb! You think you're so strong?" Releasing an aura of a 4th ranked visionary, muscular male devil fumed with rage as he shouted angrily at Talise.

"Only the 1st vision? Pa-leaase...I reached the 4th vision already, you are no match for me." Talise spoke plainly as didn't even address the person eye to eye.

' cocky, so arrogant. This one did not receive a mention in my novel. Must be another extra, the Crimsia Organisation must be a medium-sized organisation that I didn't care to mention in the story. I don't really care either way.'

"Anyone want to fight? I can beat anyone here!"

'This is boring, I'd better leave, I will come back when things are less boring. I feel like checking out my quarters anyways, surely better than doing nothing.'

Simon quickly walked towards the door again and opened it quietly as he proceeded to attempt of leave.

"Hey! Don't leave! Did I say you could leave? I am not my...what do we have here?" Talise's expression changed as she saw Simon's face. With an intense glare of an unknown emotion, and the face that could rival a fairy's, Simon had piqued her attention.

"How may I help you?" Simon said with a noble expression. Simon only answer so because he did not want to ruin his noble reputation.

"Tell me your name!" Talise shouted without a second thought. Just seeing Simon's face was enough for her to become even more impulsive.

"I am Simonifirac Crypts, may I know this beautiful lady's name?" Simon said with a charmingly smiled as he gazed at her with a fake expression of mystery.

"My name is Talise Valcor. Fight me!" She declared without a second thought. She proceeded onto the circular platform and glared at the occupants to move off, which they all complied with.

"Sorry, I still need to unpack my belongings. You see, I am as you call a 'freshling', so please leave me be so I can attend to my quarters." Simon replied with a warm smile.

"Male prost-I mean-"


"I am sorry, but your beauty is not of this world, it even makes me feel as though my womanly charms are inadequate. Please spar with me! If you win, you can request anything of me...If I win, I want you to go on a date-" Talise blushed as she spoke.

"He left." The boy plainly said as he began to chuckle.

"Was it because I called him a male prost-"

"Do not utter such words in public, a noble lady like you should not dirty your reputation by using such a word."

"Fine, but he really looked yummy..."

"I only say this because you are the niece of my godmother. The 'yummy' looking ones are almost always taken. And besides, your father should have already told you that romantic relationships do not matter until the Adulthood Ceremony. Only an idiot like you, could forget about such an important detail."

"Fine. But I'm not letting him get away with just leaving like that. Besides, the Crypts are rather influential, it wouldn't hurt to get to know one of the young masters."