Wishful Thinking

"Greetings, Esteemed guests. I am Marchelt Malkulm Voss. Today I will be answering questions regarding the events that took place during the Hunt."

"As you may know, two of our students were critically injured after a feral devil attacked them while they were hunting their puppet. The devil has since been subdued and we are still recovering from some minor losses. During the subjugation, our team suffered major losses that include Several of our MilComs and two Genits."

The Marchelt finished his opening speech and awaited response from the press.

"Marchelt, do you believe that this is an isolated incident that has no connection to our enemies?" A man asked.

"I do. This feral devil seemed to have been practicing a flawed technique that caused its mind to decay and its body to become beast-like." The Marchelt answered quickly.

"And who were the students that were injured under the army's watch?" The man pressed on.

"Talise Valcor and Rieza Blaiz."