Darling’s Reconciliation (2)

"Little darling, I assure you, I can explain."

Simon looked towards her and saw what seemed to be the faintest sliver of a weak and growing energy. To the normal devil, this energy would be drowned out by the sheer mass of her power. However, Simon saw what many cannot. Before him was a faint pulse of power, similar to his own and Malece's.

"A month ago, you would have fooled me. Today I am much too perceptive for you to be able to avert my eyes." He stepped forward.

"Now tell me, why did you hide this from me? Did you perhaps want to use this thing as leverage against me? Blackmail me? Dear wife, you seem to take me for a fool."

Malece sighed and prepared her answer.

"Little darling, this is indeed yours. As to why I did not say earlier, I was too worried that you would attempt to kill it out of rage."

"Well, why do you want to keep it?" Simon asked with an expression of mistrust.