
Perhaps the two years spent in Hell were enough for Simon to start forgetting what it means to be human, but then again, he did not even know if he was originally human. Life had thrown a massive lightning bolt had him twice and expected him to bounce back like none of it mattered. Through this, he learnt resilience.

He wandered Hell and swept the inhabitants from under their feet. In his mind, he knew no one in Hell would be a decent person, so he took measures to ensure his own survival. If someone stared at him longer than 10 seconds, Simon would dispose of them. This was his way of survival during the last two years. A life of suspicion and fury.

Of course he missed some things from the Demon World, but he knew that staying would only contribute to a further loss in time that had already accumulated over thousands of years. Sure he could stay and become a powerful existence in the Demon World, however, he would grow bored with it all.