Furious Flip Flop


"DAMMIT SIMON! WON'T YOU JUST SHUT UP?!" Tyrone grabbed a flip flop from an unknown place and slapped it across Simon's face, sending the latter flying towards an empty wall.

"Why do you still have that?" Jack asked with a weirded out expression as he pointed at the single flip flop.

"It's effective." Tyrone gave a glowing smile and posed with his flip flop.

"DID I NOT TELL YOU ALL TO BE QUIET?!" Simon suddenly retrieved a belt from out of nowhere, Whipping it into the air like a… whip.

"How about we play a game called helicopter~?" Simon exhibited an extremely crooked smile as he stepped forward with his belt.

"Papa! You can't play with them! You need to sleep!" Dahlia tugged on his pants and commanded.

"Fine… fine…" Simon and Dahlia went back to sleep as if nothing had happened.

"It's a miracle… Dahlia cares for us so much!" Mark quietly exclaimed with his fists clenched.