
Seven guardian kneeling on the ground towards a vampire on the throne.

"Master we have managed to secure the blood vials from the servant of the Hoyt family, but I leave one vial for the so-called young master as a lesson for them."

"Good job, The curse will immediately take effect," said the man.

Suddenly, another throne appears one by one until all six throne lined in front of the guardians.

"What are you all doing here?" said the man.

"Hecate, I also want to join the fun," said Spike a handsome vampire with a beautiful dark purple hair.

"I want to know about the curse," said Daniela with a serious face.

"Hecate, Spike, Mara and Daniela already meet that boy but I only heard about him from the four of you. I can use the blood to see him," said Elena another woman in the group. Her blonde hair is shinning under the dim light.

"Elena, I also never meet that boy, what are you rushing for?" said Lamia. His silver hair highlighted his beautiful red eyes.

"Both of you can meet him in the future. I'm planning to bring him here for training," said Mara.

"Are you serious? You want to tell him about us? asked Elena. The rest on the thrones focus their eyes towards Mara.

"No! I just want to use the forest to train him. Plus to reunite him with Rinne," said Mara.

"Did you curse the boy, Hecate?" asked Daniela.

"No! I would not dare to do it. I just want to use the remaining blood as a medium to put a curse." said Hecate.

"I thought you would really curse him. Hahahhaha, if he knows you put a curse on his son..." Lamia makes a slicing gesture using his hand at his throat.

"Hecate is not that dumb, now tell us what kind of curse you want to chant," asked Spike.

"Nightmare," said Hecate.

The rest of them shows an amused face. It has being a long time since they meddle with the vampire society. They are wondering whether the younger generations still remember about them. Did they already lose their prestige because of time? This curse will make them tremble once again.

"Young master Lefu are you alright?" the young vampire asked because his young master is quiet after drinking that blood. He looks like he is in deep sleep.

Lefu opens his eyes. He never feels so content in drinking blood in this few months but a vial of Mikayla's blood can make him feels like he drinks a lot of blood.

"Huuuu! You did a great job Jaxon," said Lefu. Lefu tries to get out of the bed. Jaxon quickly helps him. When Jaxon hold Lefu, Lefu feels like he can see every blood in the Jaxon veins and arteries. He gulped and the bliss he feels from drinking Mikayla's blood suddenly vanish and thirst comes to him.

He is unable to hold his thirst and bite Jaxon neck. Startled by the bite Jaxon push Lefu away.

"Young master, what are you doing?" It is not proper for another vampire to drink blood from each other neck unless they are husband and wife. It is an intimate gesture like kissing for human. Lefu snapped out from it and sits on the bed. He closes his eyes but he can hear the blood flowing and he also can feel the taste of blood in his mouth. He wants to drink blood.

"Get me blood! NOW!" shouted Lefu.

Jaxon hurriedly get out from the room to get blood supply from the kitchen. As soon as he gets the blood Jaxon runs into the room. He presents the blood to Lefu. Lefu drinks a glass of blood and suddenly he feels sick and vomits all the blood that he drinks. The smell of blood is thick in that room. Jaxon knows something has happened to his young master and go get his father.

Lincoln arrives and sees the room is filled with blood. Lefu drinks another glass of blood but he vomits it again but the thirst that he feels make him grab for another glass of blood and drinks it. Seeing Jaxon and Lincoln, Lefu seems to lost control and dash towards them. He bites Lincoln neck and grab Jaxon hand to prevent him from running away.

Lincoln did not struggle or run but let Lefu fangs penetrate his neck. Lefu sucks Lincoln blood but after three mouthfuls of blood, his stomach is churning and he vomits once again.

"AHHHHH!" Lefu's scream can be heard by the whole castle. "I WANT BLOOD," he spread his wings and fly out from the room. Every vampire he found outside he will drink their blood but after three mouthfuls he will vomit all the blood he drinks.

Bertoldo hears the scream and immediately search the source of the screaming. He then sees Lefu like a crazy vampire drinking blood from another vampire and vomiting.

"Lefu! What did you think you're doing?" said Bertoldo.

Lefu ignore Bertoldo and keep searching other prey because he feels so thirsty.

"Guard! Seize Lefu and someone go get a doctor here," said Bertoldo.

The guards detain Lefu and bind him to a chair. The doctor comes to examine him but everything is normal.

"Did anything happen before this? asked the doctor.

Jaxon comes forward and tells the doctor that Lefu consume blood before he becomes like that. The door opens and Drar come into the room. All of them bows towards him.

"I smell an ancient spell," said Drar. He walks towards Lefu and sniff him. "Nightmare" Drar frown and put his hand on Lefu head and chant a healing spell but he unable to finish his chanting a strong magic power burst out from Lefu body and attack Drar.

The others already blast away toward the ceiling and the walls. Drar was pushed ten-step from Lefu. As an expert in this continent, he is pushed from a spell attack. Everyone is shocked this is means the caster is stronger than Drar.

Lefu with his bloody mouth is squirming like a worm on the chair as he tries to loosen the binding on his hand and leg. "Blood! Give me blood!" He struggles for a while and suddenly stay still. He bites his tongue and drinks his blood. He did not vomit his blood. Lefu thirst is quenched but he did not realise that his tongue already damaged.

"What is happening to Lefu? Is the blood that he consumes is the reason for his strange behaviour," asked Bertoldo.

"Whose blood that he drinks? asked Drar ignoring his son questions. This kind of spell only those bored old fogies will send this kind of curse. The curse is named "Nightmare" because the victim will always be thirsty for blood but unable to consume it. Other food will taste bland and the victim will slowly drove into madness. All they see is blood. As long it is blood the victim will thirst for it. The victim can only drink their own blood. Finally, the victims will die because of self-injuries.


Jaxon knell in front Drar and tell him everything.

"Slap!" Jaxon left cheek is red and swollen." I already told all of you. Do not have any dealings with the adopted son of the Blade family." said Bertoldo.

"Master, forgive my son. He just wants to help young master. They have been best friends since they were a child. Seeing his friend laying on the bed lifeless, he decided to take action. I also approve of his action. If you want to punish anyone please punish me and spare my son," said Lincoln while kneeling beside Jaxon.

Drar watches the two of them. "Sigh! If you think that I love to see Lufe condition like that then you are wrong. But there is nothing I can do, it is Lufe and his friends that search for troubles. Now, you make another trouble."

"Father is there a way to cure Lufe from this curse?" asked Bertoldo. Lufe is his favourite son.

"There is but it will be painful and requires a sacrifice. We have to force out the blood in Lefu body by using the sacrifice blood as a lure."

"Go harvest some blood from the farm," said Bertoldo.

"Not human blood but vampire blood," said Drar.

The room becomes silence. Yes, another reason it is called a nightmare is that they need blood sacrifice from the same species. If a human is cursed with this curse then human blood will be needed as a sacrifice. Another way is to ask the caster to cancel the curse but it is rare for someone to cancel their curse. They may receive backlash because of it.

They are the proud vampire, they took others blood but not their blood. Who is willing to be sacrificed for young master Lufe?

"It is my fault so I will become the sacrifice," said Jaxon.