God Let Us Save the Milky Way Galaxy

The atmosphere in the park was silent.

The two little girls stared at each other. For a duration of 25 seconds, they did not break eye contact. Instead of stopping, the girls kept going. 

When thirty seconds had passed, the girl sporting a twin pigtails hairstyle blinked.

She said with distress, "Argh… I lost. You're so good. You could open your eyes without blinking for so long! What is your name?"

Yingying became dazed for a moment, clearly not expecting the other girl to talk to her.

She said calmly, "I'm Yingying."

The little girl smiled vibrantly, "I'm Tingting. We're friends now!"

She squeezed in next to Ying Ying and sat with her on the swing. The swing was rather wide, and the two little girls could just fit.

Lu Ze: "…"

Do kids make friends like this these days?

This was much convenient than when you were an adult.