This Seems to Be Quite a Nice God Art?

Pocket Hunting Dimension

Night Time

As Lu Ze's fire clone kept growing stronger, Lu Ze's survival time in the pocket hunting dimension was increasing as well. Even if he was occasionally discovered by level eight and nine mortal evolution state bosses, he was still capable of escaping with his fire clone and space god art.

His lightning cloud's power had barely reached the planetary state. Other than those level seven mortal evolution state beasts with earth god art, he could pretty much kill the rest instantly.

In a short day, Lu Ze gathered tens of level seven special red and purple orbs. He got several god art orbs too.

Lu Ze roamed on the barren fields as he searched for his prey—for instance, the golden little echidna he encountered last time.

That little thing had level three mortal evolution state cultivation level, but its combat power was over level eight. This was unbelievable.