Chapter 82: Soren’s family secret

After a couple of days floating out on the seas Soren decided it was time to take everyone to the neighboring island to settle down. When Soren docked the ship he could see Marines patrolling the dock with two posters in hand, when Soren looked a bit closer he could see that one of the posters was of the notorious Blue Reaper who destroyed a whole fleet of Marine warships with just one move, and on the other poster was Soren's beautiful face that was covered in blood splatters from when he massacred those pirates.

[Husbands, it looks like they are still looking for you]: misha

Soren thought for a moment before he realized that he had unsealed his MS almost a year ago, at this moment he mentaly smacked himself and spoke.

[Stay here for a moment I'm going to go talk to them]: soren

Soren said this and left to go talk to the Marines who were questioning citizens as they passed.

[Misha wishes Husband luck]: misha

Misha, Ace and Luffy watched as Soren walked up from behind the two Marines and taped them on the shoulder, as they turned around Misha, Ace and Luffy could see the Marines tense up a bit before relaxing and showing Soren the posters before rushing off, leaving Soren there. Soren then came back to the ship and said.

[All done, they will leave town with the other Marines and won't bother us again]: soren

Ace and Luffy showed some sparkles in their eyes as they watched how Soren made them run off, they quickly went into questioning mode and bombarded Soren with their questions.

[That was cool! How did you do it Sensei!? What made the Marines leave in such a hurry?]: ace

[Yeah! I want to know how to do it too]: luffy

Soren gave a chuckle before thinking about what he just did and feeling how stupid he was to not use it beforehand back in Foosha.

-Flashback of a couple of minutes ago-

[Hey, you two are looking for someone?]: soren

As the Marines turned around they saw someone who looked just like the wanted poster and froze up, they were so scared that all they could mutter was.

[It… Him!]: marines

Soren then activated his MS and looked them in the eyes and said.

[I hear you are looking for someone? Maybe I can help out, would you mind showing me?]: soren

As Soren said this he placed the idea that he was not either person in the wanted posters deep into their subconscious. And after Soren asked to look at the pictures they relaxed, then placed both pictures in front of his face and asked.

[Do you know anything about either of these people or how they are related? Or maybe where we can find them?]: marines

Soren then gave a depressed face before saying.

[Oh no… I hope they aren't too dangerous, I just got a ride into town on their ship, I tried to thank them for the ride with a drink but said that they were heading towards the Grand Line, they just left, maybe you could catch up]: soren

[Thank you for your help… We the Marines will forever remember your help today]: marines

The two then took out a communicator snail and gave a report before running off most likely back to base for further instructions.

[Hehe… Piece of cake, well I should be safe to finish Luffy and Ace's training here before I leave to go find other fun things in this world]: soren

Soren then went back to the ship to grab Misha, Ace and Luffy.

-End of Flashback from a couple of minutes ago-

[We should go grab an inn for our stay, Ace, Luffy, I will buy you guys a room to share]: soren

[But Sensei… Why can't we stay in your room?]: luffy

Soren didn't get the chance to respond before Ace hit him on the head leaving a trademark bump on Luffy's head as he spoke.

[Sensei and his wife need their own room, we will just be cockblocks if we stay with them in their room, dumbass]: ace

Luffy looked at Ace with tears in his eyes before saying "OH!" as the tears then disappeared, Ace then crossed his arms and nodded waiting for Soren to praise him for his quick wittedness, but instead a smack came.

[Oww! What was that for Sensei!?]: ace

[Did I tell you to hit Luffy for his ignorance? If I wanted to let Luffy know the reason I would have told him myself, but I had no chance before I was cut off by you]: soren

Ace rubbed his head as tears formed in his eyes as he started apologizing.

[Sorry Sensei, I will think more next time]: ace

Soren then took his hand and smacked both Ace and Luffy this time.

[Oww! What was that for!?]: ace and luffy

That is for not being able to dodge my attacks, we have trained for 3 years yet you still can't dodge an attack.

[But Sensei, we just started to learn Haki, give us a chance]: luffy

Right before Soren could say anything about Luffy's comment he then dodged a strike and turned to face the person who struck.

[How dare you dodge Misha's attack]: misha

Soren was attacked by Misha and was a bit confused for the reason of the attack, but before he could ask for one he got his answer.

[Why does Husband need to be so ruthless with his attack on his students?]: misha

Soren thought about it for a moment before he spoke.

[I only do this to protect them, if I just let them do what they want without proper tutelage they will end up dying due to being caught off guard. And ruthless? Misha, you do know how I was trained, yes?]: misha

[Misha does not think that is relevant to how you train Ace and Luffy though]: misha

Luffy and Ace then watched as Soren and Misha had a lover's quarrel over how they were trained, Luffy who was intent on listening in on what they were talking about then spoke.

[How was Sensei trained?]: luffy

Soren then turned towards Luffy and gave a sigh before speaking.

[Do you really want to know? It might make you think the way I have trained you is just for babies]: soren

When Luffy heard Soren's words he started coming up with all sorts of monstrous ways of how Soren would train and said eagerly.

[Yes! Please tell me, I want to know how Sensei got this strong]: luffy

Soren gave another sigh before taking off his white shirt revealing his lean yet muscular body that was covered with a bunch of scarred tissue. After both Ace and Luffy saw all the scarred tissue Soren put his shirt back on and spoke.

[I was raised in a family of Assassins, I was trained since birth being beaten, electrocuted, burned, cut and all sorts of other torturous methods, all for the sake of being strong if I was ever caught and tortured]: soren