Chapter 127: Beerus’ Planet

Soren and the Z fighters all saw the Frieza Force space ship come into view, Soren knew that Frieza and his dad, King Cold would be coming out of the ship to kill off all the Earthlings until Goku shows up.

[It seems like Frieza isn't dead just yet]: soren

[I thought you killed him… What happened?]: krillin

[Yeah, I thought I killed him when I blasted a hole through his heart and left him on Namek when it exploded… It seems that he really had the desire to survive]: soren

[Well he's here now, so I can kill him myself]: vegeta

Vegeta flew up and landed next to Trunks, Trunks gave a slight smile, but Vegeta ignored him and let out a soft grunt while he crossed his arms over his chest. Once the ship landed, the door opened and let out a group of around 20 Frieza Force soldiers, they were followed out by a man who was around 4 meters tall, and a child-like figure who only reached up to the 4 meter tall man's knee. The tall man looked like a tall version on Frieza's first form, while the child-like figure who was undoubtedly Frieza had a cyborg like body, the cyborg known as Frieza began to look around, and when he caught sight of Trunks and Vegeta he began to laugh before speaking in a condescending tone.

[Hahahaha… Is this all you have? I will pass my time by killing all of you until Goku and that other Monkey who dared to try and kill me arrive… And until they get here, I will start with the two of you]: frieza

Frieza then sent his soldiers off to fight with Trunks while Vegeta went straight to Frieza. Frieza didn't mind fighting with Vegeta once again because it would help him take out some of his anger on the remaining Saiyan race, Frieza then began to fight with Vegeta, but to his surprise, Vegeta was able to keep up, but still couldn't beat him.

[It seems that you have improved quite quickly… It's time to end the Saiyan race today… DIE!]: frieza

Frieza then sent a death ball towards Vegeta, and when it hit, Vegeta was sent flying back, only to be caught by Soren, while Trunks deflected the Death ball in his Super Saiyan form.

[Let's keep this between us Frieza]: trunks

Frieza turned his attention to Trunks who had Golden hair, and when Frieza saw that form, his PTSD kicked in as he started stuttering.

[T-t-those E-eyes!... T-those cold eyes!... H-how! How can there be so many Saiyan's left!?]: frieza

Frieza then scanned the crowd only to see the rest of the Z Fighters in addition to Soren, and when Frieza saw his he started foaming at the mouth. Trunks then took out his sword and destroyed Frieza, he then watched as King Cold knelt down and mourned his lost son, but it was all fake, King Cold could care less, his mind set was "If you are not strong enough, then you are not needed" So even if it was flesh and blood, if they couldn't keep up with their strength, then they will ultimately die, but King Cold still didn't like the idea of someone killing his son in front of him, to him that was like saying "Your face is nothing to me". The whole time Soren observed the fight with Trunks and King Cold, he was planing what to do next, he knew that the next arc is the Androids Arc, but with his power, the Androids were complete trash, Soren wanted to fight stronger people, and who better to train with other than Whis.

'Its decided… I will reach SSJ3 before I use the Dragon Balls to teleport over to Beerus' planet for training': soren

Soren then watched as Trunks killed King Cold with a single attack before powering down and coming back to the group, while Bluma occasionally took a glance towards Trunks. Trunks just gave a small blush that made him want to hide his head in some hole, to him, that was Bluma, his mother, and she was giving him glances while blushing herself, but all of this ended shortly after when Gohan shouted.

[That Energy... It's Dad, I know it!... Daddy!]: gohan

Everyone looked up to see a small space pod coming in fast, but it went out of control and flew off a bit into the distance before crashing into the ground creating a giant crater. Everyone then rushed over to the crash site where the pod landed, and when they got there they saw Goku come out and land right next to them.

[Welcome back Goku]: soren

[Dad!... I missed you!]: gohan

[Hmmph!]: vegeta

[Goku!...]: krillin

Everyone had their own welcoming for Goku while Trunks came up and asked to talk with him in private, Goku agreed and they flew off to talk in private. Soren already knew what was going to be said, while Piccolo with his enhanced hearing heard everything, and when a certain conversation came up Piccolo's face started to blush, Soren also could hear the conversation, but didn't really care to much about it, and soon after, both Goku and Trunks began to spar due to Trunks wanting to see how good Goku was, and after they were done, they came back to the group while Goku placed the medicine in his pocket.

[Soren… Thank you for watching over the Earth while I was gone]: goku

[No problem… I live here now too, so it's the least I can do… But I will be leaving Earth soon, so I will leave my family here to help you all out… Is that fine?]: soren

[Where are you going?]: goku

[I will be going out to train… But where I'm going, you can't follow… Not yet at least]: soren

When Goku heard it was for training he wanted to follow, but when he heard that he couldn't go just yet he felt down. Soren then left the group saying that he needed to prepare to leave, everyone then began to talk about Goku's year long trip while Soren went to his own home and sat down to completely master SSJ2.

[Just 2 more stages until SSJ2 is mastered]: soren

Soren then spent the next week training in SSJ2, he brought it up to 80% complete mastery, he then thought about looking at his stats as he hasn't pulled up his stats page for many years.

'Sakura… Can you show me my status': soren



Name: Soren Zoldyck

Life Span: Immortal

Race: Saiyan

Bloodlines: Uchiha, Dragon-Saiyan, Soma Yukihira, Erina Nakiri, Sage, Hollow, Vampire Progenitor

Titles: Dragon, 5+ more

Power Level: 130,000,000

Luck: Lucky

Body Type: Destruction

-Bloodline Skills-

-Mangekyo Sharingan-: Level 78

Exp to Next Level: 10,950/320,000

Blindness: 19.6% Permanent

-Level 79: Unlocks 79% reduction of Eye deterioration speed-

-Saiyan-: Zenkai Boost Level: EX

Exp to Next Level: --/--

S-Cells: 37.2 Trillion (A/N: All Cells turned into S-Cells)

Transformation: Super Saiyan Mastered 100%, SSJ2 Mastered 80%

Chosen Path: Destruction God

Path Skill: Hakai- Can destroy anything with the raise of a hand.

(Hakai is dependent on how much power is placed in it)

-Skills-: 30 -List?-

-Passive-: 14 -List?-

System Points: 5.129 Million}

Soren was a bit surprised by Sakura's retort, he also felt that she was beginning to feel more human than just being an AI. Soren then looked over his status and was very happy to see that he was close to an Evolution in his Uchiha Bloodline, he felt that if he reaches level 100 for his Sharingan then it would evolve into the EMS (Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan) and right now he was at level 79. Soren then went back to training SSJ2 to perfection, Soren then spent the next 2 days to bring his mastery over SSJ2 to 100%, Soren knew that there was a little under 1 week until the Androids arrive, he also knew that Vegeta spent this time to reach Super Saiyan. Soren then went inside and began to teach both Zeno and Zenith how to transform into a Super Saiyan, while both Killua and Gon had just finished Stage 3 and went on to train in mastering Super Saiyan, Soren then looked through the System for a special skill that would let him keep his family safe while he was gone.

'Sakura, is there any kind of skill that will let me keep my family safe? Something that is similar to keeping them in a small world?': soren


Soren then took time to look over the skill and its description, and when he finished looking it over, he decided that it was a perfect skill.

'This is perfect!... I can create a small world that starts out as big as a continent, I can then upgrade it to the point where it's as big as a universe… Sakura, please buy Small World skill': soren


Soren then felt a burning sensation in his gut where the Small World was forming, and once the burning stopped, he put his focus on entering the world. Soren then disappeared from the house and appeared inside of the Small World, it was a barren place with no life, but that's because Soren has yet to add life by adding a power source, Soren the spread his Ki out covering the whole Small World, and once the air and grounds were touched by Soren's Ki, it started to turn into a color filled world. Green Grass grew on the once barren grounds, while the cracks and gaps had water fill them up and flow with fish that were born from Soren's life energy which was infinite due to him being immortal. The air became thick with oxygen while clouds formed in the sky along with birds that began to fly around, trees then began to grow in all shapes and sizes, then the newly grown forests were filled with animals of all shapes and sizes.

[This is perfection… I will move Misha and Hancock here while I am off on Beerus' planet… I don't want to jeopardize my unborn children]: soren

Soren gave his newly created world a nod before he shouted out its new name.

[You will be named Eden]: soren

Soren then turned to some open space before raising his hands and creating a house that was equipped with everything needed to survive, Soren then left the Small World and went to talk with Misha and Hancock, Misha's stomach was huge while Hancock's wasn't too far behind her, Soren then explained what would happen and moved them both into his Small World.

[Everything is ready… I just need to reach SSJ3 before I leave]: soren

Soren then spent the next 5 days breaking through to SSJ3, once he broke through he could feel his life energy being expended into the atmosphere. Soren tried to reign it in only to lose focus and revert back to his base form, Soren knew from that point, to perfect SSJ3 was to contain the exploding life force that leaks out from the form, Soren then told Killua, Gon, Zeno, and Zenith to help Goku and his friends fight with the androids, and they agreed willingly. Soren then pulled out his Dragon Balls and called upon Kuroi and wished for Kuroi to teleport him to Beerus' planet when he said Beerus' planet, Kuroi's eyes glowed as he said that his wish was granted, Soren then said that he was free to go, Soren then picked up the Dragon Balls and sent them into his Inventory, he then looked up to the sky and shouted.

[Beerus' Planet!]: soren

Soren's body then fazed through space as he was teleported to a planet that didn't really look like a planet, but more like an upside down pyramid, with a dead tree on top of it, the planet itself was Purple in color with some Blues mixed in, while the dead tree was a Grayish Brown color. Once Soren stepped foot on the planet he was met with a staff pointed at his face, Soren looked up only to see a tall guy around 7 foot tall, he had White hair and a pale Blue face, his eyes were a Violet color, and he had a Blue halo that floats around his neck. His attire consists of a maroon robe, a black cuirass with the same white and orange diamond decorations that Beerus has, and a blue sash, he also wears black high-heeled shoes with white spats. The man was none other than Whis, Beerus' Angel Attendant, he looked at the intruder with curiosity along with anger for showing up on Beerus' planet, he then asked Soren a question that would decide if he would die or not.

[Who are you, and why are you here?]: whis

Soren placed his hand in the air to show that he wasn't here to cause trouble, he then began to speak along with telling Whis about the food he brought.

[My name is Soren, I come here to be trained… But before you decline, I brought you food that will make you train me with how good it is]: soren

Whis was still cautious about Soren because even though he could tell that Soren was a Saiyan that should have been wiped out by Frieza, yet here one of them were showing up on their front door, but there was something else about Soren that Whis couldn't figure out, no matter how long he looked, it even hurt his eyes when he tried to peer into Soren's soul.

'There is something dangerous about this young Saiyan… But he has food… So I must sacrifice myself to test the food': whis

Whis then placed out his hand waiting for the food, and when Soren saw this he quickly pulled out some food from a bag he brought with him. Whis took a sniff of the food before taking a pair of chopsticks and eating a bite of the food, and once the first bite was taken, the food was vacuumed up in seconds by a Whis who was moaning over how good the food was.

[Where did you get this?... Tell me immediately]: whis

[I made it… But my son is a lot better than me… He trained at a cooking school after I taught him all I know]: soren

[Son?... Quickly bring him here]: whis

[He is busy at the moment but I can still cook for you… So… Will you train me?]: soren

Whis thought about it for a moment before he gave Soren a smile and spoke.

[Let's start your training then, shall we?]: whis

Soren first started out with a sparring match to test where he stood in fighting capabilities, and after that Whis set up Soren's training list, and from here Soren spent his time training with Whis to get stronger.