Chapter 188: Becoming a Jonin

Soren opened the portal, entered it while leaving everyone else in his Inner World, as it would follow him anywhere he went. After a few hours of traveling, and deciding what he would do when he got there, Soren saw another World up ahead, and felt himself being dragged towards it like he would with the other Worlds he went to. Soren decided to jump to the timeline Sasuke was taken from, and once he entered the world, he froze time, and brought Sasuke out from his Inner World, then Sasuke led Soren to the place that he was taken from, and Soren saw that Sasuke hadn't lied when he told Soren that he was just about to kill Orochimaru, but was stopped when he was summoned.

'Wow!... I never expected to see Orochimaru make a face like this, but knowing the plot, Orochimaru will survive, and Sasuke said that he would play it out just like it did in his memories': soren

[Since I brought you back, do you want me to seal your powers with a seal that will slowly weaken over time until you reach adolescence?]: soren

[No, I know how to hold back… I do want to heal my brother though, as I don't need to kill him to gain the power of the Eternal Mangekyou Sharingan, as I already have it thanks to the System you gave me]: sasuke

Soren just gave Sasuke a nod, and watched as Sasuke walked over to his previous position, and Soren left not only the place he dropped Sasuke off at, but this timeline in general, and when Sasuke saw this, he felt a new memory engraved in his head and spoke.

[I see… Heh… Thank you Soren]: sasuke

The time unfroze and Sasuke plunged his sword deep into what he expected to be Orochimaru's heart, and Orochimaru played dead, Sasuke then got up and left the hideout that he had just "Killed" Orochimaru in, and began looking for Itachi, as that was his goal after he killed Orochimaru in his memories.

[This is going to get real repetitive in a few days]: sasuke

Sasuke decided to use an Immortal skill to make his body follow the movements of his memories so he won't make a mistake, while he thought back to the new memories that have just been engraved into his mind.

[You sly bastard… So you plan to make Naruto look up to you as a big brother]: sasuke

Sasuke was going over the memories, while Soren was sleeping in his room inside of the Hidden Leaf Village of Konoha, and Soren began remembering the time he dropped Sasuke off, and used his ability to manipulate time, and reappeared 16 years ago during the Kyuubi attack on the Village. Soren had changed his appearance to look like his 3 year old self with short Black hair, and Obsidian colored eyes, he changed his clothes to match what Sasuke wore as a child, but different in color, Soren wore a Black T-Shirt with a Gray pair of shorts, he also wore a Black pair of Ninja sandals. With this new change, Soren sensed Minato's location, as he would be the closest to the two biggest Chakra signatures on the battlefield, and with that, Soren started running towards Minato's direction with a forced look of fear on his face while shouting.

[Mommy!... Daddy!... Where are you!]: soren

Soren felt proud in his act, as it drew attention to himself by many, and soon, Soren saw a gigantic Fox paw swiping his direction, and right before it was going to hit him, a Yellow bolt of light shot between the paw and Soren, while picking up Soren into his right arm, and when Soren looked to his left, he saw a newborn baby with Yellow spiky hair. Soren then watched as Minato placed him on the ground, and then placed the baby inside his arms, and with a look of fear that he turned into a bright smile as to not scare Soren, he spoke.

[Please take care of my Son while I go take care of this big mean Fox will ya?]: minato

[Un!... Go beat that big mean Fox! He hurt Mommy and Daddy!]: soren

Minato's look made him realize that Soren's parents might have died while trying to protect him from the Kyuubi attack, so he decided to come up close and pat the child's head while giving him his farewell.

[My son's name is Naruto… Take care of him as an Older Brother]: minato

As Soren had a genuine tear form in his left eye due to how much he felt for Minato for a few reasons, and the main one being Minato risked the life of himself, and Naruto to save him from the Kyuubi's attack, and another one, was the sheer willpower he had to fight a losing battle with a smile on his face.

'I will, and you will never be forgotten Minato': soren

When Soren thought that, the Kyuubi attacked once more, and pierced Minato with his claw, and when Soren saw that, he screamed out.

[Mister!... Don't die! You still need to be with Naruto!]: soren

[*Cough Blood*... I will be with him… In here]: minato

Minato then began doing a seal in which Kushina made her way over with what little power she had left, and they both put their Chakra together to make a seal, and sealed half of the Kyuubi into Naruto. Once Soren started to mentally calm down, as the plot would continue with Minato sealing the other half inside of him, but unexpectedly, Minato began to perform the same seal onto his body.

'What the fuck! Why seal it in me?... Do you really expect that much from me?': soren

Soren then decided to drop all his guards, and let the Fox be sealed into his body, and when that happened, Soren fell unconscious due to the Seal fighting with the System.


Soren was soon surrounded by a group of 10 Jonin, as well as the 3rd Hokage, and when they saw the sight of Minato, and Kushina dead in a position that looked to be protecting Soren and the newborn baby, they decided to take both Soren and the newborn into custody. Once Soren woke up, he realized he was in the hospital, while being surrounded by at least 10 Jonin, and when they noticed Soren had woke up, 2 of the Jonin left to contact the higher ups, and soon after, an old man in a Kage cap and robes entered the room with a newborn baby in his arms.

[You have awoken!... Good, now can you tell me your name?]: old man

[Soren Uchiha… Where am I?]: soren

Soren began to fake ignorance, as well as playing the victim card in hopes that the group of people around him will look at him as just a 3 year old, as that was his appearance.

[An Uchiha huh?... And where are your parents? And how did you enter the battlefield?]: old man

[My Mommy and Daddy were sent to fight that mean Fox, and I followed them to make sure they were okay… But I got lost, and that Mister with the Yellow hair saved me from the Fox]: soren

[So the 4th saved you from the Kyuubi?]: old man

[He's the 4th Hokage!?... I will pray to him every day for saving my life]: soren

[Yes, but you will not be able to speak about anything that happened… As well as not speak about this boy, whom I care in my arms]: old man

[Im sorry Old man, but I made a promise to 4th-san to protect his Son, and be his older Brother]: soren

[Hmm… Well I have good news, you two will be placed together, as you cannot go back to the Uchiha district for now]: old man

[But my home is there]: soren

[I see… I will give you a new home, and you can stay with this newborn here]: old man

Soren after a bit more questioning was released from the Hospital, and brought to a Home that was made to be Naruto's apartment, but was renovated to be a bit bigger. Soren then spent 3 years in that apartment with Naruto, while occasionally an Anbu Jonin would stop by to make sure Naruto and Soren were still alive, as well as provide some money for food supplies, and today, Soren would be taken into the Academy by orders of the 3rd Hokage.

'I guess I should show an outstanding ability of an Uchiha, but nothing to grand as to draw suspicion': soren

Soren then spent only 4 years inside the academy instead of 6 years, and graduated 2 years early, as well as being the top of his class with records that even surpassed Itachi Uchiha.

[Naruto will start in the upcoming months, and has asked me to teach him some moves… I wonder what I should teach him… Taijutsu? Genjutsu?]: soren

Soren came home from the graduation ceremony, and was greeted by Naruto who still had a mouth full of Raman as he shouted.

[Nii-chan!... Your back! How was the graduation?]: naruto

[Hehe… Your brother here is a full fledged Ninja now!]: soren

[Aww… I can't wait to join the academy now!]: naruto

[Don't worry, with hard practice, you should be able to pass with flying colors]: soren

Soren gave Naruto some encouragement, and over the next few days, Soren got set with a team, but he excelled so well, that Soren was called into the Hokage's office, for a meeting. When Soren got to the Hokage's building, he looked up at the mountain rage, and gave a 90 degree bow towards it, and entered the building, and after a 10 minute wait, Soren was brought into the office, and was seated in front of the Hokage.

[Soren-boya… I heard from your squad leader that you have excelled well past that of a Genin, and when he saw that you have unlocked the Sharingan, he felt that you could even surpass that of a Chunin… So I have called you here today to see if you would like to take the test to become a Jonin]: 3rd hokage

[So is that all I was called here for, old man?... I guess I could take the test, what do I need to do?]: soren

[Oh?... Then you can have a sparring match with one of my best Jonin, and all you need to do is touch him once]: 3rd hokage

[So easy?... Bring him on then! I will beat him to a pulp, Believe it!]: soren

'It seems Soren has also taken on Naruto's phrase, or did Naruto get it from him?... I can only rely on Kakashi to put Soren in his place': 3rd hokage

[Okay then… Fox!]: 3rd hokage

When the 3rd called out the name Fox, a man with a Fox mask and White hair wearing an Anbu uniform appeared beside the 3rd's side, appearing to be around the age of 21, and when Soren saw him, his only thoughts were.

'Kakashi huh?... I will land an attack then': soren

[So I will be fighting this one Lord 3rd?]: fox

[Yes, but don't look down on him, he is a full blooded Uchiha]: 3rd hokage

Kakashi looked towards Soren, and saw Soren have him a 45 degree bow, while keeping eye contact the whole time, and when Kakashi saw Soren had all 3 tomoes activated, he felt Soren might actually be a bit troublesome, and got serious.

[Then Follow me, we will go to the training grounds]: fox

Soren followed Kakashi, as well as the 3rd Hokage, as he would be the referee, and when they all reached training ground #3, Kakashi and Soren stood around 12 meters apart from each other, while the 3rd Hokage stood at a distance so as to not get in their way.

[You may start now!]: 3rd hokage

When the 3rd said those words, Soren then disappeared from his position, and caught Kakashi off guard, and in the next second, Soren appeared behind Kakashi with both hands clasped together with both index, and middle fingers pointing towards the sky, and with 7 words, scared the life out of Kakashi.

[Hidden Finger Jutsu!... Thousand Years of Death!]: soren

Kakashi quickly used his substitution jutsu, and Soren's fingers came into contact with a log and exploded it into millions of pieces.

'Holy Shit!... I might have died!': kakashi

While Kakashi thought this, Soren reappeared next to him and spoke in a calm tone before grabbing hold of Kakashi's arm.

[Game over, I win!]: soren

Soren gave a V sign with his hands, and Kakashi just sighed for the loss.